Sunday 22 December 2013

Rudoff the Red Nosed Reindog

Ho ho ho ho ho

I am still laughing!!! The grandkids came over to help decorate the tree and stay for a sleepover.
They also wanted to make cards for their teachers and wrap up the chocolates I bought for them to give.

The doorbell rang and I could hear excited voices outside as I walked to answer the door.  In burst Little Mr P,  and he ran straight to the tree without taking off his boots (a no-no in  Canadian houses). He carefully hung something on the tree as high as he could reach and worked hard to adjust it just so. Well, truth be told, as carefully as a person can be when they are wearing a snow jacket with the zipper undone and big velcro cuffs at the wrists. As my daughter was scolding him for not taking off his boots first, he proudly turned around and with the happiest face ever, announced...I made this for your tree!!!

Little Miss C and my daughter instantly asked if this was the Christmas dog from the Grinch. No, he says crossly, the smile fading a bit...this is a reindeer! They seemed a wee bit shocked and tried to make a quick recovery muttering something about how much this looked like that dog. You guys are silly, he said, see.....first of all it has a red nose AND it says right here on the back that it is RUDOFF and Rudoff is a reindeer!!!
The funniest bit was after he left today, I took this photo and realized that he had originally spelled it correctly, and then carefully changed it. I think he is very arty, for a little boy still in kindergarten.

My daughter was trying not to laugh as she still thought it looked like a dog and because she thinks I am too particular about how I decorate the tree. I use certain colours and try hard to get a balanced look to the various ornaments. Well, she must have forgot that I only started that style long after she had left home to start her own life. I had my years of hanging everything up that she and her sister made in school.  And....I loved it too.

I love my little Rudoff and shall treasure my little reindog...errr...reindeer, forever.

I am taking this little paper decoration over to the Pixies Crafty Workshop (not for the prize, thanks). Just to share that Little Mr P has also been working hard to use up his snippets. This is such a busy time of year and we can sometimes get caught up in the To Do list. We all need a little smile each day and this was mine.


brenda said...

Lovely post Maureen. I still have old decorations which come out time and again, one in particular which my Granddad bought me when I was about five so I guess it's an antique now, a bit like me !!

Thanks so much for your inspiration and friendship in 2013 and wishing you and yours a wonderful Christmas season.

B x

jimlynn said...

TOO cute!!! He did a fantastic job and this is a precious little Rudolph!

Karen P said...

Stunning, good job little Mister P xx

Carol said...

It made me smile too Maureen, I still have all the bits that the kids made in a box somewhere. Little Mr P did a fabulous job. Carol x

Kathleen said...

Aah how wonderful and how you could not tell it was a reindeer I do not know!

Kath x

Christine Harrop said...

How fabulous! This is a tale that will be told every Christmas I reckon! It's a wonderful Rudoff Master P!!!! I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas Maureen. Love and hugs from Christine xx

Merry said...

What a lovely story and one that I am sure will be remembered for a few years. Great work Mister P.

Sarn said...

Good Job Little Mr P! xxx

Diana Seal said...

What a sweet post Maureen! He did a beautiful job on his reindeer!
To you and your family
a very Merry Christmas!

Greta said...

Oh thank you so much for sharing this! Totally warmed heart--you are a lucky grandma! Happy Holidays!

Brenda Brown said...

Oh this is such a cute decoration and I love how you've told the story of Rudoff.
Have a wonderful and magical Christmas.
Festive greetings.
hugs {brenda} x0x

Tracy said...

Such an adorable story and a cherished memory :)
And yes, it is a no no to wear boots into a Canadian home…especially in the winter ;)

May said...

Lovely post... so sweet of your precious Grandson to make you a reindeer for the tree... you will treasure this always...I have things on my tree my children made over 25 years ago....Merry Christmas & A blessed 2014 to you & your family... Hugs May x x x

Kirby Carespodi said...

This is darling! I love using the ornaments my kids made, because it makes me feel like they're still here, in a way. Not sure why my little girl wants to live in big, bad NYC. *sigh* Thanks for stopping in at my blog to comment, and MANY thanks for spelling humor with an extra "u," the way my grandmother taught me.

Hettie said...

Aww Bless Mr P! I can see it is a Rudoff!
Not removing shoes is a no-no in my house too!

Anonymous said...

Heh, heh heh! Love Rudoff the Reindog, he's priceless! Have a wonderful Christmas with your family Mo, hope your snow sticks around.


Mrs A. said...

How super that little Mr P. made his decoration especially for you. I'm sure you will love it dearly. Hugs Mrs A.

Di said...

Aw, so adorable Mo! What a treasure to keep and hang on the tree each year.

Hugs, Di xx

Unknown said...

Hello there, I'm realy sorry that I've been such a bad bloggy friend the latter part of this year - things have just been so busy in real life, that blogworld has been neglected. I will try harder next!

Love the Rudolph story, and try as I might to get an elegant tree - little helping hands don't allow for that do they? I'm over it now and just appreciate that she wants to help me! Unlike the male of this family!!!

I've got a picture of the tree - if I have time I'll post it, but I'm afraid neither my tree or house are decorated nearly as elegantly as yours. Fab decorations and I love the little Elf. I wonder if SWMbO is too old for this now? Hmmmmm.

Merry Christmas to you and yours, hope you have a great one.


Elizabeth said...

Oh, lovely post, Maureen. Your love for your little grandson shines through it, as does his excitement at having made his Rudoff for your tree :) Hugs, Elizabeth xx

Words and Pictures said...

I loved reading this - and I love your reindog too!!
Alison x