Friday 20 December 2013

Deck the Halls

It is looking festive in the Scrappymo household.

Nativity - check

Tree - check

Front porch and door decorations - check I usually do a much nicer job with different fresh evergreen boughs but there were not any windstorms helping us out. Usually we find the boughs freshly dropped from the treed edges of the farm roads just below us. Wish I had not hung the keys across from each other on the is checked off the list and that is how it is staying!
Still want to weave some loopy bit of the jute (hessian) around the bench...but perhaps I am running out of time...I had grandious plans to loop the hessian there and all around the door...DH says I am dreaming and just to leave it...maybe fairies will come in the night and do it for me!

Christmas Village - check    

Mantle - check

Dining table centerpieces - check
Tried something new this year with some rhinestone press on letters. And managed to work in the  angel that we never seem to have a place for. Can you spot them... Let me help you...
Various Christmas decor - check

Gifts wrapped - check

Shortbread cookies - check

Cards mailed - check

Front Garden Lights - check
The tacky DH Light Up Santa - sigh...check

Could stop now if I wanted to but would still like to bake some Mincemeat Tarts and some Walnut Snowballs this weekend. Also need to check the liquor cupboard and make sure we have wine and liquors in for Christmas dinner. Glad to see the to do list is shorter than the finished list! Yay!

How are you all doing...are you ready for the big day...Hope some of you post your Christmas decor is always so fun and relaxing to sit and visit round the blogs at this time of year.

I will close with my best setting the scene Christmas photo...we woke up to it this morning...SNOW!!!

Sadly, we are much more so at this time of year as the leaves that help to screen out the neighbours have dropped! But it is still my view and I so love to see the snow at Christmas, especially on my little Victorian garden shed!

Merry Christmas!


Brenda Brown said...

Your house and porch look wonderful, you have made everywhere look so festive and ready for Christmas. Of course your snowy garden is a real treat, how lively to wake up to that gorgeous scene.
Merry Christmas Mo and best wishes for a happy, healthy and peaceful 2014.
hugs {brenda} x0x

Redanne said...

What a treat to see how you have decorated your home Maureen! Everything looks wonderful and your front porch looks so inviting - and the snow - what a perfect finishing touch! Thanks so much for sharing. Confession time - we have not put our tree up yet......hopefully today. Have a wonderful holiday season. Big festive hugs, Anne x

brenda said...

You look very suitable Seasonal Maureen both inside and out.

I would so love to wake up to that scene outside, all we have had for weeks is wind and rain, so not seasonal.

Hope you have a good weekend.

B x

Carol said...

Can I come for Christmas Maureen? Your house looks wonderful, love all your decorations....and a covering of snow to complete the scene....have a wonderful time. Carol x

Asia King (aka Joanna K) said...

Your decorations are truly beautiful and with that snowy garden you're all set for Christmas! Have a great Christmas and best wishes for the New Year 2014!♥ xxx

May said...

Your home is beautiful... full of festive beauty everywhere... your tree is stunning... Love the porch & the snow in the garden is the icing on the cake...Merry Christmas & a Blessed 2014 to you & your family....Hugs May x x x

Carol L said...

Your home looks so festive and tastefully decorated! I wish I had that sort of flair, but I don't! I had to smile, as we have the exact same dining room hutch! GMTA!
Have a wonderful Christmas!!! (hugs) Carol

Bonnie said...

Sounds like you're ready for the big day, Mo! Thanks for the tour or all your pretty decorations. How nice to look out and see snow! Happy Christmas!

Karen P said...

Oh Mo!!! Everything looks wonderful at your home, so warm and welcoming. I'm even more than a little bit jealous of the snow xx

Wishcraft said...

Looking very festive and fabulous Mo, great photos :o) Hugs, Lisa x

Merry said...

What beautiful decorations you have….love your tree and the decorations around your door. Yep, I spied the angel. A lovely scene with the snow too….wishing you a terrific Christmas day.

Words and Pictures said...

Fabulous festive decor - and lucky you with that snow... we've got gales and driving rain!!

Hope you have a great time at your party!
Alison xx

Darnell said...

It's always a pleasure to visit your beautiful home, Maureen, especially at Christmas! And, oh, wow, if only you could run the utilities out to your sweet Victorian shed, we could be stamping Playhouse sisters!! That is one amazing gardening shed!!

Thank you so much for the shortbread cookie recipes in the prior posts! My weakness. The fact that they are bite-size means they only have 10 calories each, right? Good, because I would be popping them in my mouth like popcorn kernels. Sigh.

I have copied and saved your recipes to make someday - and hopefully not mess up, but I make no promises!

I want to wish you and your family the happiest of holidays and thank you so much for all your visits and support this year!! Holly Jolly Hugs! Mwah!!Darnell

MaryH said...

So enjoyed the tour of all your lovely decorations (and I quite liked Mr. Santa! He was very cute & festive). You had a lot of work to get all this done & so tastefully too. I think your front entrance looks great just the way you have it...don't change one thing! Since we did very little (and no baking anymore at our house) was most pleasant to see yours. The snowscape is so pretty, but I'm glad that you have it and not us! We have been enjoying mid-70 to mid-80 lovely sunshine & it is most welcome indeed. TFS, Big Hugs & Merry Christmas too. So nice to have found you in Blogland.

Greta said...

I am so impressed--love all the decorations making your room beautiful & festive! The mantle really grabbed my eye & can't get enough angels. Snow just tops it off! We had an early snow (very unusual) & looks like sun for Christmas. Oh well, that's Oregon!

Anita Scroggins said...

Hi- I am so glad that you are finally getting back to normal! Have a Merry Christmas!! Love your decor- esp that spot you have your tree in. I don't have a great spot for my tree in this house :(

Tracy said...

Thank you for sharing your holiday home with us.
You really do deck the halls don't you ;)
I love your garden shed, its adorable.

Kathleen said...

That is just like I would love my house to be at Christmas but my Husband is such a Bah Humbug that I am lucky to get away with a tree and a few decorations.
Hope you have a fabulous Christmas and all the best for 2014.

Kath x

Debs Willis said...

Maureen, everything looks fabulous! Sounds like you need to put your feet up and have a drink after all that :-)
Have a lovely Christmas

Debs xxx

Pat said...

How beautifully decorated your house is and the finishing touch is the snow outside. Have a very Happy Christmas. x

Anonymous said...

Lovely and festive at your house Mo, I think your front porch looks very welcoming. My hubby and I baked all weekend, still got more things to make but we're almost done, now, one or two more gifts to wrap and that's it. Time to put my feet up with a mince pie or three!! Have a wonderful Christmas, looking forward to popping in next year.


Anonymous said...

wow, very festive and pretty! i LOVE your victorian shed; it looks ver cozy!
merry christmas and happy new year.

Pia S said...

You were really well prepared for Christmas! We didn't get a white Chrstmas this year, rain and approx 8 degrees.