Tuesday 30 October 2012


Finally! It is Wednesday in England.........Spooky time!
Soon to be a time for all sorts of scary creatures to be ringing my doorbell! Ringing it about 150 to 200 times I might add! Some years we have had close to 300 and others around 150 to 180 little trick or treaters. The costumes are usually fabulous and the kids so well mannered...I love Halloween!

My desk is pretty bare.I finally finished the gardening cards and so have cleaned up to have it ready for my next project...making little gift bags for the grandkids candy.  My daughter has scolded me about the amount of chocolate bars we gave on previous years...so we are under strict orders to rein it in this year.

 I think she will be happy...there is just enough room for a full size bag of Smarties, a full size Hershey's chocolate bar, and a few little  mini chocolate bars. I think they look kind of chintzy but she will think it is just right! Here is a close up...you can see the fabulous spooky card my neighbour brought me this morning. She was able to drop by for a really quick cup of coffee before rushing to pick up her little guy at preschool. Such a treat to have coffee with a friend.
Some people have asked about the clear drawers against the wall. They are square glass jars with silver push on lids...they are from the dollar store (Dollarama) and were only $1.25 each. Sadly, they are discontinued as I would like a ton more of the smaller size.
They are full of ribbon scraps, twine, jute, and flowers.....tons of flowers.  In 2013, my goal is to make a ton of cards that feature flowers as many of them are quite out of style and need to be "remade" into something a bit more stylish. A little stacking of various layers, a little inking, a few pearls, some scrunching and maybeI can transform some of the ugly duckling flowers into swans.

If you want to peek into a few more desks, swing by our hostess Julia's   http://stamping-ground.blogspot.ca/  but don't forget to leave her some bloggy hugs!!!


Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

mmm sorry, Maureen do NOT like halloween or All hallow's eve - hate the colours and everything associated with it, sorry to be negative but there is it - am so over seeing it everywhere.. come on 1.11.12.

Whinge over - love the wee card down below very lovely..and re the colouring in pencils not dont use them with gamsol as they dont work they are not the waxy variety which is what ones are that use that...
.. and so use them any old which way it takes me did bit last night and was just colouring, laying down layers.
I might add blender pencil to it or teeny bit of water they are water colours but dont always use them that way as they colour so well are Supracolor by Caran d'Ache happy WOYWW and thanks for popping over Shaz in oz. x.

Jules said...

Hi Mo

Gosh that is an awful lot of Halloween visitors!!!

Thank you for your lovely comments on my blog and I am more than happy for Little Miss C to copy by Christmas card.

Love Jules xx

Neet said...

When I read how many callers you were expecting I thought "ah, America" because you celebrate it more than we do here in England. I was only once in America at Halloween but out of the way a bit so we only had one caller. Would love to see all the children dressed up, how lucky you are. Did you decorate your garden? That is something else I would love to do, ride around a neighbourhood and see all the gardens. You are so lucky.
Love the little gift bags, what a fabulous thing for you to do.
Hugs, Neet xx

nwilliams6 said...

Love these cool bags and the cute card your neighbor/friend made. I confess to being crazy about your glass jars! They are sooo cool. Love your goal for 2013 - it is an admirable one. Thanks for dropping by my blog and leaving a nice comment. I adore your blog!

Unknown said...

What an awesome card your neighbour brought you :) and you were able to have coffee. What a great day.
Those treat bags you made at super sweet and I just love those zig zag bags.
Thanks for visiting the UYS blog and leaving your sweet comment. Joy :)

VonnyK said...

You sure get a lot of callers. Thank goodness we don't do it here. The bags are gorgeous and I love the little card. So nice to have coffee with friends. Isn't it always the way when you find something you really like, they discontinue it. Have fun using up the jars of goodies.
Have a great week.
Von #38

Annie said...

I'm sat reading my WOYWW blogs on my sick bed this week but have my mask on so you don't catch anything. I'm enjoying reading what everyone is up to this week [it's better than reading magazines :-) ]. I'm leaving a copied comment so you know I've called by because my hands are too weak and shaky to keep typing out my comments this week.
Big hugs,
A x #93

Mary Pat Siehl said...

oh i just love those chevron treat bags!!!

Erika said...

Love your little treat bags. I thought we had a lot of kids with between 40 and 50 but then we live in a little village. Goodie bags sorted here too just got to think about baking and costumes now.
Have a great Wednesday, hugs Erika.

The House of Bears said...

Love those bags, happy Hallowe'en

The bears @#104 this week

Katie said...

I love the candy treat bags! They are fabulous!

Happy Halloween and WOYWW!
Katie #114

Vicky Hayes said...

Our family goes out for dinner and go to the cinema on halloween! I know lots of people love all the all the dressing up and leads of sweets though and your little bags are a great idea - enjoy it! Your glass drawers are gorgeous too.

downrightcrafty said...

think you might have a busy night looking at all of these gorgeous creations, I just got in and no knocks yet
Hugs Kate xx

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

I am sure the children will love those goodie bags. I am afraid we don't do Hallowe'en here. We tend to lock the porch door, all the blackout curtains, and turn off the door bell. The trick or treaters round here tend to be of the rotten eggs on the window variety. Hope you enjoy the celebrations in your area. xx Maggie #42

Tracy said...

Your treat bags awe so cute :)
Awesome card your neighbour gave you, so nice to have a neighbour to share a morning cup of jojo with :)

Julia Dunnit said...

The bargain jars are a testament to your tidy crafting method for sure. I love the chevron paper you've usedfo r the little baggies.... I love that your daughter scolded you....it's one of life's pleasures isn't it, to spoil other people's children!

Angela Toucan said...

sounds like lots of fabulous goodies in those jars, enjoy altering your older flowers into "swans"
many blessings to you from Angela

May said...

Love those treat-bags... boy you have a lot of spooky callers!!! Gorgeous card from your friend... Happy Halloween!! Hugs May x x x

Anne said...

Oh my word that's a lot of callers. I made two little treat packets for my granddaughters for today but that's all. Your treat bags are great. Happy WOYWW Anne x #142

Ali H said...

Your hallowe'en goodie bags look great fun ! Hope the hallowe'en hoards enjoyed them ! We only had 3 young ones round from the houses next door - so we got off very lightly ! Ali #57

A Creative Operation said...

Those bags are super cute! I wish my grandson lived closer so that I could do that for him! Have a wonderful day!

Darnell said...

Holy bat quano, that is a lot of ding-dongs visiting on Halloween!! And you make THAT many of those adorable little treat bags and put all that candy inside and it's less than you used to do????????? Am I going blind or is that what I read?!

You are well-loved by kids far and wide, that's for sure!

Cute card, too! Thanks for coming by to visit me already! Hope you continue to feel good and have a great week! Darnell #63

Princess Judy Palmer said...

I applaud your goal of using up lots of flowers in the near future. I need to make that goal for myself too. I have a ridiculous amount of them from back in the day when I used flowers on almost every card I made. I like your square glass jars. Such a bummer they don't make them anymore. I have one larger one I bought somewhere, more pricey than a dollar store. I put buttons in it. I like the look of the chevron printed gift bags. That got me thinking that a chevron printed pocket would probably look pretty nifty on a card!

Darnell said...

Oh, thank God! I'm glad to learn that you are human after all!!

Amy E said...

WOW!!!! How do you get SO MANY trick or treaters??? That's amazing! We got maybe 10 or 12 tonight and most of them were kids of friends of ours. You must live on a really great street!!

Love the treat bags for your grandbabies!! Hope you're feeling better!!

Amy E. #9

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Hi Maureen, thanks for popping back and sorry I went it over the top in may comment, could have been kinder .. it just gets to me.

.. and yes re your comment they are wodnerful to play with and used to teach my children all sorts of methods when teaching years ago now.. and still do so when doing calligraphy especially the blending side with all different shades,
love Shaz in Oz. #37 I think..
PS Candy is posted! YAY! so please join in, as you are one of my wodnerful encouragers in spite of my rants :D

Glenda Atkins said...

Oh I so so love your clean desk, wished mine looked like that:O) Love your Halloween treat bags for the grand kids, and the card in the bottom corner (from your friend) is delightful, what a great friend! happy Halloween!

Hettie said...

Gorgeous lickle treat bags there and well done to you. Also that desk is way too tidy.
Thanks for your visits. I do love to see your comments!

Sue Althouse said...

Cute treat bags! Love the black chevron. You get lots of trick or treaters! We just have a few.

Mary Jo said...

I love your little treat bags!
So cute!!
Missing participating in WOYWW!

Lisa Rukin Swift said...

These turned out so cute!

LisaDV said...

I love your little treats bags. They are adorable.
Blessings for an excellent week.
LisaDV #147

Shelby said...

What fantastically cute and adorable Halloween bags! That's a lot of trick or treaters but aren't the littlest ones just the cutest!!


Brenda Brown said...

What a great tidy desk and cute Halloween bags. Hope you all had a great time.
Enjoy your weekend.
hugs {brenda} xox

Jingle said...

These are all so cute!

Anne-Elise said...

Fab Halloween little gift bags! Love your jars full of goodies and your clean desk!! Have a great weekend! Hugs

Anonymous said...

So how many Halloween visitors did you end up with this year? Love the little gift baggies for your G-children, I'm sure they'll have more than enough candy when all is said and done. Lovely to have a neighbour to have coffee with, must help lift your spirits a bit when you can't get around as much at the minute. Perhaps you should go overboard on the Christmas decorations to make up for the Halloween ones you couldn't put out! Have a great weekend.

Brenda 1

Redanne said...

Didn't quite make the desks this week but love your treat bags and the card from your neighbour is so cute! Regret to say that we only had one visitor this year but he was a little cutie, all dressed up as a skeleton. Wish we celebrated it more! Thank you for your visit and good wishes, much appreciated. Crafty hugs, Anne x

Heather{Our Life In a Click} said...

The bags are so super cute!! You get a lot of trick or treaters...we don't get many. I'm hoping we get some today (it's been rescheduled due to the power outage)

Barb King said...

I love the little treat bags, sounds like they are just the right size for a few goodies! Wow,you have a lot of trick or treaters. We usually get about 5, but we live on a dead end street with about 6 houses. Have a great week.

Izzy Anderson said...

I love your treat bags. They are perfectly delicious. Super cute. That's a grand card your neighbor brought you too!!

Unknown said...

Hi ya, those little treat bags are so sweet! It's funny the little things that catch the attention as you blog hop isn't - I read the contents of the little bags and you say a bag of Smarties. We have tubes of Smarties here - are we talking about the same sweets I wonder? Little chocolate sweet in various colours? Maybe they are different.

I've got loads of flowers as well - but not from a long time ago, mine are very recent purchases but I've gone off them at the mo. They will no doubt start appearing again soon.

Glad you got my card, and liked it!


Wishcraft said...

Wow you get loads of trick or treaters! We only had 4 little groups, but the weather was awful! Your treat bags look fab, and so do your storage jars :o) Hugs, Lisa x

Pia S said...

Your treat bags look great - bet there were some happy children receiving those! Love the chevron base for your bags, and you did a wonderful job decorating them.
Halloween is nothing I've grown up with, but I think it's getting to be a bigger and bigger event. My nephews seem to enjoy it (aged 3-16).
PS: your desk seems very clean and neatly arranged. I don't have a crafting room, but our dining room looks more and more like a crafting space...