Wednesday 25 March 2015

March Rudolph Days

It is the 25th of the month and you know what that means...Time for the February Rudolph Days Challenge. Here is a quick recap of the Rudolph Days Rules.

1. Rudolph Days will start monthly on the 25th and will close on the last day of that month.
2. The theme is always Anything Goes, as long as it is Christmas.
3. One entry per person and you just need to enter one Christmas card. (You can have more than one card on your post, but your post will still only count as one entry)
4. You may combine your entry with other challenges (maximum of 10 in total).
5. The winner will be selected by random draw and announced on the first day of the following month.
6.  Prizes will be shipped anywhere in the world.

Last month's winner, Sally Miller of Krazy Jayne blog is a guest designer this month. Sally has made this gorgeous gold embossed, and very, very pretty bird card. So very shimmering and full of sparkle. I love the way she has echoed that gorgeous gold with the diecut mat!

We have a second guest designer this month. Tanya of Little Art Cottage blog. Tanya was the lucky winner of the January Rudolph Days challenge. I love the soft and pretty colours of her adorable snowman image! That snow is so realistic...feels like Christmas already!

Here is my March Rudolph Days card. It is simple in design but I really enjoyed making it. In keeping with my aim of making some slimmer cards this year, this one will definitely fit through the regular postage slot.

I stamped the Hero Arts Winter Scene image onto a snippet of white card and then chalked the sky around it. I thought it seemed sort of flat so I went over that chalk with some glimmery chalks that are about 10 or more years old. They are made  by Yatsutomo and the intensity of the colour can be changed by how much water you use  There is a lovely shimmer to the sky now.
Placed that matted image onto some glitter card and then mounted that finished topper onto a 5 1/2 x 5 1/2 square card.

Suddenly, I remembered that when we were moving,  I missed a Snow Covered Trees theme at my Christmas Card Club. So I pulled out my Zig glue pen and fine white Stampendous Glitter added some snow to the trees and a few snow drifts for good measure! Makes me feel a little better that I caught up a bit with this card. Here is a little close up of that snow...I am happy with this card as it seems more arty than my usual style.

I am entering my scene card in the following challenges:

1. Christmas Card Club - Snow covered trees (a very overdue card, I must say...sorry ladies)
2. Pixies Crafty Workshop - must use snippets
3. Darnell's NBUS Challenge #4 - my scenic stamp is my NBUS item

4. Merry Monday Challenge - #151 Tree
The March Rudolph Days Challenge prize is this Dazzling Snowflake die. Good luck in the draw!


brenda said...

Hand up Mo, I know after promising that I've not joined in yet, truth is I've not had a moment to think outside TL the last few week, until the weekend that is when I went scenic as you saw.

Messge to self for today - Christmas card !!

Pleased the move is all falling into place, sounds like you will soon be sorted.

B x

sally said...

Ooh! I love that glittery snow, reminds me of the real thing :-) fortunately we've seen very little of the white stuff in my corner of NE Scotland this winter,


Jenny L said...

Hi Maureen,
ooooooo! I think I'm first again.
congrats to you gust designers, and didn't they make such great cards.
Love the fab scene on yours too.
I do admire all the work involved on a scene on a card, and yours is perfectly stamped, and created.
Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.

Christine Harrop said...

Love your winter trees card Maureen. I like the deer, who look as they are watching something. Hope all is well. Hugs Christine xx

Kath said...

Three fabulous cards - it's hard to believe this is the third Rudolph Day this year!
Kath x

brenda said...

OK Mo, pangs of guilt finally for got the better of me, amazing what you can do before work if you actually put your mind to it.

B x

Sandra H said...

Wow simply gorgeous again is your card Scrappymo l adore your flat card and it does of course save on the postage xx

Sarn said...

Terrific GDT cards and I love your snowy scenic Rudolph Day card too Mo.

LOVE that die . . . .so please put my name in for this month's draw.

Many thanks.

Hugs, Sarn xxx

Jane Willis said...

At last! I've actually made a Christmas card and joined in!

Dragon said...

Just love the creations this month, such variety of styles.

Craftychris said...

Fabulous inspirations cards! I have entered today, Yay! I love this challenge! xxx

Carol L said...

Sally & Tanja both made some beautiful samples, and I love the sparkle on your pretty card too! You can keep the snow over there - I've had enough for this year :)
I'm playing just for fun this month, as I already have this pretty die :)

LesleyG said...

Love the guests cards, and yours is pretty and truly arty sparkly too. Thanks for organising the Rudolph Day for us xxx

KT Fit Kitty said...

Your and your GD's cards are all so beautiful! Why does Rudolph Day sneak up on me every month - I will get myself organized and make a card! Thank you for the inspiration and motivation to get my Christmas cards made early!

Sue - said...

Hi Mo just entered but you need to delete entry 14 as I put the wrong link and it won't let me delete it! Sorry!

Jean said...

I love your snowy scenic card with some lovely sparkle. Super cards from your guest DTs as well.
Thank you for the chance to win the gorgeous die.
Jean x

KandA said...

Hi Maureen, love the GDT inspiration and also your fabulous card. That is a fabulous MB die so please put me in the hat this month xx

Anonymous said...

beautiful christmas cards by the GDT and you, maureen! i love your chalked sky and wintery scene. we're supposed to get snow tomorrow and it looks and feels like it's still winter instead of spring. :/ thanks for popping by to comment; i barely submitted my card and you visited!

Carol said...

Fabulous inspiration from everyone Maureen. Will be along soon with a card. Carol x

Sandy said...

Love that the sample cards have three very diistinct styles.
Beautiful die; please put me in the draw.

Whisper said...

Fabby inspiration from your GDT and yourself Maureen - i so love your Xmas scene.

I've nearly finished making my card and will upload it before the weekend, luv Sam x

Linby said...

Wonderful cards!

Kathleen said...

Gorgeous card Mo and I love those trees and the way you have presented them.

Kath x

Sally H said...

You can't beat a snowy tree scene! Gorgeous card, Mo and fab makes from the guest DT too. Hope you are settling in to your new place and beginning to see more floor and less boxes

Hettie said...

Happy Rudolph Day!! Gorgeous makes showcased here today. Love them all.
Will try and join in soon.

Mrs A. said...

Super snowy scene. Hugs Mrs A.

Greta said...

Beautiful cards--love your scene!

Tanja said...

thanks for having me as a Guest Designer this month

mamapez5 said...

My first comments seems to have gone astray, so I am back to have another go. I love your ´chilly´card. I always enjoy scenic stamping, whether from one complete stamp, or using lots of little elements, and this is no exception.
Lovely cards from the guest designers too. Kate x

Pia S said...

I'm so sorry I won't make it for this month's challenge. But I still wanted to stop by and look at your and your guest designers makes.
Your card is different from your usual style, but I think it looks wonderful. Such a beautiful and peaceful looking scene. Unfortunately it looks like what I woke up to this morning. It was quite a chock, more than 10 cms of new snow. Yesterday we all thought (hoped) spring was just around the corner. It's been chaos in Oslo today, people not being able to get to work because the busses couldn't deal with all the snow....

Bonnie said...

What beautiful samples, Sarn! I love your wintery scene with the snowy trees!

Joan said...

Lovely snowy scenes

Karen P said...

All three cards are stunning Mo! As usual I love the landscape, it's the style of Crimbo card I love a lot, then that gorgeous cute snowman and then the first one - all three are stunning!
I would like to be added to the random linky thing please. Hope you are all settled now and everything is in its place. Thanks for the challenge too Karen x

Di said...

Great cards Mo! Love them all.

Just playing for fun as I already have this fantastic die- whoever is the lucky winner is going to be a very happy bunny!


Di xx

Kathyk said...

Lovely makes from you, to get us all going

A little late to the party but I've just uploaded my entry!


MaryH said...

Whew, Mo, I just skated in after struggling to transfer the photo from camera software to the laptop (problem was figuring out what file it landed in!). Very last minute card, but I'm seeing some real beauties hightlighted in your post. Love the dazzle on the gold card, and the softness of #2. Both are winners for sure. Loving that wonderful winter snow scene you've shared. Well done, and Congrats to your 2 showcased designers! Will get back later to enjoy as many of the entries as possible. Realized that my Rudy card could also work as a NBUS...and after seeing that you've used the NBUS icon, think I should edit my post to show it too! Big hugs! Thanks for being a terrific hostess, in addition to all that you have going on just now. TFS

Rebecca said...

Hi ScrappyMo, hope you're okay! I love how you've chalked the sky, I think it looks mint!

Love From Rebecca xx

Sassy Raggedy said...

I love your wonderful card Mo....You always surprise me how creative you are with such a variety of crafting items you use. Very Talented. Hugs, joann

Darnell said...

A lovely post and wonderful cards by all! Your Christmas tree card is fantastic, Mo!! Thank you so much for linking it to my NBUS Challenge #4! I know you entered early on, but I don't actually see this one in the gallery, so maybe you forgot to link, unless it's not under "scrappy mo" in the name and I haven't seen it yet. Could you double-check, please?

I think it's fun that we are mutually admiring and supporting each other! You can also edit your post and link up over at the Merry Monday challenge where the brief is "tree!" Thanks again, my friend! Hugs, Darnell

Bonnie said...

I'm so glad you shared this awesome card with us at Merry Monday!

Maarit at Violets Corner said...

Phew, I managed to make a card in time this month and add it! Your card is very beautiful, a lovely winter scene, I especially admire the fantastic sky. The GDT cards are also fabulous, lots of inspiration there.

Love and hugs

Twinks Stamping said...

Great cards. Love your snowy scene. Have a lovely day xx

Notes by Nina said...

Fabulous card, Thank you for joining us for Merry Monday.

Unknown said...

Your guest designers created lovely cards. I love the gold embossing on that beautiful gold die cut on Sally's card. And the image on Tanya's card is so sweet and the soft colors she used are perfect with it.

As for your card, it is lovely. Such a tranquil winter scene and I love the sparkle.

I had fun making a card to play along. And I think this is the first year I've ever made a Christmas card this early. Woo Hoo!!!

Brenda B said...

Hello Mo... **waves frantically**, took me a while to get to Canada but I'm here at last with a card! Love the inspiration this month, very pretty. Glad to hear you're settling in to your new digs.


Liz said...

A gorgeous selection of cards - lots of inspiration!

Just playing for fun this month. I already have the beautiful Snowflake die - it's one of my favourite Christmas dies, so I'm sure the lucky winner will love it. xx

Brenda said...

Wow, the guest designers make fabulous cards! I love Sally's gold embossed card, it is so elegant and very rich looking! And Tanya's card is so sweet and cute and makes me go brrrr! lol Your card is a beautiful, peaceful winter scene and I just love it. And speaking of snow, yeah we are still seeing the white stuff flying around, but thankfully it isn't sticking in my area. In the mountains and higher up where my son goes to college it is though. We, like many, are so needing spring and summer to get here and stay. lol Thanks for letter me play along this month! Hugs, Brenda

Pat said...

I love your gorgeous snowy card Mo and your two GD's have made beautiful cards too. So wish I had time to enter a card but I have so much going on at the moment that making cards has had to take a back seat. I have been trying to keep up with commenting as I do love to see what others are doing. I will try to do better next month! x

Holly AKA KopyKat said...

Oh these are so fabulous!