Thursday 25 January 2024

Jan 2024 Rudolph Days Challenge

It is with a heavy heart that I write this post. Sadly, this will be the last Rudolph Days Challenge post from this blog. Many of you know that Al and I have not had the best of health these last couple of years. You know that we also want to downsize to a rancher in a gated community, as Al struggles with with the stairs now. My mobility issues have made the stairs a bit dangerous for me as well, so we have been looking at various complexes for the right floor plan and site amenities, for about a year.

We have found 4 complexes that we like with a pool and hot tub to help keep us mobile, as well as a meeting/craft room for me! So, we are listing our house on Feb 1st. Hopefully, we manage to find one for sale as so far we have missed out on 2, and have turned several down that had terrible locations (busy road etc). Our daughter has a basement suite at ground level (no stairs), and they wish to not rent it out anymore. They will just use it themselves for their own family, and would let us stay there while we look if we do not find something in time.
With all the work ahead re searching listings, viewings at our place, packing, and unpacking, etc. I have decided to close the challenge. If anyone would like to take it over, email me at This week I will be checking over each month making sure that all prizes for 2023 have been mailed out. Email me at if I have missed you. Sorry if you are one that I missed, but that is another reason I need to step down. Getting out to mail prizes is a bigger chore with poor mobility!

I have done up 2 cards for your inspiration this month. I have had the designers retire in December, so as to allow them this last chance to participate and try for a prize as well. My first card is a tentfold 6x6 inch square, featuring die cuts. It was a simple card to make and is great one for low depth when trying to keep postage to the minimum. The red bow is layered up a bit for a wee bit of depth.
My second card features some cheeky little reindeer. I think they are trying to kick up their heels! I had fun stamping and colouring this image. I then used snippets to complete the matting and set it onto to a pale blue background with silver embossed snowflakes. Amazing how my computer has made it look like a pale green background! The sentiment is many years old and I picked up a sheet of them at the time. Lots left to use up now!
Our prize will be this Karen Burniston Merry Christmas die and this Memory Box poinsettia die.


KarinsArtScrap said...

Hi Maureen what sad news, but I understand it why you do that, health comes first.
Hope you fine a home on time, and great from your daughter if you don't find anything on time, goodluck.
Hope I can join your challenge for the last karin

Sandra H said...

Hi Maureen, so very sorry to read this post and its totally understandable health must come first and good luck with the sale l hope you and Al find the right property pretty quickly so you can both get settled, l truly hope that there will be someone out there who would love to take on the challenge and keep it going l have enjoyed every challenge l have entered and its been a really pleasure to liaise with you and your team take care sending lots of hugs xxx

Sandra H said...

Forgot to mention both cards are stunning as are the prizes xx

Lia said...

Maureen I wish you all the best and thank you for all the crafting fun you have given to us! Stay safe!
Lia xx

lichazul said...

Beautiful cards, congrats 😊💐 happy day

mamapez5 said...

I am so sorry to hear this is our last Rudolph Day on your blog. I have so enjoyed being a part of this challenge for many years. But I quite understand your reasons and sincerely hope you will soon be settled in a more suitable home. Our health must come first! I do hope someone else is prepared to take on the challenge. I am not in a postion, health, age or location wise to do so, or I would. But I will try to hold on to your inspiration and continue to make a few Christmas cards each month.
Your two cards are lovely. I like the frame, and the reindeer are fun.
With every good wish for the future. Kate x

Jenny L said...

Hi Maureen,
as I already knew about this it is with sad regrets to say goodbye to you and the other design team members.
I totally understand that yours and AL's health are what you must consider.
I do so hope your sale goes through quickly and you find a new palce very soon.
I would like to take this oppertunity to thank you for all your hard work involved over these past years.
I would also like to thank the design team past and present for all their hard work too.
Sending big goodbye hugs to all.
Lots of crafty love and big hugs. Jenny L.

Jenny L said...

Sorry forgot to say Your cards are fabulous and such beautiful designs also.
Love them both but my fave is the Reindeers kicking the hooves.

Linby said...

So sorry to read this Mo, but your health and that of Al comes first. Thanks for running the challenge for these past years and to the DT for their inspiration. I didn't receive my prize last year, I assume it was lost in the post, but I will email you about it.

You've created two fabulous cards.

Lynn x

Wies said...

Hi Maureen,
Sorry to read that this is the last Rudolph day challenge on your blog. I really enjoyed participating in teh challenges. But it's understandable because of your and Al's health. I hope you find an other and more suitable home soon and wisch you both all the best.
Wies x

Kathyk said...

So sorry to read that you are going to be closing the Rudolph Day challenges but I totally understand that you must look after YOU. I thank you for your hard work with the challenges and wish you both all the VERY best with your futures


Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

Hi Maureen, I'm sorry to hear that this is the last challenge, even if I don't entered so often because of my busy life. Thanks so much for all your hard work running the challenge for a lot of years. Thanks to the DT ladies too. I understand very well your needs, surely health and family come firstly!! Fingers crossed for a fabulous new home with all the optional you desire! Challenges are in daily life too, so I hope you won a better place to live with your hubby! :)
Hugs and prayers for the best!!

Becca Yahrling said...

Hi Maureen, such bittersweet news to be sure, but totally understandable. Praying for you & Al as you embark on staying well and finding a new home. And I thank you so much for having this fun challenge every month for so long. It has always been a favorite challenge to me (who doesn't love Christmas?!! lol). I will play along, but just for fun (I have both prizes already). Your cards are lovely - all that shine on the first and those darling reindeer on the 2nd.
Crafty hugs & smooches,

Kath said...

I'm sorry to hear you're closing the RD Challenge, but yours and Al's health must come first. I hope you are able to move swiftly into your new home and that we still see you in blogland.
Kath x

Suzanne H said...

It is bittersweet news that your challenge will be closing but I certainly understand you need to take of yourself and your family first. I'm so glad I have my card ready for the final challenge. I'll have to keep myself accountable now each month to keep up with my Christmas cards. Thank you for all the hard work and I hope you find the home of your dreams.

Loll said...

Hi Maureen. Thank you for all your hard working in running Rudolph Days Challenge. I have enjoyed playing along. All the best of luck in finding the perfect place for you and Al to live. How wonderful that you have a back-up if you sell your house and haven't found a new place in time. Take care of yourself and Al. Loll xx

Chris said...

So sorry to read that this will be the last RD challenge but you do have to put yourself and your husband first. Thank you so much for all the wonderful challenges that you have provided over the years and for all the inspiration from yourself and your lovely team. I hope that the sale of your house goes smoothly and you soon find the perfect place to live.

Pat said...

It is very sad to hear you have to give the challenge up Maureen, but it is understandable, and hope you and Al get settled very quickly in your new home, but great that you would be able to move in with your daughter until the right place comes up. I have not been the best of players but have always loved the challenge, and I did have the privilege of being on the DT for a year which I very much enjoyed, and a big thank you for all your hard work over the years running the challenge. x

Pat said...

Sorry Maureen, I forgot to say two wonderful cards you made, and the first looks like a lace background using the pretty die, and love the central sentiment plate and the pretty red layered die cut bow. The second is such fun with the cute reindeer over the blue snowflake it! x

Liz said...

So sorry to read this Maureen, but totally understand your decision. I hope your house sells soon and you move into a new home where you and Al will be very happy. Thank you for running this challenge for so long and finishing with two wonderful cards for inspiration. I really enjoyed my spell of being a Guest Designer a while ago.
Take care. Liz xx

Carol L said...

I shall miss this wonderful challenge blog but I certainly understand your mobility issues and how changes must be made to accommodate both you and Al as life changes. Moving is overwhelming to me at my age, so I understand how difficult this is going to be. I've enjoyed all the years I've played here and made Christmas cards and although I'm sorry to see things end, I understand. You will certainly be missed. Best wishes always. Your cards are just beautiful too. One more time - happy Rudolph Day! Hugs

Denise Bryant said...

I totally understand about the challenge! You need to do whatever is best for you and Al. Sending all the best wishes that you find just the spot for your move, and that the timing works out well too!
Awesome cards! Love the elegance of the first card, and those adorable whimsical reindeer on the second card! Happy Rudolph Days!

Anita van Deur said...

Great cards, and yes you need to do what is best for you and Al.
Take care Anita

LesleyG said...

Blogland will not be the same without Rudolph Day, so hopefully someone will step forward, otherwise I’m going to still post a card if I can anyway! I have relied on it also to build my stash, but in saying that, I forgot again 🙄, so will be rushing off to make one for this month.
Thank you so much for running this for us, I can’t imagine how hard it has been, especially over the last couple of years, and you deserve a medal for being such a trooper, we really appreciate it.
I wish you all the very best for your new chapter. I hope it goes as smoothly as it can, and you’ll be settled and happy very soon.
Sending best wishes xxx

Sarn said...

I wish you all the best for your house move and am sorry to hear you have to give up this fun challenge due to health issues.

I was truly delighted when you stepped forward & took on the challenge when I gave it up. You’ve done a marvellous job for all these years and I really hope someone steps forward for you & takes it over. Good luck 🤞 xxx

Sue - said...

Hi Maureen, I’m so sorry to hear you’re giving up the challenge but health and quality of life has to come first. I do hope you find a suitable property soon and that the move goes well. That is also very stressful so hope you have plenty of help with it. Sending hugs, Sue xx

Di said...

Such sad news Mo, but a wise move to be honest. On the upside - you and Al will find your new home for sure and doubtless settle in and have a whole lot of fun without worrying over different levels and stairs. Sending love, to you and your lovely DT!


Di xx

ionabunny said...

Happy Rudolf Days everyone. Sad to hear this will be the last Rudolf Days challenge Mo, but life and your health comes first. I have enjoyed playing over the years and thank you and the team for the inspiration and generous prizes and that you have helped us all be ready for the big day. I hope you and Al have a quick and good sale on your house and that you find your perfect new place. Take care. Hugz

Epie said...

Veel sterkte Maureen , je prachtige kaarten mogen er zijn super!!
Groetjes van Epie xx

Helen said...

Oh sad that this is the last Rudolph Days Challenge on ehre (hopefully some kind soul will volunteer to carry on your good work!), but pleased to hear that you and Al will be moving to a new place that better suits your current needs.
Thanks for all of your hard work and inspiration over the years - I love making Christmas cards, so always try to play along!
All the best for your new adventure!
Helen x

Gail L said...

I have just recently begun playing.
Sad to hear this might be the last one; health comes first!
Hope the sale of your place goes smoothly and you find the perfect place, and get settled!
Wishing you all the best!

Megan J said...

Hi Mo, Good luck with your move, I hope you find somewhere that makes life easier for the both of you. Thank you for all the fun of the Challenge, although I only played along intermittently. Have a wonderful week... Megan

Loll said...

So sorry to hear you are shutting down Rudolph Days, but totally understand why. Take care of yourself ... and take care of Al. All the best with finding a new place to live. Thanks for this wonderful challenge. I have enjoyed playing along. Love, Loll

Darnell said...

I wish you and Al all the best in your search for your new ranch-style home, Mo, and for many years of better mobility there! I'm glad your daughter has a place for you, but I hope you don't need to move twice. Please try not to overdo it and please keep in touch! Thank you so much for running this wonderful challenge and inspiring us with your beautiful Christmas cards and for your generous gifts all these years! I want to say thank you to all the ladies who have helped you, too! Hugs, Darnell

Prudence said...

Wishing you and Al all the best. Thank you so much for running this fantastic challenge and for all the beautiful projects that stemmed from it. I’m sad to see another of my favourite challenges go but also excited for the adventure you will have in your new home. Take care!

Swissie said...

I want to thank you, dear Maureen, for all the challenges and all the joy you have given us! I have got prizes from you, as well!
So sad to read that this is the last Rudolph Days Challenge. But time changes for us all, and we have to take care of ourselves.
I wish you and Al all the best!

God bless you!
Hugs from Liv in Switzerland (Swissie)

Anonymous said...

Sad to see this blog closing but fully understand and wish you a Al all the best,

Take care both,

KT Fit Kitty said...

Oh no, Maureen, I'm so sorry you're letting the challenge go, but I can certainly understand. I have health problems myself. Your health is a priority and I hope for both of you more good days than bad. Best wishes with your move and getting setted. I am not going to be able to join in for the last challenge, but I wanted to thank you for all of the previous challenges over the years and even a couple prizes won. Many thanks and best wishes to you and Al!

KT Fit Kitty said...

Forgot to say... your two cards are gorgeous! The second one is so much fun! Hugs and happy wishes from Nova Scotia!

KT Fit Kitty said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tina Z. said...

Hi Maureen,
this is such sad news, but I totally understand it, your health comes first.
Best wishes with your move <3.
thank you so much for all your work with this wonderful challenge.
crafty hugs xx

Marianne said...

Thanks so much for running this fun challenge for so long, Maureen. It is sad to see it come to an end but totally understandable. Family and health always come first. I do hope you will find a new home that you can both love be comfortable in, and I hope for your sake that you won't have to move twice.
Your cards are just lovely, as are this month's prizes.
Thanks also for the team who have been helping you out with making samples and commenting.
Marianne x

Valerija said...

This is such sad news Maureen. Thanks for all challenges and inspirations.
Wishing you and Al all the best.
Wonderful cards as always.
Hugs, Valerija

Susan Renshaw said...

Sorry to read of the health issues and send very good wishes to you both.

It is a shame that you can no longer run the challenge - I am sorry that I have not managed to enter as often as I would have liked. Will pop over to Helen's...

Happy Crafting and take care!

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