Sunday 18 February 2024

Great News! Rudolph Days Challenge will continue on.

Well...COVID hit both Al and I right after my last post. I have not been round to visit anyone yet and I am just today able to finally sit and type this post. We both test negative now, but still feel exhausted, with a hacking cough and we both can not take a deep breath of air. We got the new covid drug right after our positive test and I think it did help.

I have some fabulous news! Helen Nile has offered to take over the Rudolph Days Challenge. She has set up a new blog for the Rudolph Days Challenge. It is live now and the first challenge will be Feb 25, 2024. You can find it at ( I hope you will play along and enter a card each month as you used to do with me. I will be playing along as much as I can, as I do love how this challenge helps get the Christmas cards done! I had computer trouble today and had to have geek squad reset my computer. My hyperlink option does not seem to be working now...ugggh. I will get it corrected and hopefully have the hyperlink up here on Feb 25 so you can just follow it over to Helen's new site.

I will do the draw for the January winner tomorrow as I am off back to bed...


LesleyG said...

Oh Maureen, you two sure have had everything thrown at you, and I’m so sorry you’ve been poorly again. Rest up and don’t worry about us, but thanks for sharing the good news, such happy news. Take care xxx

KarinsArtScrap said...

Feel better wishes to you and your hubby.
and great news Maureen that someone takes it karin

Sarn said...

This is great news Maureen - and well done Helen for stepping up to the plate.

So sorry to learn you & Al have had a nasty bout of COVID. I hope you both make a speedy recovery and feel better soon.

Hugs, Sarn xxx

Kath said...

I'm sorry to hear you and Al have both been unwell and hope you feel better soon.
It's great news the RD challenge will continue and thank you for running it for so long.
Take care, Kath x

Kathyk said...

So very sorry to hear that you have both been laid low with Covid and hope you are making a full recovery.

Gotta say how delighted I am to hear that the Rudolph Day challenges will live on, I have used them as an excuse to crack on with my Christmas card quota since .... well, forever!!! Thanks to you for the past challenges and to Helen for the future challenges. I'm off to "follow" the new blog so I don't miss a thing!

All the best


Sue - said...

So sorry to hear you both got Covid, you really didn’t need that on top of everything else. Hope you feel much better soon.
Great news that Helen is taking over Rudolph Day, it would have been sad to see it disappear. Hope to see you joining in, in the future. xx

Chris said...

Oh dear, hope you both feel better very soon.
Great news about the challenge.

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

So sorry to hear you and hubby have both been ill and hope you get well again soon!
Great news about Rudolph Day challenge!
Take care!

Jenny L said...

HI Maureen,
so sorry to hear you and AL had covid I do so hope you will soon be feeling A1 again.
The covid seems to be doing the rounds again.
Oh that is fantastic news, will look forward to joining in with Helen's challenge.
Sending love and hugs. Jenny L.

Sandy said...

Sending get-well wishes for you and Al

Denise Bryant said...

Rest up and get well! So sorry to hear you've both been ill.
I'm happy to hear the exciting news about the challenge! Looking forward to participate in the challenge and to have a nice stash of Christmas cards on hand come December!

Liz said...

Sorry to hear that you’ve both been unwell, hope you’ll soon be fully recovered.
Great news that the Rudolph Days Challenge will be continuing. Thanks again for running it for so long.
Take care. Liz xx

Carol L said...

Covid really knocked you two for a loop but I hope you're both feeling a whole lot better now. That's great news on the Rudolph Days Challenge staying open and I'm glad to read that someone has taken the reins for you. Take care and stay well. Hugs

Greta said...

Oh my goodness--it never ends for you guys! So sorry you got covid and glad there's a drug for us older folks! Guess living a basically isolated life has advantages now days as (knock on wood) we've both avoided covid! Hope you feel much better soon. How great that Helen is going to take over Rudolph Days!

Loll said...

Hi Maureen. Sorry to hear you and Al both had Covid, but glad that you are doing better and I hope Al is too. Such wonderful news that Helen is taking over Rudolph Days. Looking forward to playing along. Love, Loll

Helen said...

Oh poor thing! Hope you're feeling more like yourselves again soon!
Great news about Rudolph Days living to check out the new blog.
Helen x

Becca Yahrling said...

Hi Maureen, hope you & Al are feeling better!! <3
I want to thank you so much for having your fun challenge every month, the hard work & dedication all these years as well as your generosity with prizes. I have enjoyed entering it and building my stash of cards ... and so very happy it will continue on through Helen. hugs, Becca xoxo

Wies said...

Hi Maureen, Sorry to read you and Al both had covid. I hope the both of you get better soon, and specialy get back your energy. And great news that the Rudoph Days challenges are taken over by Helen.
Best wishes, Wies

Linby said...

So sorry to read you have both had Covid. I hope you are feeling better soon. Great news that Helen has taken over the challenge.

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