Wednesday 4 February 2015

Birthday Wishes

I never seem to have enough Birthday cards. I am making an effort this year to fill up my Birthday card box.  It would be nice to have lots of extras on hand for a change, and see that little box bursting at the seams!

This is a very quick and easy card that I made from scraps I found, when I packed up my craft room for the move. The scalloped mat is a prestamped image. I merely added a 3D butterfly from my stash (Ka& Co I think), onto some of the faux stitching. The rhinestone bicycle was another of my Michaels 25 cent bargains. I love when they have a clear out of their $1.50 bins. You can always find such fun items.  I found several rhinestone images that day so keep your eyes peeled as they will eventually show up here on this blog. lol

The sentiment is a rubon from my stash. I am trying to use up my rubons as I am always afraid they will dry out. Some of mine are 6 to 8 years old! Now those are VOS items! This one in particular is my snippet. Now I know some may think that I am stretching the definition of a snippet here. But there were only 3 left on the original sheet, and I do snip them off the sheet before I place them. I find it is easier to position them that way.

The background card base is turquoise but sadly looks pale blue in this photo...sorry about that!

I am entering this card in the following challenges:

1. Pixies Crafty Workshop - must use snippets,

Update on the move...

Moving day went really well. The movers showed up right on time at 9am with 2 five ton trucks and 5 movers who worked so hard all day. The last items were carried into our new house around 6 pm and we were in! A sea of boxes,  but we were in. Unpacked most of Saturday here, and then returned to the old house on Sunday to clean. My daughters came to help and we were done in about 3 hours...we breathed a huge sigh of relief.

DH and my son-in-law were kept busy packing up the things the movers had left behind. The movers did not take liquids nor anything wet. That meant all the patio furniture, garden accessories and outdoor tools had to be moved by us, as it poured rain on moving day and all those items were dripping wet. The fridge and freezer items and laundry room supplies were also waiting to be moved as they were classified "wet items". DH was looking pretty exhausted by the end of that day. He was sweeping out the garage at the end and looked as if he would fall over if the broom had not held him up!

Those last items filled two pickup trucks! They took them over to the new house and then loaded both trucks again with all the broken down boxes we had unpacked the day before. One final trip to the dump and we were done! Yay!!!

So, 5 days after moving in we were unpacked and settled, with the exception of hanging the pictures. We are having painters in to paint the whole interior, so I will leave the pictures boxes aside, till that is done.

There is one other exception...Oh guessed it! The craft room has the furniture in place, but not much has been unpacked in that room. I started unpacking in there on the weekend but there were over 70 boxes, so it will take me awhile. Of course the boxes are blocking some of the furniture in there, so it is hard to put things away. Just a game of moving the boxes around over and over, as you work.
There is the additional complication of needing builders in to install a doorway to separate my room from the guest suite.  The builder can not do the work till March. We have a friend staying in the guest suite at the moment. He goes home each weekend and has kindly told me to feel free to unpack my room while he is away each weekend. So that little builder delay slows things down immensely!

I think I have about 30 boxes still to unpack in there but we need to buy another bookcase or cupboard, as I have filled my available storage units. How I miss my old pantry cupboards in the old room!  We are off into the city tomorrow for another specialist appointment, so perhaps may find time to look at bookcases, etc. There is an Ikea sort of on the way home! Oh joy!!!


Craftin Suzie (Susan Wykes) said...

Hi Maureen so pleased your move went well. My sister moved in November and I helped her its certainly very hard work. You sound like you were very organised and all went well. Your card is adorable I have loads of old rub ons which I think are even older than yours! Susan x

dutchess said...

know what you mean Maureen...always need birthday card your bike......such fun....glad the move has gone well and you are all settled in...time to relax a bit now...a bit at a time xxxxxx

Veerle said...

Very lovely card Mauren.
Greetings, Veerle

Sarn said...

Super birthday card Mo.

Glad to hear all went fairly smoothly with the move. Good luck with the remaining unpacking.

Hugs, Sarn xxx

Di said...

Beautiful card Mo 0 and the rhinestone bicycle is just fabulous! What a find :) Of course the sentiment counts as a snippet - it's froman incomplete sheet.

Fascinating to read about your move. I didn't know that about wet goods - what if you'd been moving 100 miles or so?!


Di xx

jimlynn said...

Whew! What a moving day that was. Glad you got it done though and now can just take your time getting everything in place.
This is so pretty! That blingy bicycle is so fun and pretty. Love it.

Jenny L said...

Hi Maureen,
oh what a really great card.
I love your fab design, and that gem bicycle is the most amazing find.
Not ever seen anything so lovely made with gems.
I am so glad your move went well, it all sounds very hard and tiring work, but well worth it in the end.
Good luck with your bookcase hunt.
Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.

Sandra H said...

Awww l moved 16mths back and it was a nightmare boxes all over but we brought too much with us coming to a smaller property we are still getting sorted but was worth the move l hope your craft room is sorted soon! your card is gorgeous l love the bicycle and the layout is gorgeous and it does look blue but it hasn't altered the fact that it's still a pretty card xx

Carol said...

Love your card Maureen, the colours are so pretty. Glad the move went okay and you're getting settled in. Carol x

coldwaters2 said...

What a lovely card Mo, love that bike of gems such gorgeous colours and design a super make.
lorraine x

cotnob said...

This is such a pretty card, your rhinestone bicycle is fabulous along with the sweet butterfly.
I'm glad your move went well and that you are settled into your new home, I'm sure you will soon manage to get your craft room sorted - I hope you managed to find some more storage.

Karen P said...

Time to sit back, relax and take your time huni! I know it will be hard but try not to overdo it. Make sure you both rest loads and keep up your fluid intake in the hope that you don't hit the wall and collapse. Enjoy your new home and I am sure you will get it arranged and sorted soon Karen xx

Karen P said...

Oh gawd Mo - I forgot to say gorgeous card too huni! Karen xx

Holly AKA KopyKat said...

Super cute, I love this!

cuilliesocks said...

Wonderful card Maureen, love the image and all the beautiful gems.
Glad your in your new home and that it went well. Hope you settle in soon, hugs Kate x

Sassy Raggedy said...

So glad you are getting all settled. After 30 years in the military I know too well about moving and hope I never have to do it again. Your card is so sweet and creative. I love how you did the bike. Hugs, joann

Mary Jo said...

So, so cute! Love the little bike and butterfly and pretty flowers.
I used to put rub ons on everything, but some of them worked so poorly that I just gave up on them. I still have a few though.

Pia S said...

Good job finding time to make a card in all that work of moving out and in, packing and unpacking! Glad it went well.
This is a great birthday card to have on hand, so timeless and ageless. I do like the sparkle of all that bling on the bicycle!

April said...

What a cute and happy card! Love it!

Mrs A. said...

Glad to hear you are safely settled into your new home. Do we get a tour!! Hugs mrs A.

Peanut said...

What a sweet card, Maureen. Sounds like you've got tons to do before the crafting can begin. New home, new adventure, and new memories... all good ones to last many many happy years ahead. Can't wait to see some pix!
bug hugs, Asha

MaryH said...

Maureen, our local Mike's never has the stash I see you find! (then again, maybe I'm not the astute shopper that you are!) The jeweled bike is a treasure that just gleams on this pretty card. So glad you have at least cleared up the old place, and I'm tired already just thinking about you moving the boxes hither & yon, to try to get to things. Been there, done that, and it's so overwhelming. Take it one day at a time. Soon be Rudy Day again. Big hugs, and hope both of you are not overdoing. TFS

Pat said...

This is a pretty card Maureen and love the spangly bicycle and the pretty butterfly. So glad the move went smoothly and that you managed to unpack in such a short time! You must have worked so hard! x