Sunday 11 May 2014

A Butterfly and doily for Mrs A and Mothers Day - Card 14

Happy Mothers Day to all my friends. Hope you got thoroughly spoiled today!!!
Our plans had to be put temporarily on hold. My youngest has a terrible cold and I leave tomorrow to look after my Mum (for a week again).  Mum just got over double pneumonia, so we can't risk me bringing any germs her way. Eldest daughter has been helping out her sister so has been exposed to the germs as well! Drat...We had a buffet brunch planned and had all the food in...even Strawberry Shortcake for dessert.

We shall celebrate Mothers Day together with Fathers Day when we are home again in June! Sounds good to me as it is going to be a very busy day here anyway. We had our annual perennial plant sale yesterday and so were kept busy Friday and even early Saturday morning, getting ready. We managed to finish the packing, set up the watering system for our gardens here and did a last minute shop! I must confess that I have a bit of a mountain of laundry to catch up on as well!

Here is the card I am taking to my Mum. We will have our own little Mothers Day celebration tomorrow.  This card fits in with Mrs A's Butterfly Challenge theme this fortnight. This is a true snippets card. The pink doily was punched from snippets and filed away in the photo albums I use for die cut storage. The scalloped circle is from those die cut snippets as well. The "You Are Special" is from a bunch of sentiments I stamped out for the grandkids to use, and then snitched one back for myself! lol I love to have prestamped items filed away, ready to be pressed into service. If I am inking a stamp, I like to stamp a few pieces before I clean it and put it away. How about you?

When I set the pink felt flowers in the corners, they looked lost. Everything I tried under them, didn't look right. Finally I found something that worked...hope Mum doesn't notice that the white flower I used to ground them is the smallest piece of a Memory Box Poinsettia die. lol I'm pretending it is a daisy!

I used 4 more of my flower stash on this card (the felt flowers). I am adding 4 more to the ticker on my header. I am not counting the poinsettias I die cut, as I am tracking the number of flowers I manage to use from my existing stash! It is good to see my progress so far...keeps me committed to use them up.

Here is the inside...I had already signed it when I remembered to take the photo! Sorry about that...

Card base and envelope - from my stash
Design Paper - Card front is Wild Rose Studio, I think. Inside of card is from the Dollar Store
Card stock - snippets of pink dotted texture paper and snippet of white card
Butterfly - K&Co
Flowers - White felt flower and pink one layered overtop are both from my stash
Dies - The pink one is a Marianne doily die; the white is a Martha Stewart precut doily
The green leaves are a Memory Box die; the white flower is M/B as well
Stamp - Will look them both up once I am home

****************This is card #14 of 50. I am on a consumables spending freeze until I have made 50 cards (Sook Wang tape and heavy weight card stock are exempt).***************

I am entering this card in the following challenges:
1. Pixies Crafty Workshop - must use snippets
2. Butterfly Challenge - #7 Butterfly and a doily
3. Crafty Hazelnut's Patterned Paper Challenge -  must cover card with paper


brenda said...

Morning Maureen,

Sorry it's been so long but trying hard to get back into the swing of things and wanted to say hello and peek at what you have been up to starting with the lovely piece in this post.

B x

coldwaters2 said...

Absolutely beautiful card Mo.
lorraine x

Di said...

Oh this really is absolutely beautiful Mo!! I love how the flowers you added echo the backing paper - a gorgeous card!

Safe travels!

Hugs, Di xx

jimlynn said...

Beautiful, inside and out! Love the little flowers you added and know your mom is going to love the card! Very pretty.

Sue said...

This is really pretty Maureen! your Mother will love it. Sounds like your going to be so busy LOL Me and Paul are going to Scarborough on the 28th May to meet up with Sue P and her hubby Graham!!!! wish you could be there with us:) lots of huggles Sue xxx

Mrs A. said...

Such a shame you couldn't all be together for Mother's Day. I like the corners on your card very much. The white does indeed set them off. Love the butterfly that has settled on the card too. Thank you for fluttering by my #7 challenge. hugs Mrs A. (butterfly challenge).

Sassy Raggedy said...

This is really a beautiful combination of pinks. Love it and the softness of the card. Sounds like you are busy, busy, busy...Hugs, joann

Mary Jo said...

Very pretty card!
Hope you had a nice Mother's Day celebration!

Karen P said...

Stunning card Mo, hope your mum loved it and I would not have known the white flowers were poinsettias until you said. Keep well Karen x

Carol said...

This is so pretty Maureen. Carol x

Glenda Atkins said...

My you are having a busy spring, do hope your Mom is feeling better soon. Your card for her is so deliciously feminine.Love the awesome butterfly!

Sarn said...

That's a VERY pretty and feminine card. Just right for your Mum. Hope she continues to make a good recovery.

Hugs, Sarn xxx

Lynne K said...

SO pretty! What a gorgeous card! I love the background paper, and of course that lovely butterfly.


Greta said...

Beautiful, feminine card, Mo! I'm sure your mother loved it!

Hazel said...

Very pretty. Thank you so much for sharing your delightful crafting for my Craftyhazelnut's Patterned Paper Challenge for May - hope to see you again soon. x