Tuesday 10 September 2013

WOYWW # 223 - Getting back into the swing of things

Now that we are home again, I am trying to re-establish routines. Routines to get our lives back on an even keel. Routines to accommodate grandkids, kids, family time, friends, housework, the garden work and crafting. Especially crafting!

The pace of life here in the Lower Mainland can be crazy at times. Lineups for everything, circling for a parking space, traffic jams...uggggh! A far cry from our Filey days where we walked everywhere in town...even down to the beach. I am trying to find a way to simplify our routines here. While we can not walk everywhere here, I think I have thought of some ways to incorporate walking into our weekly life.

On the 2 days per week that we walk the grandkids to school, I hope to get our errands done before the grandkids need walked back home. Most of the time, my SIL is home to pick them up,  but if I make those two days my shopping, library, grocery, drugstore days, then I am still in the area to pick them back up if he is kept late at work. Since all those places are within walking distance (within a mile) of my daughters house, those will be our walking days!

My plan is to then have 2 days to just stay home...not leave the house at all...and hopefully get some crafting done. Of course the dreaded housework and garden work still need done, but there are 3 other days each week!

So keeping my new plan in place, here is my desk this week. Three cards finished and several more laid out and ready to start. So far so good! To boost my resolve, I have been making fairly easy cards...I am easing gently into taking on a stamped and coloured image card...but if all goes well, I should have that to show you next Wednesday!

A bit of a closeup...

Now I would like to ask you a favour. Some of my followers have been having trouble accessing my blog. They are getting a 503 error code when they try to comment or to gmail me. This is a blogger problem that has occurred for the past few months since blogger made some country code changes. Many Blogger blogs are having this problem and the bloggers are not even aware of why their comments have dropped somewhat. I only know because one of my bloggy friends has both of my email addresses. She is getting a 503 error code on my blog and let me know through my regular email. I am trying to figure out how big this problem for me, so if you are not able to comment on my blog, could you drop me an email at...
maureenkane@telus.net   You can keep it even shorter than the average comment! Just three word... Getting error code...and I will know what it means!

Solving the problem means redesigning the way my blog posts read...switching to single post views rather than a scrolling type format. I would prefer not to change that, so knowing how many commenters are affected would help me make a decision. Thanks so much for taking the time to email.

If you are wondering why I am showing your my desktop, drop by Julia at the Stamping Ground for an explanation and a chance to peek at all the other work desks around the world!


Unknown said...

Wow...Your work is amazing. I love how you use those dies. Happy crafting #5

Tracy said...

So great that you are getting more walking into life. I need to do the same thing.
Your desk looks great and am looking forward to seeing your cards in more detail ;)

Tera Callihan said...

Happy WOYWW! looks all kinds of crafty there, love your color organized storage in the background!
-Tera #3

sandra de said...

Lovely projects on your desk. I occasionally get an error notice from blogger when I am posting and then my post disappears. It can all be so frustrating at times.
Sandra @22

Andrea said...

sounds like you have grand master plan hope it works out..sounds good. .the cards are ace love the colour scheme and those silhouettes are fab .i also spy christmas cards guess that's what we are all doing now/soon. have fab week and hope the walking goes well Andrea #44

Belinda Basson said...

No error comment for me...Love your desk and keep to your plan of 2 days at home, it will be good for the soul. #43

brenda said...

It's interesting to read about the error problems Maureen because I have encountered these and just thought it was me.

What I tend to get is a box appear as soon as I arrive at a blog which says I don't have access, not sure if that is the same error or not but it does stop me commenting.

B x

Helen said...

Sounds like you have your time well planned out, happy crafting!! I get the error 503 sometimes but usually if you try again it's ok. hope you sort it soon. Helen 19

Claire said...

Love your creations - you use such beautiful papers :)
Happy WOYWW and have a wonderful week!
no. 33

Christine Harrop said...

It is so difficult to get back into routine when you have been away for a while. Especially when you figure in the jet lag too. But you have sorted out a new routine now so good luck. The walking will be good for you too.
Your desk looks so organised! Can't say the same for mine. Lol! Have a good day. Love from Christine xx

sue w. said...

Hi Maureen, you sure have been busy, wonderful projects.
I wouldn't dare show my desktop lol I am one messy crafter!!
Hope you manage to fit in your walking hun.
Hugs Sue W.

voodoo vixen said...

Sounds like you have a good plan there and arranging crafting time too! No error messages here, so hopefully it will stay that way. Lovely cards too! Happy WOYWW Annette #2

Lisa Rukin Swift said...

Looks like you have a fun project in the works! I hope you're able to work out the commenting issue on your blog. :)

ike said...

Lovely cards - I like the Cameo/silhouette one with the girl :-)


Ike in Greece #91 xx

Anonymous said...

I understand fully about the jet lag Mo, but as you're in the West of Canada I can only imagine what it's like, tis bad enough for me in Michigan with only a 5 hour time difference! Love your new plan, it's good to have time to yourself, and also keep a routine when you're at home, otherwise the days can just disappear! Good to see you getting back to crafting again too.


sara j said...

I love resolve! And the thought of not leaving the house at all for a couple of days of week sounds just perfect! Best of luck with the new plan. Good to see someone else thinking about Christmas. So far that's all I've been doing is thinking, but I'm sure the doing will start any day now.Have a good week ahead. Best of luck with the new plan.
Sara j #56

MaryH said...

I didn 't get any error code when I accessed your blog, following your comment link to your blog, then clicking on your blog link (if that makes sense). Good luck. I hope I'm not having the same problem. I won't know how to fix it! (Will have to see Miss Di). Good for you in creating a walk goal. We have gotten very lax with our exercise...too easy to do. Hope that Mr. Scrappy is feeling better with his cold by now. Gets in the way of too much fun, I expect. Loved the cleanness of your desk today. Looks interesting with all the teasers you have displayed. Now that windows are done (well, nearly!) I hope to get back round to enjoy all the blog posts on a more frequent interval. TFS & Hugs.

Debs Willis said...

Sounds like the jet lag hit you hard! Love the colours of that green and red card in the centre, really soft, vintagey (is that a word??)

Happy woyww
Debs #108

Erika said...

Hi Mo, a great looking desk you've got there and very productive. No problems leaving a message here.
Crafty hugs.
Erika. x

Jackie said...

Wow bait of planning going on there I must say.... Well done you! It's not always easy to get our crafting time with all the family stuff as u will read on mine this week!
Jackie 39

Caro said...

Gorgeous looking projects...I hope you settle in soon with your routine. Thanks for sharing. Happy WOYWW. Caro x (#73)

Karen P said...

Not having any problem commenting. Good to see you ease back into the crafting - we will have an oriental revivial once your organised life is in place. Can you come and sort mine out too lol!? Gorgeous cards, hope that jet lag will completely go soon Karen x

Lea.H said...

i like the silhouettes on the pink card Lx

Wishcraft said...

Lovely makes in production Mo. I've just been scrolling through your earlier posts... we're only a couple of hours away from Filey & Scarborough! Hope you had a lovely time :o) Hugs, Lisa x

Mary Jo said...

Lots of pretty cards in the making!

I remember when we went to Ireland a few years back we did a lot of walking in Dublin. And I told my husband I wanted to try and do more walking back home. But really we are not set up for that here.
I wish we were!

Julia Dunnit said...

No error code...isn't it frustrating, I wouldn't know where to start!!
love your new life plans, hope they work out that way..for so much going on, your desk looks an oasis of calm.

Daniella said...

Your cards look beautiful!! And what are those darling little jars on top of the square ones? Lovely organization!!
No error code for me. And I couldn't even think of helping with that because the powers that be on Blogger aren't playing nice at all lately!!

Anonymous said...

walking is such great excersise! Good for you! Great card starts as well! I think your schedule sounds great, good luck!
Lindsay #21

Anonymous said...

I love your super-organized storage containers and your cards in progress are very nice. Thanks for visiting me -- and happy WOYWW! ~ Laura #13

Pia S said...

From the look of your desk it seems like we're going to see some very pretty cards in the near future...

Lisa-Jane said...

Its routine-planning a gogo here too but I spend more time planning than actually getting on with anything! Glad you are finding some time to craft too,

Hettie said...

Gorgeous makes Mo and well done for changing routines for YOU. Hugs Honey

Nan G said...

Love the cameo card! No problems for me and I'm on an apple iPad. Good luck with the routine. A bit late with my Happy WOYWW! Nan G #92

john-w said...

Love the cards! Thanks for stopping by and leaving such an encouraging comment. Kind regards, John-W #58.

Glenda Atkins said...

Wonderful you are making up a plan to incorporate more walking into your life. I love to walk, it is a great stress re-leaser and allows my thoughts to run freely. I sort out all sorts of problems:O) Your desk is quite neat, much more so than mine!

VonnyK said...

Hope your routine works out for you, I'm always going crazy trying to find time for my art. Love your cards. No problems commenting so far. I have trouble commenting on people who have Google +. Hope you can get to the bottom of it.
Have a great week.
Von #34

Eliza said...

Beautiful cards and a great idea in incorporating walking into your week, we all need to walk more. I try and use stairs where I can as I already walk heaps during the day. People look at me strange when I run up stairs instead of using the lift. I am with you too, I do love to have home days and not leave the house LOL

Thanks for visiting me and leaving a comment and sorry for getting back so late, I am working horrible hours ATM and doing my best.

Belated WOYWW
Eliza & Yoda 68

Darnell said...

Before I forget, this comment box opened with no problems. If it doesn't save when I go to publish it, I'll let you know.

It seems like forever since you've been away, Maureen! I'm sorry I'm so late getting to WOYWW, but things have been crazy. I'm off tomorrow for a few days to see a friend so I'll miss next week. But hopefully both of us can settle back into our routines! Good luck with your plan re walking/errands/stay-at-home/craft days! It sounds like it should work to me!! Hugs, Darnell (24)