Tuesday 25 October 2022

October Rudolph Days Challenge

Hi there. Once again, it is time for the Rudolph Days Challenge. Don't forget, it is one entry only, and you can combine your entry with up to nine other challenges if you like. Leave a comment on this blog post, and you are set to go! This post will be short and sweet today as I have been dealing with an abcessed tooth issue and had an infection in the bone. Had the second half of some root canal work on it today, and just want to sleep now! 2 and 1/2 hours in the dental chair today for the second time on two weeks.

Sam at Whispers Cards has made a beautiful card for our inspiration. I love the die she used. It is really eye catching! The gold mirri wreath with pointsettia accents is so pretty, and is sure set off by the one larger layered poinsettia that just pops off the card. Sam has done a beautiful job on this card and I hope you will pop on over to her blog here at Whispers Cards and leave her some lovely praise!
My card is another upcycled card. My friend loves Daschunds so I upcycled this sweet pup into a card for her. The kraft paper is a matte finish and the printed design has a bit of a shimmery surface. The small gold snowflakes are gold embossed. Super simple, but at least it is another one finished up!

Our prize this month is this Studio Light poinsettia die, SL-SJ-CD50


KT Fit Kitty said...

Oh no, Maureen, sorry to read about your dental issue and I hope you feel better soon! That's a long time in the dental chair! Thank you for another Rudolph Day to inspire us with making our Christmas cards! Sam's card is absolutely gorgeous and your upcycled dachschund is just adorable! I'll be back later this week with my card! Feel better!

Anita van Deur said...

Beautiful cards love the poinsettia and the cute dachschund. So sorry to read about your dental issue and I hope you feel better soon!

Jenny L said...

Hi Maureen.
so sorry to hear about your mouth health issues not a nice thing to suffer with and I bet so much pain as well as the dreaded dentist chair for so long.
Lets hope you are having a nice rest and are out of pain very soon.
Love the Dachound card it's so gorgeous and such a lovely image of that sweet little dog in his Santa hat.
Will pop over to Sam's blog and leave her some love after this.
So glad she used that die it reminds me I haven't used mine yet.
Lots of crafty love and hugs. Jenny L.

KarinsArtScrap said...

gorgeous card and poinsettia Maureen
and I hope you feel better soon

gr karin

Liz said...

Sorry to read about your dental issue, Maureen. That’s a long time to be sat in the dentist’s chair!
Two beautiful cards. I love the design and detail in Sam’s card and great recycling on your card. xx

Eemeli said...

Oh no Maureen, so sorry to hear about your dental issue. Hope you will be feeling better soon.

Lovely creations from both of you - that is such a beautiful die on Sam's card and also your daschund is perfect creation for a dog lover (such a cutie!).


mamapez5 said...

Poor you. Dental issues can be such a pain in more ways than one! Hope after this session it soon feels a lot better.
Youn little daschund is very sweet and I am sure your friend will love it, and Sam's poinsettias are beautiful. Kate x

Linby said...

Sorry to read about your dental issues - hope it is all resolved very soon.
Fab card from Sam and great recycling with that cute dog from you.

ellyscard creatief said...

Thanks for the challenge, and I hope you feel better soon.

lichazul said...

beautiful card , congrats
have a great day , hugs from Chile :)

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

Hi Maureen, so so sorry for your dental issues!! Hope you will feel better very soon!
Amazing cards from you and Sam!
Sending hugs and good thoughts!!

Margreet said...

So sorry to hear about your dental issues. Hope they will be over soon.
Love Sam's card with the poinsettias and your dachshund is too cute.
Dutch hugs.
xxx Margreet

Sandra H said...

Ooh l so feel for you that's no fun being at the dentist and for that length of time must of been horrid l do hope your slept it off and that the pain has reduced or gone, gorgeous cards as always l just love them all sending lots of love and hugs x

Sandy said...

I do hope your dental problems are fixed. I had an accident and banged my mouth really badly over a week ago; and I've spent 10 days eating soft food and cutting food into tiny bits, so I really feel for you. Your dachshund card is adorable.

Vicky Hayes said...

Oh Maureen, you have been in the wars. I do hope you feel better soon.
Love the inspiring cards here today including your gorgeous doxie! You are clever at doing the upgrades - this is seamless! Vicky x

Helen said...

You poor thing Maureen - really hope you're feeling better soon!
Love the DT samples!
Thanks for the fun challenge!
Helen x

Susan said...

Sam's poinsettia card is gorgeous, and your upcycled dachshund card is adorable!

Robyn Oliver said...

My goodness you are in the wars Maureen, hope you're feeling much better very soon. Lovely cards again from Sam and yourself, and a big thanks for keeping Rudolph Days running to encourage us all year to make Christmas cards, Robyn

LesleyG said...

Hope you’re feeling better soon, lovely cards you both shared, take care xxx

paperpapier said...

Cute festive dog card!

Jan Mahew said...

Thank you for the challenge and the opportunity to share and enjoy the talents of others. Great job by the DT!

Kath said...

Oh my goodness - another month has raced by and it's RD again! I hope you're feeling better soon Maureen.
Kath x

Loll said...

Take care of yourself Maureen. Hope you are feeling better soon. Thanks again for a fun challenge. Gorgeous card by Sam and such a cute upcycled card from you! :)

Trina P. said...

Oh tooth infections are not fun. Ended up having my tooth extracted.

Sam’s card is beautiful. Your card is too cute. Thanks for the inspirations.

Lynne said...

Hope you are feeling better after the dental treatment. Lovely DT cards and thank you for the challenge x

Suzanne H said...

Dental issues are no fun! That's a long time to be in the dental chair. I hope you're feeling better today. Love Sam's elegant card and your Daschund is too cute! Thanks for hosting, especially when you're not feeling well.

Whisper said...

Aaaah you poor thing, dental issues fill me with dread, so I have full sympathy for you, especially these days as I have to sedated.

Any card with a dog and one with a cute one, gets to me and I so adore and a great bit of upcycling too, Luv Sam x

Becca Yahrling said...

Hope you are feeling better, Mo! And my sympathies - I hate the dentist chair!!! Both cards are so lovely in their own way. Sam's card is so elegant and yours is simply adorable!!

Di said...

What lovely cards from Sam and yourself Mo! Great poinsettias card and I do love your dachshund card! Poor you with the tooth issues - hope it's all sorted out soon.


Di xx

Denise Bryant said...

I hope you're doing much better with your aching tooth! No fun at all!
Awesome cards! Love the beautiful poinsettia and the adorable pup! I enjoyed creating a card and adding it to your challenge!

Darnell said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your horrible dental issue, Mo. Prayers that this latest storm will soon pass. I love your card ~ don't tell my dog, but Doxies just melt my heart! And Sam's poinsettia card is stunning! Thank you for another month of Rudolph Days; playing just for fun. Hugs, Darnell

Prudence said...

Lovely cards and that Daschund is just adorable. Hope you are feeling better!

Marjeta said...

Toothache is a terrible thing. I hope it goes away soon. Poinsettia is gorgeous.

Diane said...

Yikes, I find dental pain as bad or even worse then giving birth!! Hope you get good results soon!! I have been wanting to enter this challenge forever and never seem to have time or life gets in the way, I FINALLY made it, yeah!! Fabulous cards and love that dog card, just the cutest!!

Pauline C said...

Hi Maureen, my first time entering Rudolph Days … I have heard others talking about the idea that 25th if the month is Rudolph Day but didn’t realise there was a challenge til now ☺️ Sorry to hear about your dental problems and hope by the time you read this you will have been treated and be on the road to recovery. Lovely DT cards xx

Chris said...

Ooh, I feel for you Maureen! Having just broken a tooth myself and having to have a crown fitted I sympathise with what you're going through! Hope you feel a lot better by now.
Lovely inspiration cards as always!

Tina Z. said...

Toothache is a terrible thing, uf, I hope you feel better soon.
inspirations are gorgeous.

meg said...

Hope you're feeling much better now,nothing worse than toothache.Wonderful inspiration from the team

Helen said...

Hope you're feeling better now - loving the cards and thanks for the inspiration x

Janis said...

Oh, I am sorry to hear abt the dental woes...so glad you are getting it taken care of, though! I've gone through that also....it is not fun! Ugh.
Oh, my....the cards are lovely. Sam's is gorgeous with that lovely die in the shiny gold. Love the sweet pup on yours.
Thank you for another wonderful challenge. This has been a super-busy month for me, but I am so glad to be able to participate!!
Take care!
<3 J

jwoolbright at gmail dot com

Sue's Crafty Corner said...

Hope you are feeling better now, Sorry I haven't taken part this month time and life have just got in the way of things. Should be back on track for next month though.

Hugs Sue xx

LeslieT said...

Hello, I'm new to your challenge and so happy to have found you! Looking forward to playing along! So sorry to hear about your dental issue and hope you feel better soon!
Love To Scrap 2

LeslieT said...

P.S. Great inspiration projects!

Valerija said...

Gorgeous cards.
I hope you feel better soon.
Valerija xx

SHartl said...

Oh, you poor thing, tooth pain is the pits! Hope you feel much better soon. I am sliding in to enter my card before the kids go trick-or-treating and love all the DT cards.

Karenladd said...

I've had my share of dental woes so I feel for you Maureen. Hope you can get it taken care of real soon and are back to full health.

Lia said...

Hi Mo!
I am so sorry about your dental problems (I know how that feels!) and hope it will turn out fine.
And the second sorry: I entered with 2 cards and that's so stupid of mine. You can skip one of the cards. I tried myself but that does not work I'm afraid...
Wishing you all the best,
Lia xx