Wednesday 25 October 2017

October Rudolf Days Challenge

Whoops...I am late...very, very late!
Thought I had this post scheduled...but obviously not. My apologies to everyone, but better late than never.

Here are the rules for your perusal:

 1. The Rudolph Days Challenge will start each month on the 25th, and will close at midnight PST, on the last day of that month.
2. The theme is always Anything Goes, as long as it is Christmas.
3. One entry per person and you just need to enter one Christmas card or Christmas project.
4. You may combine your entry with other challenges (maximum of 10 in total).
5. Your card (or Christmas project) should not have been previously posted to your blog. It should be posted to your blog during the current months Rudolph Days Challenge, (between the 25th and last day of the current month)
6. Please link back to or at least mention, the Rudolph Days Challenge.
7. Please leave a comment on the challenge post.
8.   The winner will be selected by random draw and announced on the first day of the following month. Prizes will be mailed anywhere in the world.

Our designers have been busy making some wonderful inspiration for you all.

Sonia has made this fabulous Xmas tree ornament/bauble. It is so pretty. Lots of glitter, and sparkle. I think we will all be inspired to tackle making up some ornaments too. I especially love the poinsettia blossoms.  A visit to Sonia's blog is sure to interest you. Sonia always has the best tutorials for her projects

Linda has made the sweetest Penny Black card. I am loving this sweet little fox and as always, Linda has beautiful colouring here. Pop over and visit Linda's blog. I promise you will not be disappointed.

We have a guest designer this month. I am pleased to welcome Jane Willis of Onions and Paper blog
Jane has made this gorgeous card featuring gold embossing and beautiful gold mats.  Hope you will pop on over and welcome her.

This prize this month is a choice between this Hero Arts CL 722 stamp.

or this Impression Obsession 108-F die kindly donated by Carol L of Our Little Inspirations blog. Please pop over to Carol's blog and view her wonderful cards


Sally H said...

Gorgeous DT projects! Love them all!

Liz said...

Beautiful creations from Sonia, Linda and Jane. xx

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Soooo glad to see your post Mo, I started looking yesterday our time in evening as its 11am on 26th here now, I started to worry something might have beeb wrong with you. Wonderful work by DT as usual, stunnibg creatiobs...
.... and lovely pair of goodies on offer too.
Take care, Mo, hugs Shaz in Oz.x

Gail said...

Thank yoy for the new challenge

Sandma's Handmade Cards said...

I was starting to worry about you Mo and I was quite relieved to see your post this morning. Lovely pieces by Linda, Jane and Dr. Sonia x x

Sue's Crafty Corner said...

Great cards for our inspiration this month.

Sue xx

mamapez5 said...

Ha, ha. I actually did my post early and scheduled it and then I couldn't find yours to link it to! But everything is done now. I am so glad it wasn't anything serious that caused your delay. I should have known it was good old blogger's fault. There are lots of lovely cards posted already so I will go and browse through them now. Kate x

Sandra H said...

So beautiful are all of the creations your all so talented x

Marianne said...

Such pretty creations by the DT. After I had posted my cards late last night, I suddenly wondered if I had missed your Rudolph Days post. I have linked up now.

ionabunny said...

There you are!! I checked a couple of times yesterday and was starting to think I had my days wrong. So happy to see you here today. Will be joining the fun soon. You are the highlight of the last week of the month. Hugz

Carol L said...

I'm just loving the wonderful inspiration from your DT! Thanks for another fun Rudolph days but for obvious reasons, I'm playing just for fun this month! Thanks for the shout-out too :)

Swissie said...

Beautiful inspiration cards! Thank you so much!
I decided to use my prize for the first time. I won it on the July Challenge. It's so beautiful, and I'm happy!
Hugs, Liv (Swissie)

Dr Sonia S V said...

Oh Maureen you had me worried there for a are always so prompt and on time!!! Thank you so much for the kind words and wow rocking projects by Linda and Jane
Dr Sonia

Joan said...

Lovely DT cards and beautiful ornament too

Di said...

Phew, I almost forgot to link in - what's the world coming to! Brilliant card and two lovely prizes as well.


Di xx

Verna Angerhofer said...

I think I got my link added correctly this time. I had been thinking the challenge would soon be coming so I am glad it was just a late post and not me losing the post instead. I know how thing can get in the way in life so it was understandable that you would forget a few things. I think it happens to all of us. I love all the inspiration as well from those on the design team. All are so fabulous!

cuilliesocks said...

Wonderful DT cards, great inspiration, Kate x

Kath said...

Lovely cards - I hope my card is okay as I had scheduled my post yesterday as we're away in Cali at the moment.
Kath x

Jean said...

Lovely inspiration cards from the DT members.
Jean x

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

Wonderful inspirations!!

Kathleen said...

Some really fabulous creations from the DT.
I have to say I was worried about you Mo.
Thank you all.

Kath x

Sandy said...

Lovely sample cards again this month.

Valerija said...

Wonderful DT projects!
Thanks for the new challenge.
Hugs, Valerija xx

Janice said...

Fabulous inspiration from the design team, thank you for a great challenge.
Janice x

Jenny L said...

Hi Maureen,
oh my word those DT and GD creations are brilliant and such wonderful designs.
Bit later than usual entering.
Hope all is well with you, was quite worried when the challenge wasn't posted on time.
Blooming bloger is really playing up lately.
Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.

Gloria said...

Hello! I'm very happy to play your challenge again!
I hope you are doing very well!
DT cards are so beautiful and thank you for wonderful challenge!

Bonnie said...

Beautiful Christmas cards by all the designers!

Barb said...

Happy Rudolph Day Maureen. Very Beautiful creations from Sonia, Linda and Jane. Barbxx

Robyn Oliver said...

Wonderful cards and inspiration from Rudolph team

LesleyG said...

Happy Rudolph Day everyone! I'll be back to look properly at all your creations.....instead of zooming down the scroll bar.....see you soon! xxx

Chris said...

Beautiful designs from the team, a lovely variety of styles to inspire!

Mrs A. said...

I was determined to make it this time. Hugs Mrs A.
Have you received your stamp from me yet?

Becca Yahrling said...

Stunning projects by the DT. Dr Sonia is one of my favorite artists. She's so creative & fun all the time!! And that fox with the birdie is so adorable. Jane's card is elegant.

cotnob said...

Fabulous DT inspiration, thank you for another great challenge.
Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

Karen P said...

Thank you for the challenge Mo, you've definitely helped me to get a bit better organised this year so thank you for that. Beautiful inspirations from your team too Karen x

Greta said...

Such beautiful cards--all so different! Thanks for a chance at the lovely prizes!

Barbara Godden said...

Fab. challenge, great inspiration from the design team, see you in November.

Megan J said...

Hi Mo, some super design team inspiration, will have to pop over and have a good look at them... Have a wonderful week... Megan

Lynne said...

Beautiful dt cards and thank you for the challenge.

Tina Z. said...

wow, stunning inspirations, I love them all!
hugs xx

Diane said...

Very beautiful DT cards!!

Anonymous said...

Dear Maureen
Thank you for organising such challenges. I really enjoyed every minute of making my project.Stay blessed

Darnell said...

I love the cards from Sonia, Linda, and Jane! I'm getting in just under the wire this time and I'm playing just for fun! Thank you, Mo!! Hugs, Darnell

Marie Bingaman said...

Gorgeous projects from the DT! I'm skidding in here right behind Darnell! :)

Pat said...

So sorry a little late Mo but thought I had left a comment already! I love the three gorgeous creations from Sonia, Linda and Jane and I can't believe there is only one more challenge this year. x