Wednesday 25 November 2015

November Rudolph Days and a call for Guest Designers

Welcome to the November Rudolph Days Challenge! This is our final challenge of 2015. If you have played along with us this year, hopefully you now have many Christmas cards made up and ready to mail.

Here is a recap of the rules for your perusal. You have until Nov 30th to enter your Christmas card or Christmas themed project.

1. The Rudolph Days Challenge will start each month on the 25th, and will close on the last day of that month.
2. The theme is always Anything Goes, as long as it is Christmas.
3. One entry per person and you just need to enter one Christmas card or Christmas project.
4. You may combine your entry with other challenges (maximum of 10 in total).
5. Your card (or Christmas project) should not have been previously posted to your blog. It should be posted to your blog during the current months Rudolph Days Challenge, (between the 25th and last day of the current month)
6. Please link back to or at least mention, the Rudolph Days Challenge.
7.  Prizes will be shipped anywhere in the world.
8. The winner will be selected by random draw and announced on the first day of the following month.
9. Candy only blog entries  will be deleted.

In celebration of our final challenge this year, we have Sarn of Stamping for Pleasure  as our guest designer.  Sarn previously hosted this  challenge. When she wanted to retire from challenge duties, she asked for a volunteer to take it over and keep it going. I volunteered and the rest is history!

Sarn has made us this gorgeous card. I think the background is stunning! There is some gorgeous texture here too. If you pop over to Sarns blog, you will get a more detailed description!.

You may have noticed that I have hardly been blogging or visiting for the last couple of months as I am still struggling with my health.

Luckily, I have still managed to attend Langley Stampers Club.  This month, Joyce brought a kit for us to make two beautiful Tattered Lace Christmas Boot cards.  I am only showing one of  the two cards she designed for us, as I will show the second one on tomorrows post. In celebration of our end of year challenge, I am going to post a Christmas card or project each day, till the end of the month!

Joyce reversed the colours on the second card and that allowed us to inlay the contrasting diecut into each card. We then backed the inlaid die with a double sided adhesive snippet (Sook Wang brand) and then poured glitter over the cut away details. The white card used here is a heavy weight Centura Pearl Shimmer cardstock. Between that and the red mirri card, this card shimmers so much in real life!!!  It was really hard to get a photo without glare or reflection can see the walls and door of my room in the reflection. Luckily, I managed to hide myself!

Here is a close up of the glittered insert behind the die cut image. The glitter shows up nicely in the filigree cut away design.

This card was great fun to make and I now want to try this idea with some of my other dies!

Our Rudolph Days random prize this month is this Flurry Frame, Memory Box die.

I have an extra prize this month. Anyone who leaves a comment on this post (or my Nov 20th post), will have their name entered in a draw for this Twinkling Snowflake Duet Memory Box Die. Prize winner to be announced on Dec 1st.
Also, I am seeking Guest Designers for the Rudolph Days Challenge.

This would be a 6 month term and would entail making a Christmas card every second month and sharing in the commenting that same month. You would receive a Christmas themed stamp set or Christmas themed die in the middle of your 6 month term.

If you would like to be considered for a guest designer spot,  please add DT to your name on your entry this month. I will announce the teams in the New Year.


Kathyk said...

Fab makes from you and your GDTM. Forgot to add GT to my entry but, if you need me then ......


sally said...

Wow, I love the boot! Can't believe this is the last challenge for 2015 already but I'll be looking forward to joining in 2016 lol.


mamapez5 said...

Great cards to inspire us this month. I have commented on Sarn's llovely creation on her own blog. I think the red card is great fun. I am not 'into' boots and fashion stamps etc, but I love this die and the way it has been used. I look forward to seeing its partner tomorrow. I am sorry about all your health issues. I hope this phase soon passes and you will feel much better. Hugs. Kate x

Liz said...

What fabulous cards for the last challenge of 2015! Gorgeous background on Sarn's card and I love the striking design on your card, Mo. Thanks for hosting the challenge in 2015. xx

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Dear Mo, sorry you've been so unwell dear friend, but gladl you were able to go and make your two cards, ...really superb work, wonderful indeed.
Am going to decline the snow flurry prize, but do think the hanging one I maybe able to use more .. Thank you for the opportunity.
Thanks for your inspiration both you and Sarn, truly wonderful. Blessings upon you health wise dear Mo,
Hugs, Shaz in Oz.x

Sarn said...

LOVING your red and white glitzy boot card Mo. Tres modern and chic!

Thanks for the chance to guest with you this month.


Hugs, Sarn xxx

Jane Willis said...

A gorgeous card- really lovely idea and I'm already thinking which of my dies would lend itself to the technique. Reflective card is a real pain to photograph, isn't it? I always seen to end up being able to see myself reflected in it, or if I'm using flash it reflects too much light and ruins the photo

LesleyG said...

wow what fab designs to kick of the celebrations! would love the chance to win...good luck everyone! xxx

Barb said...

Hello Mo. So sorry to hear that you are still struggling with health issues but glad that you were able to enjoy The Langley Stampers club demo.

Your Christmas boot card is beautiful and I enjoyed reading how it was made. Sarn's card is also a stinner and very inspirational too.

I'm happy to be taking part in your great challenge again. Barbxx

meg said...

please ignore entry 10 old post

Whisper said...

Hi Mo,

Oooo your boot reminds me of the new show that's on in London at the moment 'Kinky Boots', simply gorgeous.

I would like to be considered as a Guest Designer, sorry i forgot to add it to my name.

Sorry to hear you have not been feeling well and i hope you feel better soon, Luv Sam x

Linby said...

Great card from Sarn and your Tattered Lace card is just so pretty.
Lynn x

Carol L said...

Both cards are unique and fabulous! I love Sarn's colorful background, and the mirror red with that gorgeous boot looks amazing on Joyce's card too.

Eemeli said...

Both cards are stunning. Love the striking background on the first one, and darn that boot looks absolutely stunning (I am a higheelholic myself, so that would be also a nice addition to my wardrobe, lol).

Thanks for hosting this lovely challenge. I did not remember to participate every month but when I remembered, I was here.

Hope you'll have a wonderful holiday season next month.


Sandma's Handmade Cards said...

Lovely to be joining you again Mo and thank you for making me feel so welcome x

Eemeli said...

Do you see my name twice on the entry list (#16 and #17).

I used the URL cookie removal tool to remove the first one and it was succesful but once I added my card again (with GT on my name) it put back also the original link that I removed earlier (the link did disappear once it was removed...). Argh.

Could you please remove #16 (without GT)? They are both same card but for some reason the removal tool doesn't remove it permanently (it comes back, lol)

Sorry 'bout the mess.


brenda said...

Hanging head in shame Mo, all good intentions at the beginning and I think I can count the months I've taken part on one hand, hanging head in shame again.

Promise I will try harder next time and a big thank you for organising the challenge each month.

B x

ionabunny said...

Love your sexy boot card. Might throw my hat in for the DT. Rudolf days are such a fun end to the month. Hugz

Darnell said...

It's so inspirational to have both you and Sarn here with your beautiful cards today! I hope you are doing well, Maureen, and that you got my card. Hugs, Darnell

Pia S said...

Sarn's colorful background gives her card a trendy look, a very different and beautiful design!
Maureen, yours is very stylish and feminine, love that boot and your traditional color choice! Nice sparkle too!

Kath said...

A fabulous card and great prizes this month. I hope your health improves soon.
Kath x

Hettie said...

What beautiful cards you have today Mo. I love both yours and of course the Design Team's.
I cannot believe how quickly this last RD has come round.

Kathleen said...

That is one gorgeous shade of red and the white boot looks stunning against it, not surprised that you will be making more, wonderful card.
Will comment directly to Sarn

Kath x

Maarit at Violets Corner said...

Yay, I'm in time!

Valerija said...

Wow, wonderful cards from you and from Sarn. I would also like to apply for a guest designer,can you please add my name GT for me!? Please.
Thank you.
Valerija xx

Carol said...

Fabulous cards from both you and Sarn, that Christmas boot die. Will be back tomorrow with my card. Carol x

Valerija said...

Thank you Maureen.
Valerija xx

PJ said...

That is an adorable Christmas boot card, it looks like a lot of work and done with such great detail. Thank you for showcasing it. I invite you to come check out my new blog at:

Tina Z. said...

Great inspirations, I love the colours!

Sandra H said...

Sorry to hear of your occuring illments hopefully all will setted down soon l love Sarns card the colours are amazing and Joyce another stunning card ........take care x

Jean said...

Hi Mo, I love your classy, shiny, sparkly boot card. I look forward to seeing the other colourway. Sarn's card is gorgeous too, fabulous colours and one of my favourite holly stamps.
I love taking part in this fun friendly challenge, so thanks so much for all the work you do hosting it and for the chance to win the lovely prizes.
Jean x

Megan J said...

Hi Mo, many thanks for the lovely inspiration, love the Christmassy knee high boot! have a great week...Megan

Lindsey said...

Sorry to hear you've not been too well. Good that you managed to still get to your Stampers Club though. You have done a wonderful job taking over the gauntlet from Sarn. Congrats on a busy year! X

Lindsey said...

Oops entry 31 should be a different link! Please delete it x

Sandy said...

Wonderfully elegant Christmas boot card.
I'd be happy to be considered for a DT spot.

Greta said...

Wishing you feel much better soon, Mo. Your card is absolutely stunning--love the die & the layout & the sparkle! Sarn's card is amazing! Love the prizes this month--glad I can enter a card.

AlisonC said...

Great cards, plenty of magic and sparkle here!

KT Fit Kitty said...

So sorry to read that you have not been well. I hope things will start to improve for you soon.

Thank you for another Rudolph Day! Your card is gorgeous! And Sarn's is gorgeous too! You guys make a great team! I missed last month so I'm happy to join you this time - thanks so much for the challenge - I do enjoy them! Praying for your return to health.

Jenny L said...

Hi Maureen,
congrats to your GD .
So sorry to hear you have not been well.
I do hope you soon are feeling a lot better.
Sending big hugs your way as I know how it is when you are not A1.
I too have been having a few probs too.
Super card as always so much beautiful sparkle, and that boot is wonderful.
I have been searching my craft room for a boot template to make a Birthday card, and found it the other day so I am a happy bunny again.
Thank you fro all your hard work involved in this wonderful challenge over this past year.
Love and big hugs from my house to yours.
Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.

April said...

Your 2 cards are wonderful! Love them! Sarn's card is fun and bright with lots of texture. Thanks for hosting this challenge. I hope to join more in the future!

Di said...

Well done on reaching this milestone Mo! LOVE your boot card, even though the very thought of wearing it brings tears to my eyes right now. So elegant and stylish,

Also, how lovely to see so many names I know so well wanting to be on your DT. Every single one would be a huge asset to you - I'd love to join in but not while I'm still trying to herd cats each week in the playground :)

Thanks again for a fab challenge!


Di xx

Viv said...

Congratulations on staying the pace this year Mo! Sad that I haven't been able to join in as much as I wanted to but happy to be here for the final one of 2015!
Hope it's not too long before you're feeling 100% - and even more thanks to you for keeping the challenge going even whilst you've not been feeling too good.
I would love to offer my services on the DT but sadly Bowls England commitments leave me no time but looking at all the lovely names wanting to join your merry band of Rudolphers am sure 2016 will be a good one for inspiration! xx

Tanja said...

can't believe it's November already ...

Sue's Crafty Corner said...

Love the boot, such a fun Christmas card and the gorgeous colours on Sarn's. Thanks for hosting a great challenge I really enjoyed taking part this year.

Sue xx

KandA said...

Congrats on your first year of hosting the Rudolph challenge.... it really has passed quickly and I actually managed to join in with each one!

Love your fabulously elegant boot card and also Sarn's wonderful card
Hope you soon feel lots better xx

chrissy xx said...

I've only just found and followed your blog!
I will certainly be here for the start next year.

Karen P said...

Gorgeous cards Mo - the boot is very versatile and I love the wreath that your granddaughter made too. I would have entered the guest DT hun but like you my health has been more of an issue at the moment so can't honestly promise to be up to doing it. Take care huni and I hope both of us can improve soon Karen xx

Craftychris said...

Love both your card and Sarn's! Sorry you have not been well - take care of yourself! I can't believe its the last one of the year! Its been such fun, thank you! xxx

Pat said...

I love your pretty ornate boot on that nice bright red background Mo and Sarn has done a great job with the holly flourish on that super watercoloured background too. Thank you for a great year of challenges and I am looking forward to seeing you back in the new year for more wonderful Christmas inspiration and hope by then you will be feeling a lot better! x

Sally H said...

Hope you feel better soon, Mo! Gorgeous Makes from you and Sarn. Both wonderful! Thanks for getting me organised this year x I managed 10 out of 11 challenges and at least two cards for each (Feeling unstressed about Christmas cards) If only I could do the same for present buying, lol!

Chris said...

Beautiful inspiration cards this time Mo. The boot is so elegant and stylish and the background on Sarn's gorgeous card is stunning! Hope you feel better soon!

Nikki said...

Beautiful cards I love the first one it's so unique :) May you be feeling better soon
hugs Nikki
Strange my link didn't post before so I'm putting it back in again thanks for the challenge

Mrs A. said...

Just about made it. Hugs Mrs A.

Dr Sonia S V said...

The first card is so vibrant and the book is delicately beautiful and so festive
Dr Sonia

Nancy Penir said...

Beautiful winter cards! the boot in white on red, oh my! And lovely bg on Sarn's card! Thank you for a chance to win! PS, found you by way of Darnell's blog!

Helen said...

Ooops...thanks for giving me a slap on the wrist for breaking the rules...have added another link instead, so please go ahead and delete my first one.
Helen x

PS - love both Sara's a your cards...just lovely x

Joan said...

Just managed to get in with my card, lovely DT cards again.

Donna said...

I'm a bit behind because of a family emergency. Sorry t hear that your health isn't the best but I love your card. I will definitely keep you in my prayers.

terriavidreader (IN-USA) said...

That card is just fabulous. Love it.

dutchess said...

better late than never Maureen ...hope you feel better my thoughts xxxxxx

cotnob said...

Thank you for hosting another great Rudolph Days Challenge Mo, unfortunately I have been a little silly and the first card that I have linked is the wrong one - could you please delete it for me. Number 68 is the correct one.
I'm sorry to hear that you are struggling with your health, I hope things improve for you soon.

Bonnie said...

What a festive boot! Wish I could wear something like that. Hope you are feeling much better! Thanks for a great year of Rudolph Days!

Anonymous said...

wow, what a lovely boot card! i love the glitter and the red! hope you're feeling better.

Elizabeth said...

Hi Mo, sorry to hear your health hasn't been too good - I hope you are on the mend and you will be fit to enjoy the Christmas holidays. Both yours and Sarn's cards are gorgeous. Sarn is an expert at fabulous backgrounds and the glittery background to your boot makes it so special. Take care and get well soon. Hugs, Elizabeth xx

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

Fabulous boot!! So feminine!