Saturday 25 February 2017

February Rudolph Days Challenge

This has been a hectic and sad month. My Mum passed away on February 9, 2017. She would have been 92 in 10 more days.

I dedicate this months Rudolph Days Challenge to my Mum as she raised us to go out into the world and make a difference. I like to think this little challenge makes a difference to our peace of mind in the Christmas season. If we have our cards made throughout the year, it is one less task during the busy Christmas season, freeing us up to spend precious time with family and friends.

Here are the rules for your perusal:

 1. The Rudolph Days Challenge will start each month on the 25th, and will close at midnight PST, on the last day of that month.
2. The theme is always Anything Goes, as long as it is Christmas.
3. One entry per person and you just need to enter one Christmas card or Christmas project.
4. You may combine your entry with other challenges (maximum of 10 in total).
5. Your card (or Christmas project) should not have been previously posted to your blog. It should be posted to your blog during the current months Rudolph Days Challenge, (between the 25th and last day of the current month)
6. Please link back to or at least mention, the Rudolph Days Challenge.
7. Please leave a comment on the challenge post.
8.   The winner will be selected by random draw and announced on the first day of the following month. Prizes will be mailed anywhere in the world.

I am pleased to introduce our second two designers for The 2017 Rudolph Days Challenge.

Linda at Spails Space

Hello from Ontario, Canada. I've always had a creative outlet, but severe Rheumatoid Arthritis forced me to give up all of my hobbies so I was happy to discover that I could stamp and return to my childhood love of colouring.
 I usually paint images and create backgrounds with Twinkling H2O's, but I also use distress inks and watercolour pencils. I'm happy to be a designer for the Rudolph Days Challenge - Thank you , Maureen..

Linda has such a pretty Snowglobe card for us. I think the colours are so soft and lovely!

Dr Sonia SV @ Cards, Crafts, Kids Projects

Hi! I am an ENT surgeon and a Mom to a crafty little girl. I share crafty projects, tutorials and crafty tips on my blog, Cards, Crafts, Kids Projects.  I love making Christmas projects so thank you Maureen for having me as part of your Rudolph days Design Team.

Dr Sonia has made up these frilly and pretty, pink Christmas trees!

Our guest designer this month is Kath at Handmade by Kath
Kath was on last years team and each month we will feature a card from one of 2016's team.
This pretty card with the stocking images brought back fond memories for me as Mum always had stockings for us!

Our prize this month is a choice of this Magnificent Merry Memory Box die

 or this  Avery Elle  Elftacular Stamp set.


sally said...

So sorry to hear about your mum, this a tough one for me too, my brother's 55th and he died very unexpectedly on the 5th of January, so I'm sending hugs because I know what it's like to love a loved one - I've lost all of my family in the last 3 years.


brenda said...

Hi Mo, two months in a row and I remembered, has to be a first!

Many thanks as always for arranging the challenge and for the lovely inspiration again.

B x

Dr Sonia S V said...

SO saddened to hear about your Mum heart goes out to you and you are such an amazing person to keep this Challenge going despite the situation.

Love from across the oceans

Dr Sonia

Liz said...

So sorry to hear that your Mum has sadly passed away, Maureen. I'm sure you have many treasured memories of times you spent together.

Great inspiration from Linda, Dr Sonia and Kath this month. xx

sally said...

So sorry to hear about your mum, this a tough one for me too, my brother's 55th and he died very unexpectedly on the 5th of January, so I'm sending hugs because I know what it's like to love a loved one - I've lost all of my family in the last 3 years.


Lindsey said...

So sorry to hear the sad news about your mother; you truly do make a difference with your Rudolph Day challenge every month and your lovely encouraging comments to all the participants. Sending you a big virtual hug xx

Jane Willis said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your Mum. I know her health and her distance from you have been a worry for some time now, but it must still be hard when it happens. I don't suppose you are feeling at all Christmassy at the moment, but what a lovely idea to dedicate the challenge to her

Jane said...

I'm sorry to read that your dear Mum passed away. May she rest in peace. Hugs xx

mamapez5 said...

So sorry to hear about your mum. I hope you have a store of happy memories to keep her alive in your heart. Thank you for still doing the challenge for us to focus our minds on the year ahead. Blessings. Kate x

KandA said...

Fabulous inspiration xx

Kathleen said...

Lovely creations by the team.
Sorry to hear your sad news.
Kath x

Di said...

Beautiful cards Mo and thank you so much for another Rudolph Day. So sad to read about your Mum passing away - I think she's left a pretty special legacy in you! x


Di xx

Whisper said...

Aaaah bless you hun and so sorry to hear about your mum, thinking of you and your family at this difficult time, what a fitting way to remember your mum too, by dedicating this Challenge to her, Luv Sam x

Sandra H said...

Fabulous creations so inspiring and thank you for another challege xx

ionabunny said...

Hi Scrappymo, sorry to hear your sad news. HUGZ. I think it's more than just being a bit more ready for christmas. This is such a nice place to be. You popped up in my blog feed and I cheered. Yeah Rudolf Days!! Getting some weird looks from the other side of the table. So thank you and the DT ladies for making the end of the month such fun and for having such a lovely friendly corner to visit. Take care of yourself. Hugz

Linby said...

So sorry to hear about your Mum - my condolences to you.

Lovely DT work as always.

cotnob said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your Mum Maureen, please accept my sincere condolences.
Take care.

Jenny L said...

Hi Maureen,
so sorry to hear about you Mum.
My thoughts go out to you and your family.
Today is a year since my sister passed away.
Then reading Sally's comment the about the 5th of Jan reminds me that my Mum passed away on that date in 2003.
All sadly missed, but fondly remembered today, and most days.
Love and big special hugs from my house to yours.
Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.

Greta said...

You've been on my mind, Maureen--sending hugs. Beautiful cards & lovely prizes!

KT Fit Kitty said...

Oh no, I am so sorry to read about your Mum's passing. I know how much you must miss her. Please accept my deepest sympathies. Brian lost his Mom last summer and we miss her greatly. Thank you for a new challenge - yes, this makes a difference to a lot of us in that the stress is much less in November/December. You are making a difference! Sending hugs!

Sue's Crafty Corner said...

As you know Maureen, our thoughts are with you all at this sad time.

Sue xx

Karenladd said...

Oh, I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your mother. No matter how long and fulfilling a life she had, I know that you will miss her. Hugs.

Carol L said...

I'm so sorry you lost your mum after having her in your life for so many years! Heartfelt sympathy to you and yours. You DO make a difference with this Christmas challenge - so you've done your mum proud :) Be back a little later with my make.

MagsB said...

Oh Maureen, I'm so sorry to hear about your Mum. She was absolutely right, we all should make a difference in the world. Thinking of you.

love Mags B x

LesleyG said...

So sorry to hear of your loss of your Mum, but she would be proud you have carried on to make a difference. Thanks for sharing and a special Rudolph Day <3 xxx

Berina RGA said...

So sorry to hear about your Mum, Maureen. My thoughts and prayers.

Susan Renshaw said...

So sorry to hear about your thoughts are with you at this very sad time...

Pat said...

So sorry to hear the sad news about your Mum Maureen and know that you will have lots of happy memories stored away to bring out when you are feeling sad. Thank you for feeling able to carry on with the challenge as normal and what a lovely idea to dedicate it to her. Linda's snowglobe and Kath's stockings are both beautiful cards
and Sonia's trees are a clever design and very pretty in pink. x

Robyn Oliver said...

Special hugs Maureen at this sad time... mum's are so cherished and I'm glad to play along in her memory

dutchess said...

Thinking of you Maureen xxxxx

Preeti D. (aka Dutt Preety) said...

So sorry to hear about your mum, sending you loads of love and hugs from India
take care

Sarn said...

Hi Mo, so sorry to read about your loss. Sending heartfelt hugs your way. Lovely idea to dedicate this month's challenge to your Mum because it definitely does help us card makers get ready for Christmas.

Big hugs, Sarn xxx

Sally H said...

So sorry to hear about your mum, Mo. She sounds like an amazing lady, just like you. Thanks for Rudolf day, big hugs xxx

Craftychris said...

I am so very sorry to hear about your Mum! So very sad and its lovely you have dedicated this challenge to her. It definitely makes a difference - it helps us all with our Christmas stress! Thank you! Fabulous DT makes - lots of inspiration! Take care of yourself and huge hugs! Chris xxxxx

KT Fit Kitty said...

I just linked up my Rudolph Day card. Thank you for the inspiration to get our holiday cards done early! Your team did a beautiful job with their cards and projects. I thought I left a comment yesterday but I guess it didn't take. I will just say again that I am so sorry about the passing of your Mum. I know you miss her very much. Please accept my deepest sympathies. Hugs, Kitty

Brenda said...

Oh Maureen, I'm so sorry to hear that you lost your mum! My prayers are with you and the rest of your family. I think you are honoring your mum very well with this blog and this challenge. I am linking up my Rudolph Day card and I am thanking you for hosting this challenge each month for us so I can get off my duff and get my cards made! What great projects from the design team!!! Now I'm off to check everything thing out and make some comments. Again, my deepest sympathy on the loss of your mum. Big hugs, Brenda

Jean said...

So sorry to read the sad news of your Mum Maureen,and thank you so much for continuing with this friendly challenge. I'm afraid that my computer prevented me from playing last month but have just entered my card for this month.
Jean x

Heidi MyLittleStampingBlog said...

Beautiful cards! I am hoping to squeeze one in this short month!

Joan said...

So sorry for your loss Maureen.

Loll said...

So sorry to hear about your Mom, Maureen. Thinking of you at this very difficult time.

Lovely inspirational projects from Linda, Sonia and Kath. Working on something right now and will be playing along this month. xx

Loll said...

Just linked up (twice!) ... oh my goodness, I'm NOT on the ball today. Sorry about that. But at least you know I made a card. :) xx

Barb said...

I'm so sorry to hear the sad news about your Mum Maureen. I send you my deepest sympathy at this very difficult time.

What great inspirational makes from your Design Team members and thank you Mo for another Rudolph Day Challenge. Barbxx

Donna said...

Some gorgeous inspiration from the DT! Beautifully done.
Maureen sending prayers and thoughts to you and your family. I know how much losing your Mom can affect your life. Big hugs to you!

Janis said...

So sorry to hear abt your Mom. Keeping you and your extended family in prayer during this time.
Thank you for your monthly challenge. Your sweet generosity and giving of yourself is a wonderful tribute to your dear Mom. Every act of kindness makes the world a better place to live!!
Lovely inspiration by the ladies!!
<3 J

jwoolbright at gmail dot com

Elizabeth said...

So sorry to hear of your sad loss, Maureen. Such a shame your mum didn't get to celebrate her 92nd birthday.

The design team have provided lovely inspiration again this month.

Thinking of you. Elizabeth xx

Karen P said...

Mo huni, I am so sorry,
It must hurt like hell, excuse me, but I wanted to let you know that your challenge does help me to get a bit better organised and feel a little more at peace when December rolls around. Big hugs being sent over the internet hun.
Thank you for the challenge and wonderful inspirations from your lovely team xx

SHartl said...

I am so sorry to hear about your mother and hope that you will eventually be able to remember the good times and smile when you think of her. My thoughts are with you at this sad time.

MaryH said...

Maureen, Sincere sympathy on the loss of your dear Mom. Big hugs coming your way. You've got some fantastic DT inspiration this month, which is always such a joy to see. TFS

Megan J said...

Hi Maureen, such sad news for you and your loved ones, I hope you hold many special memories of your Mum. Thank you for running this challenge during your sad time, some lovely creations from the design team... Megan

Tracy said...

Sorry for your loss :(

The DT's projects are lovely

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

oh dear Mo am sorry indeed to hear of your darling mums passing, may the dear LORD be your comfort at such a time.. mums are very, very precious the LORD took mine when she was 71, but it was a miracle she lived that long really.
I'm only playing for fun this month, so dont add me to the draw. Need to use what I have!

Lovely talented and imaginative work by the DT and so glad I was able to join today been it flat strap and not 100% and so not blogging much.

love and God bless you, dear sweet Mo, you're a very precious friend.
Shaz in Oz.x

Karenladd said...

I left a comment the other day but it hasn't shown up so I'll let you know again how sorry I am to hear about the loss of your mother. No matter how long and satisfying a life she lived, you will always miss her presence. I lost my mother three years ago, and as she was the one who introduced me to crafting, I think of her all the time. Hugs to you and thank you for sharing these beautiful cards from the DT.

Tina Z. said...

so sorry to hear about your Mum.
sending prayers and thoughts to you and your family.
big hug

Heidi MyLittleStampingBlog said...

I am very sorry to hear of the loss of your mom. It is clear that she made a big difference in your life. Sending thoughts and prayers for peace.

Bonnie said...

Such beautiful inspiration pieces! Thanks for the challenge and the inspiration!

Marianne said...

Sorry to hear about you mum, Maureen. I hope you have lots of wonderful memories to get you through this. I'm sure your mum will be proud of you for trying to make a difference. I'll be uploading my card soon. I remember this month, yay.
Marianne x

Sue - said...

So sorry for your loss Mo, and what a lovely idea to dedicate February's challenge to her!