Tuesday 4 June 2013

WOYWW 209 ATC's the unveiling

It is time again to join Julia over at Stamping Ground for another week of WOYWW. Come peer into the heady world of just what is on creative desks...desks of crafters all around the globe!
Last week was so much fun. So much energy, and camaraderieship was evident as I worked my way through the blog roll. I tried very hard to visit every desk...but only got around to 125 blogs!  I had some difficulty with a couple of blogs who didn't allow me to leave a comment unless I signed up to be in someones circles.

If I missed you I am sorry...it took all week to visit who I did manage to get to. I saw so many fabulous ATC's. I learned that special stamps exist to record the deets (who knew!) and learned that some people (you know who you are)  created very lovely holders to protect their ATC's in the mail,.and then made their envelopes into works of art as well!

Now we have 12 months to plan our next ones. I sent off my very first ATC's...I had never taken part previously as I was up at the lake with no internet last year.
I was so lucky the dates worked for me this year and I learned a lot about what to do next time and also what not to do!!!. I think mine were a little too contrived and would like to try something more "Arty" next year! I know it will be fun to plan them ahead!

I made eleven ATC's in all. I had two themes and within each theme the ATC's were quite similar..with a few slight differences. Alas, I did not take a pictures of them all laid out! Silly me, I popped them into their envelops and mailed them off. tout suite! I have one of each theme that I managed to remember to photograph...perhaps some people I sent to may take a picture of what they received.

I managed to make my ATC's with scraps of old scrapbooking projects and stash I alrady owned! That made me happy:)

My first smaller theme was WOYWW4 Creativity Blooms. I made 4. Here is a sample.. I stamped a flower on the back of the teensy envelope.

I learned a couple of things as I made the bloom series
1. Do any finely detailed stamping  on your background before embossing it!
2. Large stamped words look better stamped over the embossing.
3. After embossing the backgrounds get a bit crooked...they look a bit askew.
4. Smooshing and swirly those small pieces of paper through TH Distress stains make your finger very mucky!
5. Smooshing and swirling makes the back of the ATC backrounds mucky!
6. Cutting another ATC and glueing the two layers together gives a nice clean back.
7. Inking the edges of the glued layers helps hide the join line of the layers.
8. Investing in some thin surgical type rubber gloves would be a wise investment.
9. Investing in an ATC details stamp would be a lovely luxury but downloading a free version and running the backs  through the printer BEFORE you glue them together would be a good alternative.

I am entering the Bloom Series ATC in the following challenges
1. Pixies Crafty Workshop - must use snippets.
2. Papertake Weekly - Anything goes
3. Kraft Journal - Make it Monday ; Clean and Simple - must use kraft

My second theme was WOYWW Spans Sea to Sea. There were different types of seahorses used on these...There were a couple of really pretty silver delicate looking ones...yep, you guessed it...they were the ones that escaped B4 I thought to take the camera out.
Instead, I have this sample...
On this series, I was reminded of something I already knew...that often Canadians, and most often a certain lady with concussion related problems, take instructions very literally. Julia mentioned that if you could work WOYWW4 into your card in some way, that would be great.
 I think I kind of took away from my ATC's by hand writing this onto the pattern of the embossing folder... I was not happy with the look so gave my ATC's a liberal dose of sparkly shimmer spray to try and tone it down.
I finished inking and spraying and realized that I was just stuck with it on them and needed to just live with it.
I turned them over and started drawing the lines for the details...then it hit me...I didn't need to draw it on the front as it was in the deets. Duh!

Hope you enjoyed this little peek into my foray with ATC.s. I really liked making them and am planning next years already!!!

P.S.  I will be away 2 weeks visiting my Mum and then up to the lake. Won't be able to open my mail or access my post for 2 weeks so will show the ATC's that I receive on June 19th.. Just don't want anyone to think I am being rude in not thanking you for so long...

I am entering these Sea inspired ATC's in the following challenges:
1. Pixies Crafty Workshop - must use snippets...my ATC backs and fronts as well as the little pieces of kraft cardstock  were all  made from my snippetts drawers.Hope they qualify Di...I am trying for that lucious water droplets so need all the entries I can muster this busy week!
2. Crafty Sentiments Designs - Something fishy
3. Gingerloft Challenge - Critters of the Sea
4. Papertake Weekly - Aything goes


Darnell said...

WoW, Maureen, your first foray into ATCs looks pretty darn fabbo to me!! I don't agree that they look contrived at all. They look natural and creative and beautiful to me. Thank you for taking the time to do that extremely helpful list!

I'm not playing this week as life got in the way of my visiting as many WOYWWers as I wanted to last week, so I am just going to enjoy visiting for a change.

Have a wonderful week! Darnell

MaryH said...

Maureen, First: Enjoy the visit with your Mom. That's a special time. And 2nd: I loved your ATC's. Boy, I'm glad I didn't try this effort. Would have been a total washout. I would not have had the first clue. You did a fantastic job & even more impressive, if it's your 1st participation. You learned a lot, and what you wrote about, well, I didn't know ANY of that either (but that's not much help because I'm pretty much a newbie at a lot of this stuff!! LOL). See ya when you get back. Now remember, have fun. Hugs

Nikki said...

Very pretty ATC's you made. I put WOYWW4 on the back and only made one with it on the front the last one too lol Happy WOYWW hugs Nikki #2

Craftin Suzie (Susan Wykes) said...

Hi Maureen, your ATCs look fabulous. I have never tried this medium before I guess I don't quite understand what they are all about! I get the drift with cards and what they are for lol! Have a fabulous time with your Mum and at the lake - that sounds divine! We are off to Texas on Sunday for two weeks! Hugs Susan x

Silvia said...

Love your ATC's

The Taming of the Glue said...

Have a great time with your mum. Love the ATC's and well done for getting round so many desks last week. Hugs. Pam#9

Belinda Basson said...

Such sage advice, thanks. Experience is the best teacher. Have a fab 2 weeks. #38

Helen said...

Gorgeous ATC's, mine were all very similar too. Happy WOYWW & hope you have a good week. Helen 5

Eliza said...

Beautiful ATC's love how you broke down the good and bad, do's and don't and what to avoid LOL. I created ATC's for years and designed my own back, much easier. I don't do ATC's anymore, I am over them now. I do still admire others works and the enjoyment they get from them.

Eliza & Yoda 18

ria gall said...

Hi Mo
your ATC's are stunning the colours are bright and eye catching and the attention to detail is first class
Wishing you a very happy WOYWW and hope you have a great week
Ria #40

Redanne said...

Hi Maureen, a huge round of applause to you for your ATCs, they are so beautiful - well done for doing them and I like the list of what you learned too - very impressive. Hope you have a lovely time with your Mum, I will miss you but look forward to when you get back. Hugs. Happy WOYWW, Anne x #52

Sandy said...

What wonderful ATC's you have on your desk it was all such fun mine are all still wizzing around in the postal service as I am in Australia but what excitement there is still to come my way..
You will have to see what passed behind me at a scrapbooking crop I went to last Friday its on my post sneak a peek..
Sandy :)

Roudi said...

Fabulous fabulous ATCS! You did a marvelous job. I especially love the little seahorse. So cute!

Happy WOYWW. xx
It's my blogiversary and I've got candy to celebrate!


Zoe Tant said...

Wow these are very striking and bold. Love the seahorse and the top one is lovely and bright and cheerful.

Andrea said...

WOW fabulous ATC and love the handy hints and tips I made 1 !!!..will make more in the future as quite enjoyed it even though it was out of my comfort zone , its been fab seeing everyone techniques and covers and envelopes hope you have a great time at he lakes happy woyyww Andrea #78

The House of Bears said...

Fab ATCs. Have a great holiday

Waving hi from the bears @#85

VonnyK said...

Your ATC's are beautiful, I really love the sea one. I wrote the WOYWW4 on the front of my ATC too. All those facts you listed helped me. The putting two pieces together is a great idea as the backs of mine are terrible. Using gloves would spoil all the fun of getting mucky, that's the best bit (he he). Sorry I didn't get to you last week, my eyes were really sore and I didn't get to as many as I would have liked.
Have a great holiday.
Von #14

Sarn said...

Hi M . . . I am LOVING the look of your ATCs and my goodness me . . . I can't believe they are your first attempt! Very professional IMHO!

Enjoy your visit.

Sarn xxx

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

hi Maureen ah loving your work.. and well done on first foray my first last year were three and I put the WOYWW4 on front too as like it to be distinctive visibly on front to e everyone - mine as computer generated..\
happy WOYWW and thanks for popping over, Shaz in Oz.x #7


G'day Maureen
I'm not playing WOYWW this week either as I am interstate visiting my Mum but I couldn't resist dropping by a few of the desks. Oh well done with your first ATC's and they look great!!!
Annette In Oz

Anonymous said...

I am so enjoying seeing the ATCs on desks this week. And I am in awe - I hoped to get to every desk last week but between REAL LAFE (darn it, it will get in the way, won't it?) and my flaky browser (using a new one this week - so far so good) and just running out of time, I VISITED lots more than I manage most weeks but couldn't COMMENT on far too many of them. So frustrating...

Happy WOYWW!
Mary Anne (10)

roffeycreations said...

Hi Mo - wow lovely ATC's - I didn't partake this time as a 4 week old newbie I just wasn't prepared - but its lovely to see all the ATC's around everyone's desks... Happy WOYWW... Mxx #98

Sassy Raggedy said...

Wonderful ATC's and I also love the envelopes...Hugz, joann

Julia Aston said...

ATC's are such fun works of art - yours are just lovely - how fun to participate in a swap of them! Two weeks at the lake sounds just heavenly!!

DebC55 said...

Beautiful ATCs! Especially love the seahorse one!!! Fun seeing the WOYWW cards!

Debbie #101

Crafting Vicky said...

gorgeous ATCs!!!! Love what you did for the envelopes how fun!

SandeeNC said...

Beautiful ATC's, glad you have internet this year! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina ♥ #12

Caro said...

Your ATCs are simply stunning, and I quite agree, last week was so much fun! Happy WOYWW. Thanks for sharing. Caro x (#55)

Lunch Lady Jan said...

I was an ATC virgin too!! But yours are way more professional than mine :-) lovely colours!
Hugs, LLJ 35 xxxx

Unknown said...

Pretty ATC, I feel shamed I did not make many ATCS so definitely need to plan ahead for next year!
Karen #38

pearshapedcrafting said...

Lovely atcs! I love your list of observations - made me smile! Chris 127

Hettie said...

Beautiful ATCs there Mo. I have to confess, yours is still on my desk, as I discovered last night! Oops!
Have a great time away and don't forget to have a drink on the 18th for me!

Jenny Marples said...

Hi Maureen. Your ATC's look really great. Isn't it great fun swapping around the World?! Have a great time away with your Mum. Happy WOYWW, hugs Jenny #131

Glenda Atkins said...

Wonderful ATC's and you get to swap them too.Love the envelopes! Enjoy your time with your Mom!

Marit said...

Ooooh, what a wonderful ATCs you made, now I am even more curious to see mine come (still only have received one - as I am in Holland it takes a while before they arrive) I will take a photo and send it to you when it arrives. Happy ~ belated ~ woyww and a hug from Holland, Marit #70

Pia S said...

Such wonderful little pieces of art! Great choice of stamps and love how you did matching envelopes. Your take on ATCs made me want to give it a go too - just need to build up some courage to try something new and messy:)

Mrs A. said...

Lovely little woks of art. I do have a soft spot for sea horses so that is my fav one. All of our observations are spot on too. Have a nice relaxing time up at the lakes . Hugs Mrs a.

Claire said...

just beautiful! love the colours and the images you used - just gorgeous!
Thanks for stopping by and leaving a message :)
Happy belated WOYWW and have a wonderful week!
no. 6

Unknown said...

I've yet to get going on ATC's so your handy hints and tips were really useful! I now have plenty of time to practice before next years swap!!! Thanks for sharing and Happy Woyww Liz@135

Unknown said...

They are absolutely gorgeous Maureen! Not contrived, not over'thunked'at all!. I can't wait for mine to arrive and see what theme I'm getting! I'm going to take pics of my received ATCs so will email you one. I have thoroughly enjoyed my first 'Swap' and am looking forward to next year! (Think I might start making an ATC and a tag a week as a challenge to myself so I'm prepared for next year!) Happy WOYWW Sand 146 xxx

Di said...

Hi Maureen

Oh boy - am I ever glad I hopped by to see what you were up to! I'd noticed you haven't linked anything this week and here are two references. Hope you can link them by noon UK time on Saturday - and a third makes you in for the droplets stamp. Hope all is OK - it's not like you.

Have made a note and will try to link you before the Playground closes but it would be best if you do it.

And I STILL owe you an email - battling here after the reunion and catching up right now.

Hugs, Di xx

Tracy said...

Your ATC's are lovely.
You visited 125 blogs in a day...seriously, you rock.
Enjoy your time at the lake I know I will :)

Neet said...

Two wonderful designs and I have one of them!! The sheen on the cardstock is gorgeous - thank you so much for my atc which arrived today.

Guess what? I did exactly the same - forgot to take photographs of the ones I was sending.

Not to worry - thanks again - and have a nice weekend.

Hugs, Neet 17 xx

voodoo vixen said...

Lovely ATCs Mo and I had to smile at your list of things you learned... because I learned all those things through trial and error too and it really stays with you for the next time!! Annette #8

coldwaters2 said...

Two terrific ATC's Mo lovely images and colours.
lorraine x

Debs Willis said...

wow! Lots of learning and sme GREAT ATC's - love the seahorse!
Debs #74

Elizabeth said...

Well, Maureen, I think you worry too much - your ATCs are fabulous and don't look contrived to me. Love the list of what you learned - especially #4 ... my hands looked as though I was lifelong smoker after I'd done with mine :) Hope you are having a great time visiting your mum and at the lake. Elizabeth x #56

PS: great use of snippets

Jac’s Playground said...

Beautiful ATC, love the embossing, thanks for joining us at Crafty Sentiments this week. Jac x

Jackie W said...

Awesome ATC's! Love the embossing and fabulous details! The sea horse image is fantastic! Thanks for sharing with us at Crafty Sentiments!
Jackie W :)

happyglitzygirl said...

Love the Seahorse, great colours, thanks for playing with Gingerloft, blessings Hilde

Cathy said...

Such fab ATCs, love the seahorse. Thank you for joining in the Crafty Sentiments challenge this time.
Cathy xx

mixamatoasties said...

Lovely ATC's.

Thanks for joining in at Crafty Sentiments this time.

Susan x