Thursday 27 June 2013

A Wine, Cheese and Pony Party

Well, it has been a busy, fun filled week.
We had some lifetime friends come up to the lake for a few days to visit with us...a brother and sister from DH's old neighbourhood, along with their respective partners. They come up once a year and usually we swim, suntan, go fishing and sightseeing in the boat, and play marbles!  I can almost here you say Marbles????? What the heck...but I will save the marbles explanation for another story!

It rained so hard and so long while they were here...I felt badly that their vacation was ruined. We would have 30 minutes of torrential rains and then the sun would pop through the black skies for maybe 20 or 30 minutes. It was get warm...but really muggy warm...then the rain would close back in. They raced to the pool during one of the sunny periods but it closed as they got to the gates...due to lightning!
There was rolling thunder, sheet lightening, and more thunder...Oh my...not a great holiday at all!

Lots of brilliant games of marbles later...we finally had a bit of a breather from the rain and headed out to the only local winery on our side of the lake. Celista Winery is the most northern winery in B.C. They make mostly whites or white blends but do make one red...a lovely Oak Barrel Foch from Marshall Foch grapes.

They carry a small selection of Gorts Gouda cheese which you can purchase with a lovely loaf of local bread. A spicy Gouda, a baguette and a bottle of Oak Barrel Foch turned our day into a bit of a delight. Here are a few photos of our luncheon...

Please keep in mind that we have the RV in a resort in a teensy tiny town, miles from any decent shopping, etc so it is quite amazing to have this little treat of a place just a few minutes up the road. It is not posh by any means...but it has a rustic beauty that we just love. The owners are well into their senior years...the winery has only been open 2 years...this is the third year and they are still establishing the finishing touches. They are fulfilling a lifetime dream and I admire their vision and determination.

Here is the winery building...the tastings are done in the ground level floor. We sampled two whites, one couvee (white blend), one rose, one red and a delicious desert wine!

Here is the view of the lake from the tables. Although the rain had stopped it was still very overcast. The peekaboo lake view is mid center in the photo.
And here is the view of the lake through the rows of grape vines.

Here is a photo of the delightful little Icelandic horses that they raise at the winery. They are always such fun to visit. There are 4 mares and foals. They raise them and then train them as riding horses and sell them on.  There are some beautiful paintings of the horses in the winery as they have each mare and new foal painted by a wonderful artist. 
They are very friendly and inquisitive and like to saunter over from the barn you see in the distance. They seem to be saying...well...I walked all the way over here...where is my carrot!!!
Although they are classified as horses they are actually pony sized. The one on the far left looks a bit like Billy, the pony my youngest rode when she was a little girl.  Little Mr Billy was a lot shorter and fatter though wit h a bit of a pony attitude at times!!!

So there you have it...our Wine, Cheese and Pony Party!


Brenda Brown said...

What a shame about the weather, but even so you seem to be making the most of it and having a great time. The scenery is beautiful and the cheese and wine a fabulous out of the sun activity.
Have a great day and a fabulous weekend.
hugs Brenda xxx

Craftin Suzie (Susan Wykes) said...

What a lovely way to spend a rainy summer's day! Unfortunately if we did that here every time it rained we would fast become alcoholics lol! Its pouring down now as I write this and I am just off to London to show some friends around from Arizona - goodness knows what they will think!!! Thanks for sharing your beautiful pictures Maureen, hope your vacation continues to be just as wonderful! Susan x

Unknown said...

I am sure with fab views you have shown us, nothing would dampner you holiday, they look awesome and... eat, drink and be merry, that's my motto..luv annie xxxx

Christine Harrop said...

Suzie's comment about we Brits becoming alcoholics if we took to the wine bottle every time it rained made me chuckle! Glad you were able to make the best of things Maureen. I'm sure you had a great day with your friends. For some reason this brought back memories of our wonderful holiday in Canada three years ago. Christine xx

Jo said...

Beautiful pics Maureen, sounds & looks like you had the most wonderful time. We're having the same kind of weather sign of Summer, just dull grey damp days & thunder & lightning!
Oh well, reason enough to stay indoors & craft!
Hugs Jo x

Teresa - My Crafty Heart said...

Hi Maureen, yes, i totally agree with Susan, what a fabulous way to spend a rainy afternoon...she did make me laugh too:) your piccies are wonderful hope you continue to have a lovely time, hugs, Teresa x

May said...

What a beautiful post full of lovely photographs...that cheese & wine looks so yummy... at least you got extra games of marbles due to the weather!!! Hugs May x x x

Sue said...

Shame about the weather Mo but the scenery and the winery look absolutely stunning and I'm sure fun was had by all with the marbles. Lets hope the weather is better when you come over here!!! lots of huggles hun Sue xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Mary Jo said...

Bummer about the rain!
But that winery is lovely :)

Karen P said...

Beautiful cabin/house and the scenery and landscape - I'm very jealous Maureen. I do hope the weather improves for you, but the ponies, wine and cheese make up for a bit of rain hugs Karen x

p.s. will let you know if I get a card, nothing yet hun

Kristi said...

It sounds like you had a lovely time even though the weather chose not to cooperate. Your photos are lovely! Good friends and good wine are all you need!LOL

Erika said...

Mo thanks for all your lovely comments on my blog. I hope you feel much better soon....these things just take time and healing is better not rushed.
I love the look of the winery, what a fab place. We're used to rain in Scotland and if you stayed in every time we had some you'd get nothing done, LOL. Still we don't seen to get the nasty thunder and lightening storms you do.
Have a super weekend, hugs Erika. x

Peanut said...

Stunning holiday snaps, Maureen. Everything is so lush and green..gorgeous. I suppose all that rain had a hand in maintaining the greenery. Glad you found the cheese and wine comforting! I could do with some right now.

Diana Seal said...

Hi Maureen, what a great place for a vacation, beautiful scenery and the cheese and wine look absolutely yummy!
Bummer about the weather, hope it will get better!
Have a great vacation!

Darnell said...

Well done, Maureen! I felt as though I were right there enjoying the wine, cheese, and ponies with you!! I'm sorry about the weather (it must be brilliant watching!), but I'm sure your friends enjoyed your company and the marbles!! It really truly is God's country and you are blessed to be there! That winery building is a work of art!

Hettie said...

I remember marbles and even have some of my old ones somewhere from when I was a wee lass!
Great photos. I can almost taste the wine. Love the red stuff myself!

MaryH said...

Loved the pictures, thanks for sharing. This looks like a Swiss chalet in the lovely mountains. Sounds like a delightful time, good food, and pretty scenery, even with the rain. Can't wait to hear the marbles story. I played with marbles as a kid ...didn't even know one could still buy them. That Gouda looked yummy....TFS

Glenda Atkins said...

Sounds like a good time even if it was a bit wet:O) It's been a dreadful spring and so far summer here in Albert, rains just about every day and poor Calgary, my old home town, enough said! Lovely country where you vacationed, I love the BC scenery!

brenda said...

I am really running on late this week Maureen, but so nice to read you lovely post and see you are having a fab time.

B x

roffeycreations said...

Hi Mo - those ponies with the blonde locks look so sweet... great scenery - Mxx

Anonymous said...

lovely pics! despite the weather, it sounds like you had a nice relaxing time away. the rustic winery building looks very inviting and the wine tasting sounds yummy.

Tracy said...

Despite the weather I am sure it was still a great time. The best time is spent with friends. I used to love to play marbles.