
Tuesday 4 January 2022

Rudolph Days Challenge Special Prize Winner

We had 18 bloggers who qualified for the prize draw. Thanks to each and every one of you for playing along so faithfully!

I could not use random org so Al drew the winner from a hat!

The winner is Becca Yahrling. Becca, could you email me at and let me know your mailing address.

PS For those that have been following Al's progress, he is doing so well now. He is walking in the neighbourhood to get his strength and stamina back. He was a great walker before. He could walk for miles on a flat surface and never get tired. Now, he will gradually increase the length of each walking outing and eventually attemp small hilly areas at his rehab's direction.

Classes are all done online and then you do them yourself at home or in your neighbourhood.

He sees the cardiologist Jan 10th, so will get the stress test then that allows the Dr. to set target heart rates for his exercise.

In the last couple of days, he has put on a load or two of his laundry...towels, pj's, and even the sheets off the bed! I made it up though, as bending and pulling on things is beyond his strength at the moment. It is so good to see him looking for things to do as he is feeling stronger.


  1. Congratulations to Becca! So glad to see your post, Mo, and read your wonderful update on Al's positive improvement! Modern cardiology really is marvelous and it sounds as if Al is an ideal patient, which is so important! Keep up the good work! Hugs, Darnell

  2. I am so happy and relieved to read your update on Al! Awesome news! And big congrats to Becca! Woohoo! Happy New Year!

  3. Many congratulations Becca one well deserved winner l am so pleased to read Al is improving sending lots of love to you all xx

  4. So glad to hear that Al is doing well. Congrats to Becca.

  5. Congratulations to Becca, I'm so pleased to hear that Al is making steady progress.
    Take care.
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  6. Congratulations to Becca. So pleased that Al is recovering so well - such good news!

  7. Congratulations to Becca.
    I am so pleased too that Al is recovering so well, great news!
    hugs xx

  8. Congrats Becca. sSo pleased to read the great news of Al's recovery rate.

  9. Ooooh, thank you, Al, for being my good luck charm!! lol And so very happy to hear you're doing better! Yay! Hoping the cardio appt. went well, too!! Keep up the great progress.
    Hugs & prayers, Becca xoxo

  10. What fabulous news Mo! Go Al, but be aware that Mo could have you pushing the vacuum cleaner round soon, wink. Only kidding.


    Di xx

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.


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