
Tuesday 25 January 2022

January Rudolph Days Challenge

Welcome to our first challenge of 2022.

As always, the design team has some lovely cards for your inspiration. First up is Sue from Sue's Crafty Corner

Sue has made four wonderful cards featuring cute penguins and fab polar bears. I love the large fancy cardbase die cuts used here. They really are lovely, and showcase the images so well. I hope you will pop over to Sue's blog and leave her some praise.

Her first card is the polar bear and his little buddy. Love this sweet image!

Next up is the penguins, and I think they are so adorable!

Next up is Jenny from Cardsarus blog. Jenny has made us two beautiful cards featuring some lovely pinecone diecuts and lots of bling! Her first card features red and white. Loving the miri card for the diecuts, and the pretty white boughs. The sentiment part of the card looks great with this design. I hope you will pop over to Jenny's bog and leave her some praise too. Her posts always feature photos of the inside of her cards as well.

Her second card features blues...and this mirri looks pretty!
Nothing from me this month. I am still kept busy with Al's recovery. I am not used to doing all the cooking, cleaning and laundry! Leaves me pressed for time in the craft room...

He is doing so well. Walking each day for up to 20 min on flat ground in the neighbourhood. He has a long way to go to get back to the fitness he had before, but he says he can see the light at the end of the tunnel now. He has had more tests and they have found he has a second problem with his heart that they will monitor with tests once a year. He will eventually need another surgery...

Our prize this month is this Memory Box, Cabin Snowglobe die.


  1. So pleased to read that Al is improving and that you've decided to keep running the challenge.

  2. I’m so pleased to hear that your hubby is on the mend Mo. Thank you for another year of fab challenges x

  3. So pleased to see the challenge for January knowing its been a hard time for you and your family and now to read Al is on the mend sending lots of love x

  4. The first Rudolph Day of the year - this month is flying by! Lovely cards from the DT.

    I'm so pleased to hear that Al is making a good recovery. I also hope you're also looking after yourself - I know how tired Steve's recovery is making me!

    Kath x

  5. what fantastic and very beautiful cards DT

    gr karin

  6. Great cards and that you've decided to keep running the challenge. I'm so pleased to hear that Al is is recovering well, take care.

  7. Super cards by your DT, Maureen. Glad to hear that Al's recovery is going well. Hope he continues to make good progress. xx

  8. So glad Al is continuing to make good progress. Your design team have done you proud. I too love the background die that Sue has used. It sets her inages off so well. And that big fir cone is amazing. I shall pop over to Sue and jenny's blogs to have another look.
    (Don't include me in the prize draw) Kate x

  9. I'm so happy to hear Al is doing well with his recovery! So much to be thankful for even with so much negative these days. The DT has again outdone themselves with beautiful cards! Please leave me out of the drawing. Hugs, Greta

  10. Happy New Year and a very happy January Rudolf Days. Glad to hear Al is doing well. Hope he has a rapid and full recovery. Take care of yourself as well Mo. Beautiful cards from the team. Love the variations. Thanks for helping me keep on track again this year. Hugz

  11. Hello and Happy 2022! Thank you for a new Rudolph Day challenge! Woohoo, I'm in early for once! Sue and Jenny have made beautiful cards to inspire us! So glad to read that Al continues to improve each day, and I hope he will be fit as a fiddle in no time - it sounds like he's well on his way! Wishing you both all the best!

  12. Fabulous news about hubby! So grateful to hear this. Take care of yourself as you handle all of the extra things around the house in addition to helping him!
    What lovely cards by Sue and Jenny. The critters on Sue's cards are so cute and the die-cuts are wonderful. Love the gorgeous shine on Jenny's cards!!
    Thank you for another year of Rudolph Days and keeping us on track with our Christmas card making!!
    <3 J

    jwoolbright at gmail dot com

  13. So glad to hera that yor hubby is going better!
    Fabulous cards from Sue and Jenny! Thanks for another challenge!

  14. So very happy to hear that Al is continuing to improve!!
    And beautiful cards from Sue & Jenny. Hoping you will be able to craft soon.

  15. The DT have created beautiful and inspiring cards as always!! Happy to be playing along with the fabulous snowflake frame from Rudolph Days!! And so happy that Al is continuing to do well, Maureen! Take care. Loll xx

  16. So pleased you were able to continue with the challenge

  17. Fabulous cards from the DT, Sue's die is so pretty. Pleased your hubby is doing well and thank you for the challenge x

  18. Fabulous inspiration here, You are such a trooper carrying on with this, despite all your other life challenges. I'm pleased to have made it in time....all good intentions this year...we'll see!!! Happy Rudolph Day xxx

  19. So happy to hear of your husband's progress Maureen and delighted to see you back here to keep our noses to the grindstone! Vicky x

  20. Thanks for the challenge Maureen- so pleased you are still finding time to run it despite the extra work looking after Al and doing all the chores and cooking! It is good news that he's continuing to do well and make good progress with his recovery.
    The DT inspiration is beautiful, both Sue and Jenny have done you proud this month.

  21. Happy Rudolph Days, Maureen!
    So happy to hear that Al is on his way to recovery.
    Hopefully, things will be getting easier for you along the way.
    I admire you for getting this challenge going. Fortunately, you have a few fabulous team members offering wondering inspiration.
    Marianne x

  22. Great DT inspiration. Glad to read about your husband's progress.
    xxx Margreet

  23. Sending big hugs your way for all you do! I know how difficult things must be with your husband's recovery, but you still keep going strong! Your DT makes are beautiful and you're fortunate to have them keeping this challenge going while your priorities shifted. Happy Rudolph days to each and every one of you!

  24. I'm glad that Al is improving steadily, Maureen! Thank you for continuing to have this challenge every month! xoxo

  25. Happy to hear that Al is recovering well. Sending big hugs.

    Lovely DT makes and we are very happy that you still want to keep this challenge "alive". Happy Rudolph Days!


  26. I'm so glad your husband is progressing steadily. Thanks so much for keeping the challenge open. The DT makes are wonderful. I'm inspired by the die cut ornaments. I'm off to make my card.

  27. So glad to hear Al is doing well. The DT made some beautiful cards!

  28. Beautiful cards from Sue and Jenny and great batch makes with Sue's fun polar bears and penguins and a very pretty frame around the circular apertures, and the die cut cones and foliage and two different wonderful sentiment dies from Jenny in those two pretty colours of mirri effective. So good to hear that Al is progressing well and it is great that you are managing to keep the challenge going as I know your life must be much busier at the moment Maureen. x

  29. How wonderful to hear that Al continues to improve, but I'm sure you're feeling the extra weight on your shoulders with added responsibility (in addition to the worry). Thank you for continuing the challenge for the new year, but do take care. The DT cards are beautiful, as always and Sue's sweet winter critters are just adorable.

  30. Lovely cards from Sue and Jenny!

    Hope Al is soon so much better...

  31. I'm glad that Al is doing better, but sorry to hear that another operation may be in his future. This challenge is the only thing that keeps me on track with my card making, especially in January when Christmas is the last thing I'm thinking of! Happy New Year to you and your family Maureen.

  32. What a gorgeous array of Christmas cards by all of you on the DT Mo! Lots of inspiration and every one is just fabulous. And I made it with an entry too.

    Here's hoping Al continues to grow stronger day by day. And often, after heart surgery, a follow-up operation might be necessary as I'm sure you will know. However, now that the big problem is sorted out, any next round is usually much easier. Please say Hello from me - Al was so lovely when we met at Highclere - someone you can instantly like and know that he 'gets' a bunch of giggling friends as we were.


    Di xx

  33. Coming in under the wire! So glad to hear that Al continues to do well, Mo, and I hope his follow-up surgery goes smoothly. You take care of yourself, too! Thank you to Sue and Jenny for their inspiration! Hugs, Darnell

  34. Gorgeous cards from two busy ladies, nice work Sue and Jenny...... and a big hang in there for Maureen and Al and his recovery, hugs Robyn

  35. Such great news about Al! So happy for him... and your whole family!

  36. Thanks for another challenge
    Wonderful cards from the DT.
    Valerija xx

  37. So pleased to read that Al is improving, great news.
    lovely inspirations from the DT.
    sending hugs and love xx

  38. Great to hear that Al is doing well!
    Lovely DT cards as always - thanks for the inspiration!
    Helen x

  39. Cutting it close, but made it! Trying to enter each of the 11 months this year, so thank you for continuing the challenge.
    And yay on Al’s improvements! Sending him continued recovery wishes his way.

    Trina 💙


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