
Wednesday 1 December 2021

Annual Rudolph Days Extra Challenge

It seems so hard to believe that it is time for our yearly Extra Challenge! This challenge is for those posters who have entered every qualifying month all year. Just leave a comment on this post and mention that you have entered all year.

Our prize is this Sue Wilson, Creative Expressions, Festive Bauble background die.
Winner to be drawn on Jan 1, 2022.


  1. Gosh how quickly this extra challenge has come round yes l have don’t all the challenges apart from the one you didn’t feel up to doing which was understandable due to your husbands ill health xx

  2. I’m not sure where this year has gone! Thanks for all the Rudolph Days Challenges which have helped keep us on track with making our Christmas cards. I’ve managed to join in with all the challenges this year. Merry Christmas! xx

  3. Another year gone by in a flash but I’m very pleased to say that I’ve been able to join you every month. Merry Christmas to all. Sandra xx

  4. Wow, I can't belive, year is almost gone. Thank you for the Rudolph Days Challenges. I’m very happy, that I’ve joind your challenge every month. Thank you for the chance to win this awesome extra prize.
    I wish you all the best.
    Hugs, Valerija

  5. I don't have a lot of time to make cards through the year, but I have entered all of your Rudolph challenges, and it's definitely helped me stay on track. Thank you so much for always keeping us motivated Maureen! Best wishes to you and your family.

  6. I have managed to enter throughout the year and it has gone so quickly! Thank you for the challenge and I hope you, hubby and family have a lovely Christmas x

  7. I have entered all year, but already have this die (unused!). Thanks for running the challenge this year again especially during your current circumstances. Merry Christmas to you and yours.
    L x

  8. It's hard to believe that it's December already! Thanks to you and your challenges, I managed to make at least one holiday card each and every month - thank you, Maureen! Wishing you and your husband and family good health and happiness over the holidays and beyond! I hope Al continues to improve each day!

  9. I always look forward to joining in with the Rudolph Challenge each month and haven't missed a one. The DT samples (and yours) always inspire me and get me in the card making mood, no matter the time of year. Hoping that Al is doing better each day, and that you are able to enjoy the holidays.

  10. I checked my blog and somehow I missed August this year, so I'm not qualified, but I still wish everyone else the best of luck. Thanks for your generosity always Mo, and I do hope Al is recovering nicely now! Happy holidays and big thanks for all you do!

  11. I have entered all year! And it's always a joy to play along! I wish you the merriest of Christmases with your family! Hugs & prayers for Al's continued recovery.

  12. I'm not qualified because I missed 1 or 2 hope next year
    Gr Karin

  13. Gosh, December again. Where does the time go. Thank you for helping me make cards all year. I entered each month this year. Take care. Hugz

  14. This year has gone by fast. I'm still making Christmas cards! :) I am happy that I was able to play along each month this year at Rudolph. Thanks for running the challenge, Maureen! xx

  15. I was pretty sure that I had entered all year this year but I went back to check just to make sure. Yippee! I was right! Thanks for your fun challenges. I hope that you DH is on the med. May your Christmas be filled with peace and a healthy 2022 for all your family! Merry Christmas!

  16. I was happy to join every month. At least I made one Christmas card each month! Thanks so much for hosting the challenge. I wish you and your family good health and lots of happiness in 2022.

  17. I don't know what happened but I actually missed a month. Congratulations to all those that didn't miss a month. Merry Christmas Mo and everyone else. I look forward to playing next year and will try and remember to actually enter every month. It's always a fun time to play.

  18. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  19. I happily joined every month too. :) Thank you for your hard work running this challenge. :) xx

  20. I managed to play in each challenge Mo! Sending you huge thanks for this great challenge and also hoping that you have a peaceful Christmas and that 2022 sees Al fully recovered.

    Love and hugs - and a woof from Dudley!

    Di xx

  21. I am happy to be your regular player, Mo. Thank you so much for your challenge and all the inspiration and hard work.
    I wish you and your family good health and lots of happiness in New Year.

  22. Somehow I forgot to comment on here and now it might be too late, but I did play in each of the months where there was a Rudolph Days challenge. Thank you so much for ALL you do!! Sending New Year's hugs and wishes for a bright and happy 2022.
    <3 J

    jwoolbright at gmail dot com


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