
Sunday 30 June 2013

Quick and Easy

It was my turn to design a quick and easy card for my neighbour and I to make at our weekly crop night.

Last time I was in the USA, I saw these packages of rhinestone accents on clearance for 50 cents each. I grabbed a few and thought they would be perfect for our weekly card at craft night.

Now this is a shared stash card. I couldn't decide on the snippet of DP that sits behind the I brought over a dozen or more various DP's. We hummed and hawed and finally Lisa remembered this piece of teal damask! I had brought the same paper in pink, grey, or yellow damask but didn't have any teal this is a shared snippets card. The cardstock is from my snippets and the DP from hers! Gosh, maybe I will have to share anything I win!!! I am going to make a few time I think I will use the different shade of damask with a bit of coloured cardstock behind them...but that takes more time, so it is not suitable for our shared cards.

Keeping in mind our quick and easy cards have to be no longer than 15 minutes from start to finish, this is a fairly straightforward card... what you see is what you get! The background is the white base card but my photo has made it look pink! Funny how you never notice little boo boo's till the card is looks like I have managed to tear a wee edge of the damask trim...ugggh!

Car and Envelope Michaels Recollections 5 1/2 " square textured
DP - Echo Park Style Essentials
cardstock - snippets from my stash
Die - blog candy from Shaz in Oz...I'm up at the lake so can't look up the manufacturer...sorry
Bling - Michael's 50 cent clearance

I am entering this card in the following challenges
1. Pixies Crafty Workshop - must use snippets
2. Sister Act - Always Anything Goes
3. MFP Speedy TV - Inspirational; I chose the Doors concert poster...I think I went to this concert at the PNE in Vancouver (when I was a teenager)!!!  I used the blocks of Blue, red, yellow, green as inspiration for the coloured letters of DREAM
4. Crafts and Me Challenge - Anything goes
5. Simon Says Stamp - Anything goes

Saturday 29 June 2013

Claiming my blog

<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

Just a quick post to claim my blog and to invite you to follow me with Bloglovin. Hopefully I have done this right as I am squeezing in under the wire!

Thursday 27 June 2013

A Wine, Cheese and Pony Party

Well, it has been a busy, fun filled week.
We had some lifetime friends come up to the lake for a few days to visit with us...a brother and sister from DH's old neighbourhood, along with their respective partners. They come up once a year and usually we swim, suntan, go fishing and sightseeing in the boat, and play marbles!  I can almost here you say Marbles????? What the heck...but I will save the marbles explanation for another story!

It rained so hard and so long while they were here...I felt badly that their vacation was ruined. We would have 30 minutes of torrential rains and then the sun would pop through the black skies for maybe 20 or 30 minutes. It was get warm...but really muggy warm...then the rain would close back in. They raced to the pool during one of the sunny periods but it closed as they got to the gates...due to lightning!
There was rolling thunder, sheet lightening, and more thunder...Oh my...not a great holiday at all!

Lots of brilliant games of marbles later...we finally had a bit of a breather from the rain and headed out to the only local winery on our side of the lake. Celista Winery is the most northern winery in B.C. They make mostly whites or white blends but do make one red...a lovely Oak Barrel Foch from Marshall Foch grapes.

They carry a small selection of Gorts Gouda cheese which you can purchase with a lovely loaf of local bread. A spicy Gouda, a baguette and a bottle of Oak Barrel Foch turned our day into a bit of a delight. Here are a few photos of our luncheon...

Please keep in mind that we have the RV in a resort in a teensy tiny town, miles from any decent shopping, etc so it is quite amazing to have this little treat of a place just a few minutes up the road. It is not posh by any means...but it has a rustic beauty that we just love. The owners are well into their senior years...the winery has only been open 2 years...this is the third year and they are still establishing the finishing touches. They are fulfilling a lifetime dream and I admire their vision and determination.

Here is the winery building...the tastings are done in the ground level floor. We sampled two whites, one couvee (white blend), one rose, one red and a delicious desert wine!

Here is the view of the lake from the tables. Although the rain had stopped it was still very overcast. The peekaboo lake view is mid center in the photo.
And here is the view of the lake through the rows of grape vines.

Here is a photo of the delightful little Icelandic horses that they raise at the winery. They are always such fun to visit. There are 4 mares and foals. They raise them and then train them as riding horses and sell them on.  There are some beautiful paintings of the horses in the winery as they have each mare and new foal painted by a wonderful artist. 
They are very friendly and inquisitive and like to saunter over from the barn you see in the distance. They seem to be saying...well...I walked all the way over here...where is my carrot!!!
Although they are classified as horses they are actually pony sized. The one on the far left looks a bit like Billy, the pony my youngest rode when she was a little girl.  Little Mr Billy was a lot shorter and fatter though wit h a bit of a pony attitude at times!!!

So there you have it...our Wine, Cheese and Pony Party!

Monday 24 June 2013

Imagine the horses

As soon as I saw this sweet little image at my local scrapbook store, I just had to have it. When my girls were youngsters, My Dad, my sister, and my two girls would go out on horseback into the woods,  to get a Christmas tree. The dogs went along too, and Dad would bring a section of rope and tarp and drag the tree home.

My Dad was always great at making something out of nothing...I am sure he just sort of routed round in his garage and found some twine and something to make the "tree sled" from and off they would go. The girls were always excited to be included. Dad always got a couple extra for their house, one for my house, and one for anyone who came by and needed a tree!!! He would always stick the extra tree into the snow bank alongside the driveway in the front garden. 
So you have to imagine the horses. They are standing off to the side...just off the edge of the card. Two are ponies of course!  Now you know my Christmas tree tradition, you will understand that my grandaughter,  Pony Girl 06, comes by her name honestly! I would like to try this image again as a step card, and then perhaps I can fit a pony or two on it!

Card and Envelope - blog candy win from Sassy Raggedy
DP - Carta Bella, Merry and Bright and also My Minds Eye, Winter Wonderland (snippets)
Cardstock - from my snippets stash
Mirror card - silver and red mirror card from my snippets stash (the red is just under the image)
Die - doily is Marriane I think, circle and scalloped circles are Spellbinders
Image and sentiment - unknown (forgot to write down the name when I was at the stamp off)

I am entering this card in the following challenges:
(I have managed to keep to 5 challenges only to meet the Rudolph rules...well done me for remembering!)

1. Pixies Crafty Workshop - must use snippets
2. Rudolph Days Stamping for Pleasure - must be Christmas
3. CHNC Extra - Anything Goes with a Christmas Theme
4. Sister Act - always Anything Goes
5. CHNC - Christmas greenery
6. MFP Speedy TV Christmas CArd Challenge - must be Christmas

Friday 21 June 2013

Candy and a card

I was lucky enough to win one of the blog candy surprise packs from Joann at Sassy Raggedy. Lucky me! Thank you so much Joann!!!
Along with some lovely scalloped square card and envelopes, I also won these treasures.

There were stickers, die cuts, Xmas stamps, and even some charms! As soon as I opened these pink glittered butterflies, I knew I wanted to make a Sympathy card for my card basket. They are always sad cards to make, but I feel easier to make some ahead and have in on hand.

I just layered some of the differeent  dies and embellishments that I won and placed them on a snippet of heavily glittered  black wedding paper. I kept it really simple and will add a sentiment later. I like to pick something appropriate to the receiver of my card.
My photo is fairly wonky..sorry about has made the elements look a bit crooked...they are OK IRL but this is a scheduled post as we are at the lake, so I can't take a new photo.
No recipe as I have no idea of the manufacturers...these items were bundled unwrapped to keep the postage down...that is the fun thing about blog candy...there are many surprises!
The black background hearts entwined paper is a scrap of wedding themed DP I had left over from the wedding album I made to take to England. Our cousins son married a lovely girl who shares a love of making cards and jewelry! She sent over the wedding photos CD so I just had to put them to paper!

I will be entering this card into the following challenges.
1. Pixies Crafty Workshop - must use snippets
2. Sister Act Card challenge - Always Anything Goes
3. Dutch Dare Card Challenge - Something that starts with the letter B
4. Rhedd and Rosie's Challenge Blog - #9  Take flight
5. Word Art Wednesday - #85

Tuesday 18 June 2013

WOYWW # 211 Home is where the ATC is

Wednesday  is finally here...the day to peek into all the creative desks around the world. Pop by Julia's at Stamping Ground if you would like to take a peek as well...but be sure to leave her a comment as she hosts this whole snoop!

Finally got home from the lake and my mailbox was very full of tiny envelopes, arty envelops and some large envelopes...What's a girl to do but rip them open!!! Aaaaahhhhhh!
None of this home and heart business for sure...Home is where the ATC is.

Here they are, in all their glory. I have placed the envelope beside a couple of them as the envelope is a work of art too! I still have one to fly across the pond, but I must say I am delighted with these teensy works of art on my table.
Here they are individually:

First is Marit of Marit's Paper World. Not sure if you can see the lovely black stitching...but it is very effective on this ATC. The envelope was a fab surprise! I have put her business card over my address!
Next up is Neet  of Hickydorums who drew my name...Hers is a surprise too, as it has two sides and a gorgeous shimmery envelope to protect it.
Here is the flip side
Now we have Sandra of Sand Castles In The Air. She sent one of her first forays into Zen with colour. I chuckled at the bristol board protector she tucked into her envelope! I have set her ATC on the board to share it with you.
Buttons at Pushing The Right Buttons sent this lovely inky, embossed ATC. It has glimmers of metallic verdigris.
Ria  of Ria Gall sent this cheery hot air balloon. It has such a feeling of motion!
Caro at  Caro Crafts and Life sent this fun jeliplate creation...It has a very sweet poem she penned just for WOYWW4   (on the back).
Vickie at Crafting Vicky sent a purrfic hug with this sweet kitty. She has a wonderful stamp on the back to record the deets!
and Sarn at Stamping for Pleasure sent this lovely inky ATC with one of my fave images on it.She surprised me a sweet little fancy folded card I spied on her blog. now I have the pattern to create my own...Once back from England, I want to start making fancy folded cards. .
Now...I am closing with a very scary photo indeed...a photo of my desk like you have never seen it before. I am packing up stash for the lake...trying to do card and scrapbook kits to take. I had to haul out a ton of, no, I mean kit them up! In the meantime, there are envelopes from the ATC swap that need addresses put in my book, stamps that need given to the family stamp collector, cards to finish up, treasured stash that needs put away and  a basket of stamps that need recorded and filed away. Phew!
Just in case you missed is a close up of the mess!!!

Monday 17 June 2013

Christmas Card Club - the catch up version

Margaret at Dutchess chose the theme Father Christmas for our last challenge at Christmas Card Club. I finally have my card ready, sorry about that Margaret. Sometimes it seems, life just gets in the way!

This was another fun card to do. I tend to make my fancy/schmancy cards earlier in the year. Once the good weather comes, the garden beckons, the lake calls and I seem to run out of hours in the day! Simpler cards seem to fit the ticket at this time of year.

I got the "Merry & bright" sentiment when the local scrapbook store moved to a new address. It was part of that same move when I got the "chalkboard card" items.. I am not sure the of the DP used for the sentiment papers as this was another package of snippets for $1.50 or so. I just liked the bright, fun look of it and designed my card around it. This is the last of this paper line in that package, so methinks a visit to the Playground is in order. I visited so late last week that I had to turn the skipping rope the whole time...I was too late to get a turn to jump!
Luckily, the Carta Bella Merry and Bright paper pad seems to match the sentiment DP. I added some K and Co. Santa in his sleigh and a cute little female reindeer...I have named her Rudolphina...those pink horns are just too cute! I toyed with the idea of adding a red diamond to her nose but then decided...that is Rudolph's gig...Rudolphina wears her colour on her horns...she knows where to draw the line!!!

The never ending package of dollar store snowflakes have made an appearance and just a touch of bling has finished it all off.

Card and Envelope - from my stash (Michaels Recollections white 5 1/2 'square textured card).
DP Carta Bella Merry and Bright
Diecuts - from my stash (K and Co)
Snowflakes - from my stash (Dollar Store)
Bling -  from my stash. (Dollarama)I managed to polish off the package of red teensy diamonds on this card and the card on the previous post!

I am entering this card in the following challenges
1. Pixies Crafty Workshop - must use snippets
2. CHNC Extra - Always Anything Goes but must be Christmas
3. Christmas Card Club - Father Christmas
4. MFP Speedy TV Christmas Card Challenge - must be Christmas
5. Sister Act - Always Anything Goes
6. Simon Says Stamp - Transport
7. CRAFTChallenge - Christmas
8. CHNC - Frame

Sunday 16 June 2013

Christmas Card Club - Baubles

This fortnight Kerry of  KAYC666 chose the theme of baubles. What a fun theme! I love to decorate my tree and when the girls were still at home, we had two trees!

This card is for one of my younger I chose those Owl themed Christmas paper. The ladies I crop with are all the age of my daughters so they keep me young!  I even liked the words Jolly Holiday in the swirl beside the owls, so I kept that as my sentiment.
I don't know why but the colour is off a bit. The background paper is sort of lime green and the larger bauble is red and link!
I covered all the little baubles on the tree with small red diamonds. Not sure if I should have added more of them on the little dots beside the swirls. I didn't want to take away from the pretty 3D ornaments so I exercised restraint!

Card and Envelope - from my stash, originally Michaels 5 1/2 square textured card
DP - Carta Bella 6 x 6 Merry and Bright
Ornament Embellishments - K and Co ( from my stash)
Bling - from my stash (I managed to use the last of these teensy red diamonds...I will miss them
String - from my stash (via the thrift shop)

I am entering this card in the following challenges
1. Pixies Crafty Workshop - must use snippets. The diamonds and the silver string  were my only snippets!
2. CHNC Extra - must be Christmas
3. Christmas Card Club - baubles
4. MFP Speed TV Christams Card Challenge - must be Christmas
5. 52 Christmas Card Throwdown - Christmas Ornaments
6. Sister Act Challenge - Always Anything Goes
7. Holly Jolly Christmas - Christmas Ornaments
8. C.R.A.F.T. Challenge - Christmas

Friday 14 June 2013

Mermaids Are Calling

In keeping with my beach/water themes, I have been working on some Mermaid cards. I am not adding a sentiment yet as they could be used for a variety of occasions. I think most will be birthday cards but they would also make a great "just swimming by to say Hello" card.

I make cards for my daughters and I so think some of these will end up going home with them too. Little Miss C has  also made some mermaid cards...once I am home again I will feature a couple of hers as well! 

I made this one at my neighbour's house , the night before I left for my Mums. Although I can craft up at the
RV, I can't post the photos of the finished work as the laptop up there has damaged USB ports:(  Lots of odds and sods are being used up on these cards...I basically have my entire entire water/sea themed drawer with me! Hope you don't get too tired of my water theme... 

The starfish and the sand dollar have been run through embossing folders. I threw the packaging away long before I started blogging. I think the EF used for the sand dollar is  Provocraft 's Swiss Dots but not sure of the name of the starfish one. If anyone knows, would you mind to leave it in the comments and I will update the recipe!


Card and Envelope - Michaels Recolections brand Kraft corrugated
Cardstock - from stash
Bling - from stash...pearls and aqua diamonds
Stamp - Stampendous Mermaid
Stamp - JoAnne's Studio G  shell stamps
EF - unknown 
Fish net - a scrap of hairnet from the dollar store. Fishnet stocking from the dollar store work too!
Ink - Colourbox  Roan for shading edges, and Momento tuxedo black for image
Copics - various

I am entering this card in the following challenges:
1. Pixies Crafty Workshop - must use snippets
2. Crafting Muskateers - Use a stamped image
3. Freshly Brewed Designs - Mermaids, faities, fantasy
4.  Sister Act Challenge  - Always Anything Goes
5. Totally Papercrafts Friday Challenges -  Feeling Blue #171
6. Shelly's Image -  TTT challenge Beach Theme
7. Southern Girls - Punch it out, Die cut or punched shape
8. Bearly Mine Designs - Anything Goes

Tuesday 11 June 2013

It's mostly a guy thing!

Many of you know that I walk the kids up to the school twice a week....Little Mr P doesn't start kindergarten till September so we walk back to the house and stay together till his Daddy gets home just after lunch.

Now that DH is retired he has learned the joy of the random conversations we have on these little walks. We have discussed house maintenance., science, snow shoveling, leaf raking, birds and their sounds, playing, sports, and a realm of other topics. We let them chose the topics and it is a blast to hear their points of view!

Little Mr P has started discussing boat motors and the difference in the speed the boat is capable of with various horsepower. He seems to have a great understanding of numbers...he can add and subtract in his head and apparently understands speed and horsepower. Yesterday, he had a long conversation with DH about how his Dad's "tinny" has a 3 horse and a ten horse motor...and that makes the boat go very slow...
He explained that his Dad's boat was just a fishing boat due to this.
He then went on to elaborate on the difference between DH's  speedboat and another's friends speedboat.  The friend has a secondary, small motor to allow him to fish (slow) or use the big motor to tow a water skier...He advised DH to purchase a secondary motor like this as the lack of such a quiet, slow motor was what was causing DH to be consistently skunked at fishing!!! He followed this up with a fishing lesson of how to play the rod in small bobbing motions to entice the fish.

Poor DH...he feels bad enough that he didn't have any luck out on the lake last year...then Little Miss C pipes up with a promise to share all the fish she catches with him, when she goes on her yearly camping/fishing trip with the Dad's this summer!!! All the Dad's their circle of friends rent cabins at a  fishing lake and they take their kids up to fish and fish some more,...and the kids love it...boys and girls.

So this card is for DH on Fathers Day...but as you may have noticed. from the sentiment, it has a twist...

This year we are having a non traditional Fathers Day. We are having our daughters and the grandkids join us at the end of June for a camping/fishing trip up at the lake  Getting the whole family together for family "do's" can be difficult. Everyone has busy lives and commitments, so when we have a date that works for all of us, we make it work! We will celebrate Fathers Day while we are all together up there.

Our girls will be giving him Fathers Day cards so I thought I would give him this one as a  Happy Retirement card. Although he has been finished with work since Oct 1, was his first official day of retirement! I will save it and give it to him on Fathers will solve that "I'm not your father" comment he always makes to me when I hand him his card!!!
sorry about the funny yellowish  cast...I was rushing to hit the road for my mini vacation and couldn't get rid of glare...I used the flash and got the funny is actually a Kraft card.

As soon as I saw the photo downloaded to this post, I could see I needed to place some sort of  coloured mat behind the fisherman's hat. I am thinking the red or blue shades that are on the fish hooks. I think it will help the hat stand out more on the card.  While I am still up here at the lake, I can't post any new pictures of the corrected matted version , but thought I would share the card anyway!

No recipe today as I don't have the stamp or sentiment stamps up here to ID...I will update later with a recipe once I am home and have a chance to retake the photo with the new coloured mat!

Friday 7 June 2013

Water themes

I have pulled out baskets of supplies to make a series of water themed cards.
I will be going to visit my Mum and then up to the RV so my crafting needs to be compact and well planned.

Into the box I have placed some ivory and some white card packs, mermaids and other water themed images I have already coloured, pads of matching papers, twine, die cuts of shells, fish, and other sea and water themed elements, jute, string, chalk, hair nets, coarse cheesecloth, and finally card stock  I have even packed in some ribbon of various colours and types, and a couple of charms! .

Hopefully it is enough to keep me busy and allow me to get some cards finished. I have an extra tool tote that I take...just slightly smaller than my big tote. They are the same colour so they don't look so bad when they are stored side by side in my scrap room during the winter...but in the summer the smaller tote lives at the lake. I have duplicates of all my basic tools in it so then can just leave that bag up there all summer.

All my paper supplies and embellies have to fit in an area about the size of a standard box of photocopy paper. There is room just beside that for my cutter and tool tote. All of this slides into a cupboard in the living room of the RV. It must be put away every night and dragged back out if  I wish to create again.

So I have agonized over the contents, put things in and taken them out again and finally I think I am finished with that basic part.. I just have to emboss some card stock sheets and die cut some frames and  borders, stamp my sentiments and then I am done!

Creating this way really hits home the need to have a clear mandate of what you need to accomplish. I need to know if I will be creating Birthday cards or Thank you's, Anniversary or Sympathy all sentiments need to be stamped and die cut before I leave.

I did a trail run this am and made a card up from those supplies...more just to check and see if I had everything I needed. It is a birthday card for my son in law...Hope he likes it! Sorry about the terrible photo...the Happy Birthday is stamped properly...I chalked it and now it seems the camera does not focus on it properly. No time to retake it now!
As you can see,  I tore the Kraft paper for the beach. I see on Pinterest that it is now in style to cut the paper into a series of curves and layer them...but I learned (well over a decade ago) to make sandy beaches and sand dunes by tearing paper and it does not look right to me unless I do it that way!

Card base and envelope from my stash (5 1/2x5 1/2 square)
Cardstock -Kkraft from my stash  (snippet)
DP - cloud paper was a snippet from my stash, ID strip long gone
Die cuts - Palm tree, seagull and shells from my stash (originally K and Co.)
Stamp - Sentiment Inkadinkado 130609
Chalk - Stampin' Up brown  -

I am entering this card in the following challenges
1. Pixies Crafty Workshop - must use snippets
2. Crafty Sentiments - Something Fishy
3. Papertake Weekly - anything goes
4. Sister Act - always anything goes
5. Gingerloft Challenge - Creatures of the Sea (my starfish)

Tuesday 4 June 2013

WOYWW 209 ATC's the unveiling

It is time again to join Julia over at Stamping Ground for another week of WOYWW. Come peer into the heady world of just what is on creative desks...desks of crafters all around the globe!
Last week was so much fun. So much energy, and camaraderieship was evident as I worked my way through the blog roll. I tried very hard to visit every desk...but only got around to 125 blogs!  I had some difficulty with a couple of blogs who didn't allow me to leave a comment unless I signed up to be in someones circles.

If I missed you I am took all week to visit who I did manage to get to. I saw so many fabulous ATC's. I learned that special stamps exist to record the deets (who knew!) and learned that some people (you know who you are)  created very lovely holders to protect their ATC's in the mail,.and then made their envelopes into works of art as well!

Now we have 12 months to plan our next ones. I sent off my very first ATC's...I had never taken part previously as I was up at the lake with no internet last year.
I was so lucky the dates worked for me this year and I learned a lot about what to do next time and also what not to do!!!. I think mine were a little too contrived and would like to try something more "Arty" next year! I know it will be fun to plan them ahead!

I made eleven ATC's in all. I had two themes and within each theme the ATC's were quite similar..with a few slight differences. Alas, I did not take a pictures of them all laid out! Silly me, I popped them into their envelops and mailed them off. tout suite! I have one of each theme that I managed to remember to photograph...perhaps some people I sent to may take a picture of what they received.

I managed to make my ATC's with scraps of old scrapbooking projects and stash I alrady owned! That made me happy:)

My first smaller theme was WOYWW4 Creativity Blooms. I made 4. Here is a sample.. I stamped a flower on the back of the teensy envelope.

I learned a couple of things as I made the bloom series
1. Do any finely detailed stamping  on your background before embossing it!
2. Large stamped words look better stamped over the embossing.
3. After embossing the backgrounds get a bit crooked...they look a bit askew.
4. Smooshing and swirly those small pieces of paper through TH Distress stains make your finger very mucky!
5. Smooshing and swirling makes the back of the ATC backrounds mucky!
6. Cutting another ATC and glueing the two layers together gives a nice clean back.
7. Inking the edges of the glued layers helps hide the join line of the layers.
8. Investing in some thin surgical type rubber gloves would be a wise investment.
9. Investing in an ATC details stamp would be a lovely luxury but downloading a free version and running the backs  through the printer BEFORE you glue them together would be a good alternative.

I am entering the Bloom Series ATC in the following challenges
1. Pixies Crafty Workshop - must use snippets.
2. Papertake Weekly - Anything goes
3. Kraft Journal - Make it Monday ; Clean and Simple - must use kraft

My second theme was WOYWW Spans Sea to Sea. There were different types of seahorses used on these...There were a couple of really pretty silver delicate looking ones...yep, you guessed it...they were the ones that escaped B4 I thought to take the camera out.
Instead, I have this sample...
On this series, I was reminded of something I already knew...that often Canadians, and most often a certain lady with concussion related problems, take instructions very literally. Julia mentioned that if you could work WOYWW4 into your card in some way, that would be great.
 I think I kind of took away from my ATC's by hand writing this onto the pattern of the embossing folder... I was not happy with the look so gave my ATC's a liberal dose of sparkly shimmer spray to try and tone it down.
I finished inking and spraying and realized that I was just stuck with it on them and needed to just live with it.
I turned them over and started drawing the lines for the details...then it hit me...I didn't need to draw it on the front as it was in the deets. Duh!

Hope you enjoyed this little peek into my foray with ATC.s. I really liked making them and am planning next years already!!!

P.S.  I will be away 2 weeks visiting my Mum and then up to the lake. Won't be able to open my mail or access my post for 2 weeks so will show the ATC's that I receive on June 19th.. Just don't want anyone to think I am being rude in not thanking you for so long...

I am entering these Sea inspired ATC's in the following challenges:
1. Pixies Crafty Workshop - must use ATC backs and fronts as well as the little pieces of kraft cardstock  were all  made from my snippetts drawers.Hope they qualify Di...I am trying for that lucious water droplets so need all the entries I can muster this busy week!
2. Crafty Sentiments Designs - Something fishy
3. Gingerloft Challenge - Critters of the Sea
4. Papertake Weekly - Aything goes