
Tuesday 11 June 2013

It's mostly a guy thing!

Many of you know that I walk the kids up to the school twice a week....Little Mr P doesn't start kindergarten till September so we walk back to the house and stay together till his Daddy gets home just after lunch.

Now that DH is retired he has learned the joy of the random conversations we have on these little walks. We have discussed house maintenance., science, snow shoveling, leaf raking, birds and their sounds, playing, sports, and a realm of other topics. We let them chose the topics and it is a blast to hear their points of view!

Little Mr P has started discussing boat motors and the difference in the speed the boat is capable of with various horsepower. He seems to have a great understanding of numbers...he can add and subtract in his head and apparently understands speed and horsepower. Yesterday, he had a long conversation with DH about how his Dad's "tinny" has a 3 horse and a ten horse motor...and that makes the boat go very slow...
He explained that his Dad's boat was just a fishing boat due to this.
He then went on to elaborate on the difference between DH's  speedboat and another's friends speedboat.  The friend has a secondary, small motor to allow him to fish (slow) or use the big motor to tow a water skier...He advised DH to purchase a secondary motor like this as the lack of such a quiet, slow motor was what was causing DH to be consistently skunked at fishing!!! He followed this up with a fishing lesson of how to play the rod in small bobbing motions to entice the fish.

Poor DH...he feels bad enough that he didn't have any luck out on the lake last year...then Little Miss C pipes up with a promise to share all the fish she catches with him, when she goes on her yearly camping/fishing trip with the Dad's this summer!!! All the Dad's their circle of friends rent cabins at a  fishing lake and they take their kids up to fish and fish some more,...and the kids love it...boys and girls.

So this card is for DH on Fathers Day...but as you may have noticed. from the sentiment, it has a twist...

This year we are having a non traditional Fathers Day. We are having our daughters and the grandkids join us at the end of June for a camping/fishing trip up at the lake  Getting the whole family together for family "do's" can be difficult. Everyone has busy lives and commitments, so when we have a date that works for all of us, we make it work! We will celebrate Fathers Day while we are all together up there.

Our girls will be giving him Fathers Day cards so I thought I would give him this one as a  Happy Retirement card. Although he has been finished with work since Oct 1, was his first official day of retirement! I will save it and give it to him on Fathers will solve that "I'm not your father" comment he always makes to me when I hand him his card!!!
sorry about the funny yellowish  cast...I was rushing to hit the road for my mini vacation and couldn't get rid of glare...I used the flash and got the funny is actually a Kraft card.

As soon as I saw the photo downloaded to this post, I could see I needed to place some sort of  coloured mat behind the fisherman's hat. I am thinking the red or blue shades that are on the fish hooks. I think it will help the hat stand out more on the card.  While I am still up here at the lake, I can't post any new pictures of the corrected matted version , but thought I would share the card anyway!

No recipe today as I don't have the stamp or sentiment stamps up here to ID...I will update later with a recipe once I am home and have a chance to retake the photo with the new coloured mat!


  1. Sounds like you have some stimulating conversations on those school runs Maureen.

    Our grandchildren are much the same although it's a car journey for us as we live in the middle of nowhere (not that I would have it any other way).

    As for retirement, not a concept or option that has occurred as yet, but hubby is always adamant it won't happen even when the time comes. We will see.

    Have a good say, oh nearly forgot, perfect Fathers Day card. On that subject, isn't it strange that most of the world seems to celebrate it in June, yet Mothers Day different all over.

    B x

  2. Oh I do love to hear children talk, they have such opinions on everything!! Have a great time at the lake with the family and hope your husband likes hie retirement card - I do! Christine xx

  3. I love your story and the card! My DH and I keep 2 of our grandsons and they are a constant source of entertainment! Here they come....

  4. Wow, I loved reading your post about the walks with the grandchildren. They sound very inquisitive and I would have loved to seen your DH's face on some of those Your card is wonderful, I love the netting. How thoughtful of you to make him a card. Hugz, joann

  5. I hope your hubby has some lucky this summer catching some fish! What a great Father's day card and love how you've done the netting. Enjoy your lake time with your family at the end of this month.


  6. Adorable card, Maureen, and SUCH an adorable story of Mr. P and the family fishing traditions. I'm telling you, grandkids are the true "gifts" that life gives us, if we are blessed with them. It's too bad we are too busy being stressed by life to really note all the amazing things our own kids did, no doubt, when they were little. It's just a fact - at least it was that with me. So having the twinks in our life at a time when we can listen and watch has been so amazing and sharing your adventures with your grands is amazing, too! Thank you.

    Happy retirement to DH and better luck fishing this year!! xxoo Darnell

  7. Great post, I love conversations with my 10 year old Grandson.. Great card..Love the whole design... Hugs May x x

  8. Isn't it lovely when you can just let the little ones chat away? My grandson, aged 5, is a great problem solver. Once he has worked out the logistics of time and distance as well he is going to be very useful indeed!

    Thank you for your comments on my blog :-)

  9. lol - at the "I'm not your father" comment. Sounds like something my dh would say :)
    Such a cute card.
    And I know what you mean about getting everyone together. My husband has six siblings and I don't think we have all been together at once since his brother's wedding back in 2010.

  10. Loved your story! That little guy sounds like he is going to be a prodigy! Imagine a 5 yr old knowing all that stuff. Kids must e smarter these days than when I was his age (back in the dark ages!). I can thoroughly understand your joy at these conversations. Rightly so. On to your card: I liked the color it came out. A red mat might make it stand out more, but still very effective I think. Loved the sentiment too. On my monitor, it had a rather 'creamy' color, and thought it was very vintage looking. But now, if you tell me it was kraft, well....(STILL PRETTY! LOL). I sympathesize with the photography woes, experiencing the same myself. Looked great to me! Ya'll have a wonderful time. Hope DH will catch him some good fish. But if not, at least his grands are willing to share. Hugs & TFS for both card and story.

  11. Wonderful card, have a great time camping.

    Regards diane

  12. Fabulous card and love your post, happy that this year worked for the family to get together. Had to laugh when I read Hubby always said 'I'm not your father' when receiving a FDay card from you. That is exactly what mine say's every year or 'You're not my Mother' when none is forthcoming on Mother's Day. All in good humour of course.

  13. That Little Mr. P sounds like quite a character. LOL I get the "I'm not your father" comment too. hee hee. Hope you have a nice trip and I'm sure your DH will appreciate all the inference on your great card. Happy weekend!

  14. How wonderful that you can take a family camping trip like that. We've done similar things with my siblings and families. They are treasured times for sure.

  15. such a fun card for your DH, and I'm glad you have a relaxing weekend in store to celebrate father's day :)

  16. Those conversations sound like such fun! DH & I go for walks & it seems to spark off all sorts if odd discussions!
    Debs x

  17. what a gret blog, I love the story to go along with the card. hope I get grandkids one day!

    red or black would look great under the hat but its a fab card as it is.


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