
Tuesday 18 June 2013

WOYWW # 211 Home is where the ATC is

Wednesday  is finally here...the day to peek into all the creative desks around the world. Pop by Julia's at Stamping Ground if you would like to take a peek as well...but be sure to leave her a comment as she hosts this whole snoop!

Finally got home from the lake and my mailbox was very full of tiny envelopes, arty envelops and some large envelopes...What's a girl to do but rip them open!!! Aaaaahhhhhh!
None of this home and heart business for sure...Home is where the ATC is.

Here they are, in all their glory. I have placed the envelope beside a couple of them as the envelope is a work of art too! I still have one to fly across the pond, but I must say I am delighted with these teensy works of art on my table.
Here they are individually:

First is Marit of Marit's Paper World. Not sure if you can see the lovely black stitching...but it is very effective on this ATC. The envelope was a fab surprise! I have put her business card over my address!
Next up is Neet  of Hickydorums who drew my name...Hers is a surprise too, as it has two sides and a gorgeous shimmery envelope to protect it.
Here is the flip side
Now we have Sandra of Sand Castles In The Air. She sent one of her first forays into Zen with colour. I chuckled at the bristol board protector she tucked into her envelope! I have set her ATC on the board to share it with you.
Buttons at Pushing The Right Buttons sent this lovely inky, embossed ATC. It has glimmers of metallic verdigris.
Ria  of Ria Gall sent this cheery hot air balloon. It has such a feeling of motion!
Caro at  Caro Crafts and Life sent this fun jeliplate creation...It has a very sweet poem she penned just for WOYWW4   (on the back).
Vickie at Crafting Vicky sent a purrfic hug with this sweet kitty. She has a wonderful stamp on the back to record the deets!
and Sarn at Stamping for Pleasure sent this lovely inky ATC with one of my fave images on it.She surprised me a sweet little fancy folded card I spied on her blog. now I have the pattern to create my own...Once back from England, I want to start making fancy folded cards. .
Now...I am closing with a very scary photo indeed...a photo of my desk like you have never seen it before. I am packing up stash for the lake...trying to do card and scrapbook kits to take. I had to haul out a ton of, no, I mean kit them up! In the meantime, there are envelopes from the ATC swap that need addresses put in my book, stamps that need given to the family stamp collector, cards to finish up, treasured stash that needs put away and  a basket of stamps that need recorded and filed away. Phew!
Just in case you missed is a close up of the mess!!!


  1. You got some cool atcs there. Next year I'll be better prepared to make more to swap
    Bridget #1

  2. I don't see a mess, I see all those wonderful little boxes full of treasures!! Fab ATCs you've received. Happy WOYWW! Nan G #3

  3. I think your desk is actually cleaner then mine....and I haven't even been creating, lol.
    Those ATC's are gorgeous. They are all so different but all so beautiful

  4. Those are some pretty awesome ATCs! It's funny to see mine along side lol. That desk is not messy!!! It's creative ;)



  5. What a fabulous collection of ATCs you have there and the desk doesn't look too bad for someone who is making kits... or I am a really messy kit maker!! LOL Annette #9

  6. Your desk looks great!! Love the jars at the back and the colours! What fantastic ATC's you have received!! What talented people there are out there :-). Thanks for showing us. Happy WOYWW.
    Janene #12

  7. What a treat it must have been to get home from the lake and find lots of mail. You sure got a lot of atc's and I guess we should call it treasure.
    So it is now time to forage on your desk and see what you have hidden under some of the papers. Happy times.
    Hugs, Neet 16 xx

  8. Oh, my heavens, Maureen, that is not a "mess" by some standards! You can whip that into shape quickly. Thank you for sharing all those beautiful and creative ATCs! You are well loved! Happy WOYWW and have a wonderful week! Darnell #20

  9. Well, aren't you just the luckiest gal on the planet. What awesome ATCs and fun envies that you can use in art. Happy WOYWW from # 17.

  10. Lots going on here... How nice to come back and find all those tiny little envelopes waiting for you....... You sure got some nice ATC s from people
    Jackie 30

  11. I can't bear to go away without vital crafting supplies either. I think I'd just sit and stare all day at those jars filled with loveliness! Gorgeous ATC's to come home to. Hugs. Pam#38

  12. Gorgeous ATCs!! And I LOVE a busy, messy desk!!
    Happy WOYWW and have a great week :)
    no. 32

  13. You realyl did get some lovely ATCs from fellow WOYWWers! Your desk does not look too bad at all, love that card with the lattice border that I can spy - very pretty. Happy WOYWW, Hugs, Anne x #51

  14. What a desk! Hope you got it all sorted to take with you. Love the atc's - very nice. Helen 31

  15. You got some lovely ATC's how nice to come home to that little lot waiting for you.
    Showing us a great desk today lots of stash out that we could have a play with
    Have a great WOYWW and enjoy the rest of your week
    Ria #47

  16. Wow! These are great! What a lovely homecoming! You're right in some cases even those envelopes were a work of art. Happy creating now you're home! Julie Ann xxx#65

  17. Love a messy Desk. I don't know why but I do. Love the ATC as well.

  18. What a great collection of ATC's Maureen and what a super idea for getting creative.

    B x

  19. Ah Mo, your idea of a mess is trumped by mine today, huh! Still love the sight of your desk, feel I could come in and sit down and make a start without hesitating! Have a fab time at the Lake, am a little bit jealous!

  20. what wonderful ATC all works of art thanks for sharing them with us all,. LOL great photos of your desk too ,that's a lot going on and I'm loving having a good look at everything.. no doubt you will take too much stash!.. have a wonderful time Andrea#104

  21. What wonderful ATC's you have on your desk to share this week.. WOYWW people are such a clever lot.. Love your stash of all your pretty flowers.
    Happy WOYWW
    Sandy :) #59

  22. Hi Mo - the ATC's are fabulous and your desk looks fine to me - love your "embellishment" storage - Happy WOYWW Mxx #110

  23. That's a great "warts and all" desk there Mo! I love the close up of the mess just in case we couldn't see it all, lol!! Beautiful atc's, you'll have to find somewhere to display them in your craft room. Have fun at the lake.

    Brenda 112

  24. Wow! What wonderful ATC's you received! Your desk is so spacious too and just right for getting inspired. How do you decide what to take with you?!!!!! Enjoy!

  25. Those are wonderful ATC's and I love the mess on your desk.

    Have wonderful week, Happy WOYWW. xx

  26. Some super ATCs, really lovely. Your desk doesn't look bad, 5 minutes and it would be sorted:)

    Happy WOYWW Susi #85

  27. Amazing ATCs and your desk can't look messy with all those adorable jars of loveliness. BJ#55

  28. Gorgeous ATCs there and so nice to see mine alongside the other works of art. Your desk is looking most unlike it usually does, but what fun! Thanks for sharing. Happy WOYWW. Caro x (#137)

  29. You've rec'd some fabulous ATC's. Your desk isn't messy at all. Love all those flowers you have. happy crafting #26

  30. My desk looked like that yesterday LOL took me ages to tidy up today! love the ATC's :) lots of huggles Sue xx

  31. What a great collection of ATCs! Very cool

    That desk - well, that's not how my desk looks (it's totally empty), but the rest of the house......

    I'm not participating this week but wanted to pop in to visit.

    Happy WOYWW

  32. I love all the ATC's and your desk looks very clean compared to Hugz, joann

  33. What some gorgeous ATCs! Your desk looks interesting with all your little storage boxes!
    Have a happy week
    Lynda B #41

  34. I thought I left you a comment earlier. You are very well liked AND have some fabulous ATCs. Have a super WOYWW from #17.

  35. Gorgeous ATCs,and a gorgeous desk too!

    Happy WOYWW!

    Cazzy x #147

  36. Your desk looks just as it should! Pretty ATCs, you did well! Have a great week - Lucy #34 x

  37. Lovely lot of atcs, thank you for sharing them all--and that envie is fab, indeed!

    #152, late to the party, but back!

  38. All those ATCs are so cool! I love the mess on your desk and looks like you have some fun projects going on


  39. Me again! Just wanted to say thanks so much for the buffet and hutch comment! Really great idea. I may have to put a pre-fab type conservatory in the garden; thinking about it for after the kitchen is done! xxx Julie Ann

  40. Mess? I call it a treasure trove of crafty goodies!!!!
    xxx Asha

  41. Just lifting my jaw off the floor!!! That is amazing! Elegant indeed! Thank you for sending the link! Don't worry, I never suspected you of stalking me! Been kind of FB stalked actually, but that's another story!!! You're selling me this hutch idea! Will give it some thought! xx Julie Ann

  42. Wowsers, Maureen, you got some show-stoppin' ATC's from the WOYWW ladies. I had to close my jaw, just scrolling down. Each one got better & better'er. How wonderful to get such treasures in the mail when you returned from the lake. Your desk still looks cleaner than mine does. I'm playing catchup all week. Trying to get 'round to visit some wonderful blogs. A relaxing, enjoyable way to end the week. TFS & Hugs.

  43. Wonderful array of ATC's and your desk looks fascinating, so many goodies!

  44. Wow - you got a lovely collection of ATCs Mo. Okay, so your desk is a little cluttered, but behind it looks all neat and pretty storage.

    Happy Lake time!

    Sarn xxx

  45. superb atc's Maureen what fun it has been and love the stash won in the post above too!
    Great work on hard subject for your card there too, Shaz in Oz.x #29


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