
Friday 21 June 2013

Candy and a card

I was lucky enough to win one of the blog candy surprise packs from Joann at Sassy Raggedy. Lucky me! Thank you so much Joann!!!
Along with some lovely scalloped square card and envelopes, I also won these treasures.

There were stickers, die cuts, Xmas stamps, and even some charms! As soon as I opened these pink glittered butterflies, I knew I wanted to make a Sympathy card for my card basket. They are always sad cards to make, but I feel easier to make some ahead and have in on hand.

I just layered some of the differeent  dies and embellishments that I won and placed them on a snippet of heavily glittered  black wedding paper. I kept it really simple and will add a sentiment later. I like to pick something appropriate to the receiver of my card.
My photo is fairly wonky..sorry about has made the elements look a bit crooked...they are OK IRL but this is a scheduled post as we are at the lake, so I can't take a new photo.
No recipe as I have no idea of the manufacturers...these items were bundled unwrapped to keep the postage down...that is the fun thing about blog candy...there are many surprises!
The black background hearts entwined paper is a scrap of wedding themed DP I had left over from the wedding album I made to take to England. Our cousins son married a lovely girl who shares a love of making cards and jewelry! She sent over the wedding photos CD so I just had to put them to paper!

I will be entering this card into the following challenges.
1. Pixies Crafty Workshop - must use snippets
2. Sister Act Card challenge - Always Anything Goes
3. Dutch Dare Card Challenge - Something that starts with the letter B
4. Rhedd and Rosie's Challenge Blog - #9  Take flight
5. Word Art Wednesday - #85


  1. Hi Mo - I also find creating sympathy cards difficult and tend to make them when they are not required.. so much easier... this one looks lovely - I usually go with very sombre colours but this is nice... Mxx

  2. Beautiful sympathy card, love the colour! What a fabulous win for you, an early Christmas!

  3. Well done on the win Maureen and I can see you put it straight to work with a very delicate card.

    Have a good weekend.

    B x

  4. A perfect sympathy card Mo, and what a fabulous haul of goodies you were sent!

    Raining in the Playground right now - put your wellies on!

    Hugs, Di xx

  5. Fab card Hun, thank you for joining in Rhedd and Rosie's challenge, good luck Hun, Zoe DT xx

  6. Super sympathy card here Mo. I try and have one or two to hand as well. xxx

  7. Lovely card, they are not always easy to do. I do love the colours and the butterfly.

    Thank you for joining our challenge at Rhedd & Rosie Challenge Blog. Hope we see your work again.

    Moira DT.

  8. A Sympathy card I think is one of the most difficult cards to make...your card is stunning,a lovely layout and the colour choice is gorgeous...loving the Butterfly.

    Thank you for joining in with our challenge over at Rhedd & Rosie's
    Sandie x (owner & head Dt)

  9. Your card is lovely and I am so glad you enjoy everything. Hugz, joann

  10. Hi hon! Don't worry about clicking on the wrong picture. We can still access your blog post and you're still entered in the challenge. SO nice of you to share with us, and I hope that you will continue to share your lovely projects with us.
    Have a blessed week!
    Word Art Wednesday

  11. Congratulations on your win. It is so much fun to get things and use them. This card is going to bring a wonderful message of caring at a very distressful time.
    Thank you for sharing this fabulous art, the end result of your super sweet creativity, with us again this week.
    Abundant Blessings,
    Carole Robb Bisson
    Word Art Wednesday

  12. Beautiful card Mo and congrats on your candy!!! huggles Sue xx

  13. Lovely card there Mo. I too hate to make sympathy cards when needed and rather make them ahead of time.

  14. It is a beautiful sympathy card Mo and what a great win - well done! Hugs, Anne x

  15. You're right - sympathy cards are the hardest to make & feel like it is 'adequate'. Yours is so pretty, it's bound to comfort. Great use of your 'winnings', and Congrats to you by the way! Way to go! Had to smile at your 'crooked' comment. Made me feel like I'm not the only one who ever has that problem! Looks straight when I see thru the camera lens, then when I go to publish it, I see all the glaring boo-boo's. But I try to fess up & hope folks will like it anyway. Hugs, TFS & happy Sunday.

  16. Congrats on your goodies :)
    You won some wonderful products.
    I agree with you on making the sympathy cards ahead of time..makes sense, but I still don't do it. I should take your advice.
    Your card is very sweet.

  17. Beautiful sympathy card Mo. Great selection of goodies there too.
    Happy crafting, hugs Erika.


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