
Monday 1 February 2021

January Rudolph Days Challenge winner

For our first callenge of 2021, we had a really good turnout! 56 entries and what lovely cards they all were. I have been around to visit you all and had a great
time viewing all the cards.

There were two blogs I could not manage to visit. They were Flicker account submissions.

I am not sure why, but I could not find any comment button to click on. Yet there must have been one as both had some comments already.

So, if you did not get a comment from me, check your flicker account and make sure it is set to accept comments from all (if it allows you that choice).

I would like to add that both entries were lovely Christmas cards.

I used random Org to draw the winner which is Karen Ladd # 17. Karen, please drop me an email with your mailing address and which prize you would like.

My email is


  1. Hi Maureen,
    congrats to Karen on her win.
    They must have changed something in flicker as normally there is no problem.
    Are you getting warning signs on some bloggs that it is not safe to comment.
    I am getting quite a few from some of the european bloggs.
    Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.

  2. Woo-hoo to my crafty friend, Karen, for the win!!
    I got your comments on my Flickr account, no problem.

  3. Well done Karen! Wahoo! xx

  4. Yay for Karen Ladd! Congrats! Thanks, Maureen!

  5. Hi Maureen, Congratulations to Karen on her win, you asked on my blog about the background of patterned papers, I have one doodlebug design paper pad (6in) with one whole sheet and lots of scraps, I cut a scrap of cardstock as a matt layer and covered it in strips of the papers and cut off any over hanging bits. Have a wonderful week.... Megan

  6. Congratulations to Karen for winning the lovely prize this month. Hopefully the high turnout will continue. x

  7. Oh, what a fun way to start February with a win in the Rudolph Days challenge! Thank you so much for always keeping us on track with those Christmas cards. I'm off to email you now!

  8. Congratulations Karen.
    Kath x

  9. Congratulations Karen enjoy your win x

  10. Congrats to the winner!
    Have a great day!

  11. Congratulations to Karen. Hi to you too Maureen.

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Thanks for taking the time to leave me this message...Your comments make my day!