
Tuesday 24 July 2018

July Rudolph Days Challenge

I am sorry to say that the July Rudolph Days Challenge will not start until August 1 and will close at midnight on August 7th.

I am away on a a cruise and will be gone from home the entire month of July. I did preload the July challenge, I just managed to wipe out the post as I went to release it!

I can not seem to recapture it and I would need the photos on my computer at home to rewrite it. I am using my cousins Ipad and am a bit lost on using it.

I am back home on July 30th so will recapture or rewrite my post, and release it for August 1, 2018. Once that is done, you can enter any Christmas card or project, even those that you have already blogged since July 25th, 2018. Just go in and update your post to reflect that you are now entering your card in the July Rudolph Days Challenge. This then solves the problem of those people who made and posted their cards for my usual challenge dates. The rule of entering never before posted cards will be amended, and you can enter anything you posted between July 25th and August 7th. Whew! Hope that was a bit better than "clear as mud"...

If you have to miss this August 1st to August 7th  adjusted entry time, it shall not be counted against you in the Rudolph Days Extra Challenge. If you only miss entering the new dates for July, you will still be considered qualified for the Extra.

Once again, so sorry about this...but the good news is that you now have an extra week to make your card!


  1. I hope you're enjoying your cruise and can sort out the computer gremlins on your return!
    Kath x

  2. Then I want to wish you a happy journey, Mo! Enjoy life! I'll wait for August.
    Hugs, Liv (Swissie)

  3. oh Mo - ipad for blogging is the worst lol! Enjoy yourself L x

  4. Have a lovely vacation, enjoy your cruise!

  5. Christmas in August it is!! Enjoy your cruise. Technology sucks. HUGZ

  6. I was ready for once so I'll be ready for August 1st. Because internet is no longer live at the cottage I have to be prepared and ready to blog in the few days I'm at home or go to the dreaded wifi at Wendys (McD's has the crapiest wifi three McD's and never got the wifi to load)

  7. Happy Cruise time - enjoy! Fabulous!

  8. You just have fun on the cruise.

  9. Never mind Maureen, I hope you are having a fabulous time.
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  10. These things happen at the worst time, don't they??!! We will all be ready when you are to start a later July Rudolph. For now, just enjoy your vacation and don't give it another though. Happy Holidays! xx

  11. My favourite type of holiday, never done a month though, three weeks has been our longest. Enjoy what is left of your holiday and see you on the 1st of August.

    Kath x

  12. Congratulations on taking a cruise and I hope you are having a wonderful time! Being a week late is not a problem, but I'm delighted that you are taking some time off for YOU! Enjoy every minute Mo!!

  13. Hope you’re having a great time! Thank goodness it gives me a bit more time to make a card as crafting mojo is definitely hiding in this heatwave!

  14. Thank you for the update! I just came over to link up my card but I will do so in August, no worries at all! Have fun on your cruise!

  15. Glad you were able to get away, Maureen! I'm posting my card & will enter it when the challenge opens.

  16. Hope you are enjoying your cruise Mo!!!! Hugs, Brenda

  17. I hope you had a wonderful time!

  18. Phew, this sort of saved my bacon as I was still struggling to make any Christmas card here! I'll be back to join in on 1st August - or as soon as that post appears. Hope you're not getting a good soaking at the moment, rained all day here in Hampshire. But it's so much cooler and easier really.


    Di xx

  19. Hi Maureen,
    I missed this as my Internet keeps going down at the moment.
    One min it's working and then the next it's dropped out.
    Thought it was our problem, but apparently it's happening all over my town and they are trying to fix it.
    Good job it wasn't next month and hopefully all will be okay for then.
    Hope you have had a lovely holiday and a good rest.
    Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.

  20. Glad you had a lovely vacation! I missed the challenge in June because of our cruise to Alaska! LOL And yep, always better to be late rather than never. :-)

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