
Tuesday 25 April 2023

April Rudolph Days Challenge...finally!

Sorry for the delay with the Rudolph Challenge this month. I had a hospital appointment for a cortisteroid injection to my left shoulder on Monday. I have had this done every 18 months or so for several years. Usually, I am tender for 3-4 days and then around day 7 the steroid kicks in and significantly reduces the pain in my damaged rotator cuffs. I have always had them done through the frontish side of my shoulders and also through the back. This specialist only goes through the front of the shoulder, just above the breast and right where your bra strap connects. Even though he used the dye based method for the positioning, I have scar tissue from the shoulder injury and he could not get the correct position of the needle. He had to keep reinserting and trying over and over. As they go in till they bump the bone, it was quite painful. He appologized and said he was sorry to leave me bruised. My goodness, it is so very much more painful than the side and back method...I just could not sit to finish off the challenge post as I felt like I could not get my breath if I sat upright, and could not comfortably lift my arms to type. That will teach me to leave things to the last minute!

Our designers have been busy creating inspiration for you. First up is Sam at Whispers Cards blog Sam has made us two lovely cards. First up is this beautiful belly band card. I love this style...hopefully Sam inspires us to give this design a try too! The traditional colours look great here. Gosh, that poinsettia is so very pretty. Hope you follow the hyperlink and pop on over to Sam's and leave her some comments.
Sam's second card looks so fun. Those three penguins peeking thru the apertures catch my heart strings! Love this one Sam.
Marjeta at Marjeta's Creative Company blog has made us a lovely card too. The colouring is super and the colours are so vibrant. I am in a Christmassy mood now! Hope you will follow the hyperlink to her blog and leave her some lovely comments.

Our prize this month is this Cottage Cutz Snowy Gnome House die.

April Rudolph Days Challenge

April Ru9olph Days Challenge will start a day late due to medical issues here. I apologize for the delay!

Crafty Hugs,

Maureen aka Scrappymo

Sunday 2 April 2023

March Rudolph Days Challenge winnner

Quick catch up on Al as some of you have asked about him. He finally sees the heart specialist on April 12 to get the results of those test he had 6 weeks ago. We are praying that it shows he is well enough for the vavle repair surgery. His energy levels are still very much up and down, and currently he has something wrong in his knee and can barely hobble around. He is on a wait list for an MRI of that knee but that can take 10 or 12 months here. He has had an xray and while it does show arthritis in his hip, his knee is not arthritic. It is the leg they took the veins from for the bypass, so it is was full of stitches in the calf and thigh, after the bypass.

36 entries and every one of them were so lovely! I have visited everyone with the exception of the instagram post. I will attempt to get in to visit it today. I do not have an instagram account, but there must be a way to leave a message there anyway...

I used Random org to draw our winner, # 17, Linby.
Linby, can you please leave me an email with your mailing address?