
Tuesday 1 December 2020

Special prize draw

As usual, I am having a special prize draw for those that entered every Rudolph Challenge this year.

You will have a choice of this Paper Roses Merry and Bright die (it is a large die),

or this Poppy Believe Fresh Script die

Just leave a comment to enter your name.

Winner - November Rudolph Days Challenge

We had 62 glorious entries this month, I am so thrilled!

I have been under the weather these past few days. Not covid, but feeling poorly nne the less. I will slowly get round to visiting each and every one of you and hopefully you all of will inspire me to get the last of my own cards done!

I used random org to chose our winner, # 57 Kathy Asper.

Kathy give me an email to and let me know your address. Keep in mind that your prize will not go out till my daughter drops by to pick up the package from my front porch. She takes my mail when she takes her own, so I do not know when until she texts me to leave it out! She just picked up last months winners package!

Wednesday 25 November 2020

November Rudolph Days Challenge

Hi there. In spite of COVID, lockdowns, and all the rest, it still seems the days have sped by this year. This is our last Rudolph Challenge of 2020 and I can hardly believe it!

I am still struggling with the new blogger. I have not yet figured out how to cut and paste things from a previous the rules for this challenge! If you have any knowledge of how to get cut and paste to work, drop me a comment explaining it, please.

In the meantime, if you need to peruse the rules, they can be found on the August Rudolph Days Challenge post.

Our team has been busy creating for your inspiration. First up is Jenny at Cardsarus blog. Jenny has made this beautiful angel card. I love the combination of kraft papers, shimmery pearlescent papers, and of course the gold. They look wonderful hilighting this pretty angel image.

Jenny has made a second card. This one features decoupage (I think) and lots and lots of glistening snow! You will have to follow the hyperlink above to pop over to her blog and read how she created these beautiful cards.

Next up is Linda at Snail's Space blog. Linda has created this reaaly adorable penguin easel type card. The blue colours here are perfect for this penguin scene. I love the snowy look here. Linda raised the heart to form the stopper that allows the easel card to stay open.

Linda has created a second really cute gnome card. Gnomes are so popular this year. I have not tried one yet, but sure love this one. I like the scene she has created for the gnome to be situated in. This card really tickles my fancy!

Methinks Linda has plans for a good many gnome cards in the days ahead as she is sharing one more thing she has made up on her desk!

Our prizes this month is a choice of this Impression Obsession small snowflake die

or this Cheery Lynn Designs, Merry Christmoose die

Sunday 1 November 2020

New Month, New Theme or maybe not!

I had some problems with the new blogger format. The biggest problem had been that I could not get my posts to show paragrph format. Everything looked correct in blogger editor, but as soon as I checked in Preview mode or when I published the post, everything switched display into one large run on sentence!

This looked really silly and so I checked with the blogger help department and I see that many others have written in with the same problem. The solution seems to be that I need to hit shift and enter every time I want the end of a line to show. Ending a paragraph midline uses one shift and enter and then skipping the next line takes another shift and enter.

This is frustrating to remember each and every time you want a new paragraph. The other suggestion entered is to chose a new theme. Hence this new blog theme today.

Sadly, it did not solve the problem, so I still had to manually insert the line breaks.

I will now switch back to my old theme and continue with the manual inserts.

Just posting this info to help anyone else with run on paragraph problems.

October Rudolph Days Challenge Winner

We had 58 fabulous entries this month. I was so glad to see the entry numbers climb a bit this month! Christmas is fast approaching and we only have one month left! I enjoyed getting round visiting your blogs and commenting on your cards. I still have a few left to visit but will do that today.

We had a lovely sunny day yesterday and spent it in the garden rather than on the computer! A couple more hours back out there today, means our garden is well ready for winter. Al kept busy winterizing the boat and it is now under tarps for the winter.

As always, I used Random Org to chose our winner. The winning number is #49, Greta H. Greta, drop me an email to and let me know which prize you would like. Please include your mailing address as well.

Sunday 25 October 2020

October Rudolph Days Challenge

I have a new format this month as I am not able to post the rules due to the new blogger playing up. So, it is straight into the Rudolph Days Challenge! Our designers have been busy creating wonderful cards for your inspiration . First up is Sue at Sues Crafty Corner blog. Sue has made us this beautiful winter cottage scene, set within a gorgeous stencil. I love that beautiful colour of blue she used for the stencilled bauble design.
Best of all, Sue made multiples of this lovely design. I hope you will pop by her blog and leave her some praise. ************************************************************************** Next up is Sam at Whispers Cards blog. Sam has made us some lovely Christmas bauble cards. First up is this very pretty lavender and white card. I love the non traditional colors used here and the lovely way the baubles are all linked but slightly different!
Sam's second card is another bauble card but a fresh, new design. I love the green glimmer paper background behind that forrest of pretty tree design paper. It really sets of the beautiful die cut tree bauble. Love the gold glimmer card used here and also on the border die strip. I hope you will pop by Sam's bog and leave her some comments on these lovely cards!
My card is a simple decoupage card. The decoupage sheet was from a stack of images one of my Langley Stamp group members brought to give away. She was getting out of decoupage. IT is four layers with the addition of some slender pop dots. I coloured the edges of the flower area pop dots with a red copic pen, as they were close to the edge and I wanted them to blend in. I would try this again as I was happy with the outcome. The background DP is a snippet and the gold fine cord is from my stash. The pretty Merry Christmas is a glitter sentiment that was gifted from a blogger friend. (You now who you are and thanks again).
Here is the side view of the red pop dots.
Our prizes this month are a choice of this Tutti Designs Winter Cottage die
or this Studio Lights Stag stamp

October Rudolph Days Challenge

Rudolph Days Challenge will be posted a wee bit late today as I just managed to delete the post. I am quickly retyping it! Stay posted...

Saturday 3 October 2020

September Rudolph Days Challenge - Winner

 We had 55 wonderful entries this month. I have visited each and everyone...well almost everyone.

There is one entry that my design team and I could not comment on.  I could not find a translate button, and the Wordpress blog wanted me to join something before I could comment.  I can not join something without knowing exactly what I am joining as it may come back and be a problem later. If you are the Wordpress entry that did not get a comment, I apologize, but perhaps you can check and see if there is something you can disable in your settings to allow random comments.

I used Random Org to chose our winner. Helen #9 is our lucky winner.  Helen, please drop me an email at and let me know which prize to send you. Please include your mailing address.

Wednesday 30 September 2020

September Rudolph Days Challenge Extended

Hi there.

 I am extending the September Rudolph Challenge to midnight on Oct 2. 

I usually run the challenge with no end date and then shut it down when I draw the prize on the last day of each month. This month, I chose a close time and did not realize that I needed to declare my time zone etc, before I took that step. 

The close date option asks for your time zone so although I input the correct date and time, I did not notice that the Mr Linky system converted it to whatever time the system was set up on. Thank goodness that some of you alerted me. I have corrected the error and left the challenge open till Oct 2nd at midnight PST. 

I was so busy worrying about the new blogger style that I did not pay attention to this closure entry. It did have a window pop up and tell me to be sure I set up a time zone, but as you do that on the closure entry, I thought that was what it meant! My bad... So if you missed submitting your entry, there is still a bit of time now... Sorry to all.

Tuesday 1 September 2020

August Rudolph Days Challenge Winner

We had 50 entries and I just finished getting round to view your cards and leave you some praise.
As always, the cards were so lovely. We have such a talented group of cardmakers that enter here.

I used Random Org to choose our winner and it is #30, TinaZTreebug.

Tina, could you drop me an email to and give me your mailing address.

Tuesday 25 August 2020

August Rudolph Days Challenge.

Hi there. Once again, it is time for the Rudolph Days Challenge. Here are the rules for your perusal...

1. The Rudolph Days Challenge will start each month (January to November) on the 25th, and will close at midnight PST, on the last day of that month.
2. The theme is always Anything Goes, as long as it is Christmas.
3. One entry per person and you just need to enter one Christmas card or Christmas project.
4. You may combine your entry with other challenges (maximum of 10 in total).
5. Your card (or Christmas project) should not have been previously posted to your blog. It should be posted to your blog during the current months Rudolph Days Challenge, (between the 25th and last day of the current month)
6. Please link back to or at least mention, the Rudolph Days Challenge.
7. Please leave a comment on the challenge post.
8. The winner will be selected by random draw and announced on the first day of the following month. Prizes will be mailed anywhere in the world.

9. A special draw will be held at the end of the year, in December,  for all those who submitted a card or project every month that year, January to November.

I must warn you that there may be some delay getting the prizes mailed out. Al and I are not venturing out except to pick up our groceries.  We are still sheltering at home as we both are high risk.  Whe my daughter has time, she will mail them for me, but it has to fit into her schedule, and they do not go out much either. They both have had to work throughout the pandemic, so still limit any other ventures to enclosed spaces. All their time off is spent camping with the same few friends that practise sociall distancing as well.  They do not go inot friends homes nor have anyone in theirs...
So, when she has something to mail or pickup herself, she will post the bear with me and it will eventually get there. Currently, we are up to date on our mailing, except one, where the winner has asked me to hold onto it till Christmas time!

The design team has been busy. First up is Sam at Whispers Cards.

Sam has made this adorable Penny Black card. Is this image not the cutest thing ever! The fur on the hat looks so real!!!
I am loving all the pretty design paper here and the non traditional colours! The pink and grey is so beautiful together. 

Sam has made us a second card. I think the sentiment is wonderful here. Great to showcase it and let it take center stage.  All those presents on the design paper make me yearn for Christmas crafty presents!

I hope you will pop on over to Sam's blog and leave her some love...

Next up is Sue at Sue's Crafty Corner blog. 
Sue has created this lovely inky sky as a backdrop for this wonderful bird image. I love the soft inky colours and the pretty colours of the bird image.

Sue was very hardworking and managed to make eight of these beautiful cards! I hope you will pop over to her blog and leave her some love,,,

My card is another upcycled one.  Because the original image was so large, I made a 6x6 inch card base and added the trimmed down card front straight onto a piece of shimmery pale blue card stock by DCWV.  I hand cut two hills from white glitter card, hoping that they would look like snowbanks.
Added a glittery aqua foam snowflake that is eons old. I bought a few packages of these at my local dollar store many years ago and still have a few tucked away!  I added a small bow from some fine ivory cord, just to contrast with the more dressy look of this card...

The prize this month is this Studio Light, Winter Trails Frame Stamp. 

Sunday 16 August 2020

Christmas Card Club - Winter Scene

Mrs A at ValeryAnne Designs blog has chosen the theme of a Winter Scene for this fortnights Christmas Card Club.

We are a group of ladies who take turns choosing a theme to make a Christmas card every two weeks. This way, we have lots made by Christmas time. You can click on the hyperlinks that are on my right sideboard if you wish to see the other ladies cards.

I chose to upcycle another of the old cards my girlfriend gifted to me. Most were from the 1950s era and all with a lovely vintage feel.

This one captures a lovely winter scene...Looks like the Mom and child with the sleigh are heading over to that hill for some great sledding fun!

I fussy cut the matted scene and added it to some gold mirri card. I added a K&Co 3D poinsettia and a mistletoe spray from another K&CO set. I added a border strip of hessian ribbon across the middle of the Lily Of The Valley Krafty Christmas snowflake DP that I used for the background. I thought it added to the vintage feel....

I finished off this card by fussy cutting the sentiment from the old card and popped it up with pop dots.

Tuesday 11 August 2020


In this time of staying close to home and limiting our social contacts, thank goodness for my garden.We have made a few changes this year to accommodate the extra time we are spending out there.

Many of you are aware that about 5 years ago we downsized to a teensy sized lot and a slightly smaller house. We have tried ever since to maximize every square inch of garden space. I think we are doing a fairly good job on that part, but alas, the flower blooms themselves are not what they have been in past years!

Usually my Montana clematis has a hundred blossoms or more in the springtime. This year it had 6 or 7. A couple of months later, it bloomed again and had about 10 more blossoms. Weird!

Two other trellises that have two different  clematis each, are even worse. One trellis had one blossom and the other had....NONE AT ALL...sigh Here is a photo of last years Montana clematis

Luckily, the clematis closest to the front of the garden seems to be blooming up a storm to make up for the others. I keep a diary with a hand drawn map of what grows where in the garden. I list names of flowers and even tape the name tags (if I have them) into the book. I went to look up the name of this blooming clematis and although I have carefully taped in the tag, the name is not on the tag! And of course, I had not written down the name yet, thinking I could just rewrite it off the tag.

I chat with a couple of ladies via email and promised to post photos of my clematis and garden bed. So here they are...please remember I mentioned that I have a teensy, teensy lot! Perfect for my arthritis as I can garden and yet not tire myself out!

This is the back edge of the patio that adjoins the flower bed I showed above. As you can see, the evergreen that is in the foreground has a lot of brown needles in the bottom area of the tree.
Some of the clematis have that browning too, as well as all the ivy in my big pots and hanging baskets. I had to cut the ivy back to the ground and even then, some rusty coloured leaves grew back.
Normally, I would just take a few sample leaves into my master gardener booth at the local nursery, but not this year, with COVID. I think it is perhaps a virus of some sort, or maybe rust...


We removed some river rock edging around the lower patio and changed it over to brick patterned slabs. We needed the extra room as we added a portable hot tub. When it wears out, we will change over to a pack and play hot tub, They are sold out right now across Canada. In some cases, the factories have not yet reopened and in others the manufacturers delivery dates are running into mid October. The main factory that we want to purchase from (through Costco) is still shut down due to COVID.
This one we bought is just a cheapie, but serves its purpose well. Al has been in soaking nearly every night. It is easily maintaining 104 degrees Fahrenheit.

Luckily the patio doors to our walk out basement are right beside this tub. So it is just a few steps inside to a bathroom with a shower for a quick rinse off afterwards!

The antique looking trunk was Al's grandfathers. He bought his tools in it when he left Wisconsin to come and make a home in Canada. We are now keeping the spa chemicals in it.

The tall topiary tree in one of the large pots behind the tub, is a California lilac. We had masses of beautiful teensy blue blooms earlier in the year. I think there are still a few left in this photo...
We are going to take out the small evergreen trees you see in the other pots and replant with two more California Lilac. It is a nice way to create a visual screen between the neighbour's house and ours. An added bonus is that it keeps those glossy green leaves all winter!

We are very lucky that our neighbours are not outdoor people. We have only seen them out in their back garden once, in the last 5 years. Al always mows their grass when he does ours as the front gardens are so teensy here. It is easier to mow straight up to their sidewalk, than guess at the arbitrary line down the middle. He asked if they minded, when we first moved in and they burst into huge smiles and said they were not garden people at all and would love it. He also shovels their sidewalks when it snows, as he is out there anyway and he knows that they have to go out to work. Each Christmas, they bring us a bottle of very pricey wine, and a lovely box of chocolates. 
Here is a shot from the main sidewalk, just inside the gate to the garage..

Hope you enjoyed this little peek into my back garden!

Sunday 2 August 2020

Christmas Card Club - Nativity

It has been a few weeks since I posted a card for the Christmas Card Club Challenge. I was babying  my neck to relax and release it, so I just had not been making cards.

If you are interested in joining this club challenge, let me know. We take turns chosing the theme and we make a Christmas card every two weeks. My right sidebar has hyperlinks to the others members on them if you want to take a peak.

My Nativity  stamp is  Christmas/Noel, from Recollections, 2017. I think it is the first time I have used it...but not completely sure. I can not remember using it but wonder of that is just old age setting in!

The image was hard to stamp. I wasted a whole 8x10 sheet of Bazzill stamping paper and kept getting an image that was not crisp. I switched to Tsukineko, Versa Fine Clair, Nocturne and got a crisp image first time!
I swiped the image with soft aqua and pale lavender chalk inks. You can barely see it as I think I was a bit too cautious.

I matted the finished image with a snippet of  dark teal ombre style HunkyDory Mirri card and placed that on a piece of Best Creations Surf's Up glitter embossed paper.

This card is proof that any design paper can be used on any type of card! The A side of this paper is large aqua hibiscus flowers heavily embossed with clear glitter here and there.  Luckily, the flip side is this sunburst type design hopefully looking like the rays from the North Star.
I wiped all the edges of the DP and the mirri card with a violet chalk ink. The teal ombre Mirri card fades into a violet colour even though it hardly shows up on this card.

Another mat of the HunkyDory mirri and this card was done.   Well, almost done. I added a small aqua diamond on the star over the nativity. Of course I did not realize it was slightly crooked till I took this has since been straightened,

Saturday 1 August 2020

Winner of the July Rudolph Days Challenge

Hi there. I am so happy to say that we had 55 fabulous entries this month. I think there is always a lot of "Christmas in July" challenge themes, so perhaps that is the reason  our numbers are up a bit this month!

As always, I have used Random Org to chose our winner, #38, FT Fit Kitty

FT Fit Kitty, will you drop me an email to and give me your mailing address? I can not promise exactly when, but will send your prize as soon as I can.

Saturday 25 July 2020

July Rudolph Days Challenge

Hi there. Once again, it is time for the Rudolph Days Challenge. Here are the rules for your perusal...

1. The Rudolph Days Challenge will start each month (January to November) on the 25th, and will close at midnight PST, on the last day of that month.
2. The theme is always Anything Goes, as long as it is Christmas.
3. One entry per person and you just need to enter one Christmas card or Christmas project.
4. You may combine your entry with other challenges (maximum of 10 in total).
5. Your card (or Christmas project) should not have been previously posted to your blog. It should be posted to your blog during the current months Rudolph Days Challenge, (between the 25th and last day of the current month)
6. Please link back to or at least mention, the Rudolph Days Challenge.
7. Please leave a comment on the challenge post.
8. The winner will be selected by random draw and announced on the first day of the following month. Prizes will be mailed anywhere in the world.

9. A special draw will be held at the end of the year, in December,  for all those who submitted a card or project every month that year, January to November.

I am sad to announce that I will have to suspend mailing of gifts until things are safer here in my area. Our province has relaxed things somewhat, but are still recommending if you fit the high risk group then follow the original rules. With so many people out and about now,  it is riskier to go to the post office to have the parcels customs sticker stamped. I do have everything here at home, customs forms, stamps, scales etc, but the customs form has to be stamped by the post office. I will mail them all out once this has let up to a safe level.

Our designers have been busy.

She has made this fun slider card. Love those frolicking critters! There are some great dies here and hopefully this card inspires some of us to try a slider card!  Bring on the Merry for sure!!!
Hope you will follow the hyperlink and pop over to Linda's blog to say Hi, learn about how she made this card, and leave her some praise while you are there...

Next up is Jenny at Cardsarus blog.

Jenny has made this beautiful  winter forest silhouette against a lovely glittery background. I love the contrast here.
I hope you will click on the hyperlink and visit Jenny's blog to learn about how she made this card and leave her some praise too.

My card is a Bella image from LOTV,  coloured with pencil crayons and gamsol, I matted with a green dotted DP and matted again with a turquoise mirri card. The background DP is from Bo Bunny Christmas In The Village, and the two strips of dotted green paper are the leftover snippets from cutting the image mat. I gave them a heavy swipe of  Ocean Depth Blue, Versa Magic Chalk Ink along all the edges to make them stand out a little more against that colourfull bauble background. I even used it on the outer edge of the bauble design paper.

The Snowflake is from Hobby Lobby, and I popped a sentiment from Helz Cuppleditch's Wonderland series over that snowflake.

The prize this month is this Tutti Designs Forrest Friends Nativity die.

Sunday 5 July 2020

Snippets and a NBUS (at least I hope it is NBUS)!!!

 I have had this post all typed up since before my neck got tight and sore. Still not sitting much in my craft room, but got the photos loaded so I could release this snippets card today.

 Do you ever feel like you are drowning in snippets?  I sure do and so armed with my snippets boxes, I sat myself down to somehow use up a bunch of them.

First up, I did not have any pieces of heavy weight card stock to make larger cards, so I settled with making some random 4 to 5 inch square cards from some pieces of pale aqua Bazzil 110 lb card.

The embossed background is also a snippet that I inked up with some purple Momento chalk ink. I store embossed snippets, along with already cut full card backings in the same drawer, filed by theme.. That way I remember to use the smaller pieces. 

I used an unknown snippet of chevron DP for the border. Wish I had matted it with the aqua card as it kind of blends in too much.

That left me with the choice of smaller card fronts! I remembered a series of wee owls made with a Stampin' Up punch, that I have had for at least a couple of years now. I know I have used the blue DP owls before, but I do not remember ever using any of the other colours. Pretty darn sure the rest are NBUS. These owls are from my camping days up at the lake. I did not have room up there to bring a million tools. Just enough room for a slicer, big shot, and a very limited selection of dies.  I would always try to have pre-made embellies on hand. These punched out owls are left over from those camping days.
There are also  leafy branches in brown and in green with these sets...I think they are in one of the unopened matchboxes of owls.

I remembered that I also had leftovers of an older Stampin Up kit (maybe they count as snippets too) and decided to incorporate those as well. Finally, I used some snippets of card to cut a larger circle for the background mat. I carefully displayed them here to show you the full panels, but there are many half used sheets and I chose from those ones first. Parts of this kit are NBUS too.

I chose the Hello sentiment as I wanted the cards to be fairly generic. I think it is a Spellbinders die . Just something nice to send during these isolated times, or perhaps use for a Rudolph Prize envelope. I had these already cut out as well (from the lake camping trip stash)...

This card was perfect for snippets batch baking.  
I am only showing you one card today, but I have cut and laid out 6 more, just have to assemble them today. As you can see from the photo below, I have laid out some with butterflies as well.
Now, to just sit and assemble!

I am entering this card in the following challenges:

1. Pixies Crafty Workshop - must use snippets.
2. Darnell's NBUS Challenge - must use NBUS

Wednesday 1 July 2020

Winner of the June Rudolph Days Challenge

It is 9:45 am July 1st, and it is Canada Day here!

We have a National  holiday and my kids and grandkids are away camping.  They are sending us so many lovely campsite photos. Prior to Covid, if they camped locally, they would invite us for a meal and Al would bring the boat there to take out all the campers for a ride or a tow... how the children loved this! They do not go to ordinary campsites, they use small campsites where you rent the whole place and then invite friends and their families to join you! Usually there are 5 to 12 trailers of friends, so lots of children!

Long gone are those days. Now, we would have to let them pick up the boat, and they will have to sanitize it before returning! Luckily, my son-in-law has his boating license, so we are able to loan it to them.

I usually draw the winner at midnight on the last day of the month, but could not manage to stay awake that long! Hence the draw this morning...

We had 52 lovely entries this month. While I have looked over all of them, I am only up to number 42 in leaving comments. I will get to you all, I just find it hard to sit and type right now. Neck still pinched, but slightly better than it was...

Our winner # 28 Shaz in Oz  was chosen by Random Org.

Shaz, could you drop me an email to let me know which die you prefer and also please include your mailing address. That way, I can get it into the addressed envelope so that once I have a chance to mail the prizes,  I will have everything ready!

Although one of the rules here is that entries must leave a comment, Shaz's comments go direct to my email.  I confirmed that she did indeed leave one this month as always!.

Thursday 25 June 2020

June Rudolph Days Challenge

Hi there. Once again, it is time for the Rudolph Days Challenge. Here are the rules for your perusal...

1. The Rudolph Days Challenge will start each month (January to November) on the 25th, and will close at midnight PST, on the last day of that month.
2. The theme is always Anything Goes, as long as it is Christmas.
3. One entry per person and you just need to enter one Christmas card or Christmas project.
4. You may combine your entry with other challenges (maximum of 10 in total).
5. Your card (or Christmas project) should not have been previously posted to your blog. It should be posted to your blog during the current months Rudolph Days Challenge, (between the 25th and last day of the current month)
6. Please link back to or at least mention, the Rudolph Days Challenge.
7. Please leave a comment on the challenge post.
8. The winner will be selected by random draw and announced on the first day of the following month. Prizes will be mailed anywhere in the world.

9. A special draw will be held at the end of the year, in December,  for all those who submitted a card or project every month that year, January to November.

I am sad to announce that I will have to suspend mailing of gifts until things are safer here in my area. Our province has relaxed things somewhat, but are still recommending if you fit the high risk group then follow the original rules. With so many people out and about now,  it is riskier to go to the post office to have the parcels customs sticker stamped. I do have everything here at home, customs forms, stamps, scales etc, but the customs form has to be stamped by the post office. I will mail them all out once this has let up to a safe level.

Our designers have been busy.

First up is Sue at Sue's Crafty Corner blog.

Sue has made this beautiful Christmas card with delicate tiny fairies flying between the snowflakes. I am looking forward to Sue's blog post as although I think the fairies re Lavina stamps, I do wish to learn who makes those gorgeous snowflakes!
Pop over and leave Sue some love on this gorgeous card.

Sams first card is so darn cute. All these little pups are so eager to wish you a Happy Christmas! I think they are all so cute too. My faves are the Daschunds.  Sam sure has the perfect sentiment here!

Sam has made us a second card and I love this design style. As you look at the front of the card you see a cute snowman in an aperture,  with lots of lovely snowflake die cuts about.
When you open the card you realize that the aperture is a frame around the image which is actually sitting on the inside of the card. It is a hidden treasure!

Both of the inside pages are decorated with more of the snowflake die cuts. I love the garland ones! They go great with the snowflake circles.

No card from me today. I have had a crick in my neck for well over a week and it has made my muscles so tense that I am now in pain down to my lower back. I already take quite strong painkillers for my arthritis, and they are not budging the pain at all. I feel a good massage or two would sort me out fairly quickly, but we are still not leaving the house other than walks and to pick up the grocery order.
Hopefully, it lets up soon. 

Our prizes this month are a choice of this Memory Box Snowman Circle Collage die

or this Memory Box Watching Deer Circle die